Safe Standing.

Agree with this, but at Wolves the weekend, and mostly other games, The south bank (behind the right goal>) stands up all game anyway, despite the attempts of stewards...

Also a argument for Safe standing, as it shows the demand for Safe standing. At the moment standing in seats is dangerous, As you can fall forwards. With Rail seats you can't. It also removes being randomly hoyed out by stewards for standing when hundreds of others are standing as well.
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If I'm not mistaken, there's standing areas in some lower league stadiums which seems reasonably successful. However last year, there was a cup match, and in one of the areas, there was an almighty crush which made conditions very uncomfortable for some fans at the match (of the top of my head I can't remember where it was-trying to find out). I can see it coming back at some point though-there's already stadium designs to keep fans seperate anyway to prevent trouble. I still feel uncomfortable about the idea though. If it does come back in, I pray to god it's policed and stewarded properly.

There are a lot of standing areas in lower league teams, most notably Peterborough United's stadium. There is a difference between safe standing and just standing.

Here is Peterborough's stand: View attachment 218216

Safe standing: View attachment 218217

The standing at Peterborough is a lot like the old standing that can be dangerous on a bigger scale.. Safe standing still has seats it just allows more seats in a given space, I personally like the idea.

Tbh though, everyone stands anyway...
That stand at Peterborough's stadium looks like a disaster waiting to happen :S
That stand at Peterborough's stadium looks like a disaster waiting to happen :S

Pretty much every other club in League 2 & Conference have at least one stand like that.
Rail seats are used in Germany ( as mentioned on that link) the atmosphere is far, far better and tickets far cheaper. There have been no incidents causing injury due to standing in the German leagues to my knowledge.

To put into context just how much cheaper the tickets are in Germany in standing zones. A Dortmund fan group is protesting against the ''Extortionate prices''. 14 euros.
Pretty much every other club in League 2 & Conference have at least one stand like that.

That hardly get filled out.

I prefer standing to sitting, that's why I always get a seat in the kop end at anfield, because everyone stands there all match. The stewards try to get us to sit down.. but we just laugh/ignore them.

I agree standing is better, but 'safe' standing? What exactly is that? All I see is a piece of plastic behind the stander and a metal bar to make life even worse if there is a crush.
That hardly get filled out.

I prefer standing to sitting, that's why I always get a seat in the kop end at anfield, because everyone stands there all match. The stewards try to get us to sit down.. but we just laugh/ignore them.

I agree standing is better, but 'safe' standing? What exactly is that? All I see is a piece of plastic behind the stander and a metal bar to make life even worse if there is a crush.

I never said they did get filled, but even if it was it wouldn't be over-filled, which is usually what causes accidents.

Safe standing is what they use in Budesliga.

Also, you stand at the top of the Kop, yeah, that's probably where they would install the standing, where the fans like to stand. It's highly unlikely they aren't planning entire stands like in Dortmund, just 5,000 or-so seats in the main [Home] stand. Kind of seems slightly hypocritical that you would stand in a seated area rather than in an area designed for standing..

Look, I'm not sure why I'm trying to actually sell safe-standing to people, I just think you all need to stop and actually think about why you oppose it. "It's unsafe?" Prove it. If you Google "Safe standing" there should be a website that will tell you about safe standing, give it a read.
I never said they did get filled, but even if it was it wouldn't be over-filled, which is usually what causes accidents.

Safe standing is what they use in Budesliga.

Also, you stand at the top of the Kop, yeah, that's probably where they would install the standing, where the fans like to stand. It's highly unlikely they aren't planning entire stands like in Dortmund, just 5,000 or-so seats in the main [Home] stand. Kind of seems slightly hypocritical that you would stand in a seated area rather than in an area designed for standing..

Look, I'm not sure why I'm trying to actually sell safe-standing to people, I just think you all need to stop and actually think about why you oppose it. "It's unsafe?" Prove it. If you Google "Safe standing" there should be a website that will tell you about safe standing, give it a read.

