Sinking the Ship - A FM Story With A Twist

I think this is a great idea. First time I've ever heard anything like this in any guise, some imagination you have haha. Could we not bash FMC please? I'd love to play the 'full fat' game but because of uni and work I don't have time, I still love FM as much as anyone but people that play it seem to be put down as if they are stupid or aggressive little minors. I'd change FMC drastically if I could get my hands on it (I understand SI have for 14) but it is the only game mode I can get time to play. Go on give me an infraction, but I am just standing up for the people that play FMC, not the little ar*eholes that didn't have two braincells to rub together between them but the people who do not have time due to other commitments.