
Sadly i used to play it quite a bit about 4-5 years ago i think my character was level 80. Then i got bored and stopped playing and when i went to go on it again a while after i forgot my password and couldnt be bothered to make another.
I played it in year 4 and 5, got to like level 22 then stopped

Username was Sirconj

but I did hack this level 90 dude
I used to love that game, gosh everyday I used to be jabbering about the prices of weapons and stuff to my mates when I was like 11 but I quit after I found FM
I use to play it when I was in college, got bored, but then I stop for some reason, might started it back up again or just let my guy rot
Anyone still playing this?... just started again cos its the hols and well I do get bored of FM at times