I don't buy that having a piece of plastic behind you and a metal bar'd hand rail infront is deemed as "safe".

And my point about the standing not being filled out was meant to mean that it hasn't had any problems because of that exact reason, it hasn't been filled out.
I agree standing is better, but 'safe' standing? What exactly is that? All I see is a piece of plastic behind the stander and a metal bar to make life even worse if there is a crush.

because instead of having thousands of people crushing you into a metal bar, its just you and you are free to move
I don't buy that having a piece of plastic behind you and a metal bar'd hand rail infront is deemed as "safe".

You can't get a crush effect as nobody is pushing behind you, just leaning onto the metal bar. I believe that it's being sold as 1 person per ''seat'' so you just stand in front of your locked up seat, no overcrowding.
You can't get a crush effect as nobody is pushing behind you, just leaning onto the metal bar. I believe that it's being sold as 1 person per ''seat'' so you just stand in front of your locked up seat, no overcrowding.

I doubt clubs who will use it will keep control over the seat scheme. I don't know what it's like with other teams that're away from home, but when we're away from home we just stand in any seat, no one really cares. I'm pretty sure if it happened at a 'safe stand' then there would still be a shortage of space.
I doubt clubs who will use it will keep control over the seat scheme. I don't know what it's like with other teams that're away from home, but when we're away from home we just stand in any seat, no one really cares. I'm pretty sure if it happened at a 'safe stand' then there would still be a shortage of space.

How can you continue to argue against it with such retarded points?

-Clubs cannot sell more tickets than are avaliable.
-These standing areas will not be scattered around the ground, there will be one stand per stadium with a standing area probably less than 50% of that stands seating capacity.
-The standing areas are still in rows, there couldn't possible be a shortage of space, everone is given a "seat" you just don't have to sit down.. It's not just a bundle for the best place to stand.

EDIT: Didn't mean that you were retarded, just don't see how you can argue with safe standing without actually any proof that it's dangerous.
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How can you continue to argue against it with such retarded points?

-Clubs cannot sell more tickets than are avaliable.

Oh yeah, that went down well at Hillsborough. People are always bunking in. Stupid, stupid, stupid idea. If clubs need to invest to get "safe standing" after being promoted to the top two tiers then they may as well get seats. I can't start to understand how "safe standing" is actually safe. A piece of plastic and a metal bar won't stop a bunch of drunken lively supporters from jumping everywhere when their teams score.

It's a bit awkward when someone so uneducated as yourself accuses someone of being retarded for putting their views across. But that's just my opinion. We're on an internet forum were you post topics and people reply with their views.

No proof that standing is dangerous? Don't even go there. You actually sound a bit of ****** yourself for stating that.
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Oh yeah, that went down well at Hillsborough.

It would be a world away from the leppings lane end, as said, you cannot crush yourself to death you can only be crushed if there are loads of people behind you and no bars

Oh yeah, that went down well at Hillsborough. People are always bunking in. Stupid, stupid, stupid idea. If clubs need to invest to get "safe standing" after being promoted to the top two tiers then they may as well get seats. I can't start to understand how "safe standing" is actually safe. A piece of plastic and a metal bar won't stop a bunch of drunken lively supporters from jumping everywhere when their teams score.

It's a bit awkward when someone so uneducated as yourself accuses someone of being retarded for putting their views across. But that's just my opinion. We're on an internet forum were you post topics and people reply with their views.

No proof that standing is dangerous? Don't even go there. You actually sound a bit of ****** yourself for stating that.

Have you tried sneaking into a stadium? Good luck with that, mate. Hillsborough was almost 25 years ago, times change, laws change and this time the safety laws are very, very tough, to avoid disasters like that happening again.

It isn't about poor clubs, it probably costs more to make safe-standing than it does seated. I don't even know what you mean by that comment about drunk people.. It makes no difference if they were in seating because they would still be stood up!

How am I uneducated? You are the uneducated one. Thinking that safe-standing is dangerous despite having no proof. Just because you say it is unsafe doesn't automatically make you correct. OK, go and find one person, one company that think standing is dangerous. Standing up is not dangerous, people are dangerous.
Have you tried sneaking into a stadium? Good luck with that, mate. Hillsborough was almost 25 years ago, times change, laws change and this time the safety laws are very, very tough, to avoid disasters like that happening again.

It isn't about poor clubs, it probably costs more to make safe-standing than it does seated. I don't even know what you mean by that comment about drunk people.. It makes no difference if they were in seating because they would still be stood up!

How am I uneducated? You are the uneducated one. Thinking that safe-standing is dangerous despite having no proof. Just because you say it is unsafe doesn't automatically make you correct. OK, go and find one person, one company that think standing is dangerous. Standing up is not dangerous, people are dangerous.

When managed well standing is incredibly safe. Just look at Germany. Glad we are thinking about bringing it back
No proof that standing is dangerous? Don't even go there. You actually sound a bit of ****** yourself for stating that.

The only reason you are against it, is because of Hillsborough, which was what.. 25 years ago?

I love standing at football matches, prefer it to sitting down, I can see why people are apprehensive about it due to its past, but instead of just 'Don't do it, people might get crushed' we should be looking at 'Yeah, when it was around 25 years ago, people got crushed and killed, which is extremely sad, now how can we use the mistakes we made then to improve and implement safe standing in this day and age, and negate the chance of people being crushed.'

There have been countless accounts of crushes and stampedes at concerts/gigs, but they still have standing areas, and are 99% crush free, well a crush that could/would cause you harm, and everyone is safe and has a good time, and that is in a much more consistently boisterous atmosphere.
The only reason you are against it, is because of Hillsborough, which was what.. 25 years ago?

I love standing at football matches, prefer it to sitting down, I can see why people are apprehensive about it due to its past, but instead of just 'Don't do it, people might get crushed' we should be looking at 'Yeah, when it was around 25 years ago, people got crushed and killed, which is extremely sad, now how can we use the mistakes we made then to improve and implement safe standing in this day and age, and negate the chance of people being crushed.'

There have been countless accounts of crushes and stampedes at concerts/gigs, but they still have standing areas, and are 99% crush free, well a crush that could/would cause you harm, and everyone is safe and has a good time, and that is in a much more consistently boisterous atmosphere.

People always try and stand at seated games anyway, and that is actually far more dangerous than having properly designed standing areas
Have you tried sneaking into a stadium? Good luck with that, mate.

Yeah, actually. Luton and Goodison, to name a few... 'mate'.

Hillsborough was almost 25 years ago, times change, laws change and this time the safety laws are very, very tough, to avoid disasters like that happening again.

Times change; thanks for that captain obvious
Law changes; do happen to keep up to date with society
Memories; don't change and aren't forgotten.
Yeah, actually. Luton and Goodison, to name a few... 'mate'.

Times change; thanks for that captain obvious
Law changes; do happen to keep up to date with society
Memories; don't change and aren't forgotten.

What has memories got to with how standing actually works? You want to let hillsborough cloud your judgement, thats your perogative. But dont dismiss actual working practice and long standing experiments and reports (all incorporating the lessons of hillsborough). Standing is like seating, when it is managed well its incredible safe. if all seater stadiums were not managed properly you would get injuries.

Ticketing is still rigid for standing, you are still numbered, as you would be in seating, there is still a number in area. You cant just swan into standing from seated. there is no overcrowding in the modern standing because you are still regulated as if you had a seat. To be honest, looking at what you repeatedly post, I dont think you have done the research on this, or taken a look at how it is done. Because if you had, you'd know that the reports into standing wasnt a case of persuasion, but basically a cross examination of ever bringing it back with the aim of finding faults, but they more they looked to it, the stronger the case for standing became, because of all the changes.