So...What Are Your Neighbours Like?

Jan 16, 2010
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What it says on the tin.

What are your neighbours like?

For me,they are noisy,annoying,don't know how annoying they are and most of all..

they won't shut up :'(

Are yours noisy,annoying and pretty **** stupid like mine?

Or are they peaceful,nice,and drop cookies off as friendly presents,just as a nice gift?

if i was being honest my Neighbours are barsted as they have tryed to kill me once all over a scruff one night
one off my neighbours are an elderly couple really nice lived on my road years before i was born

other neibours young couple like to arue alot and i can usually hear them getting busy if you know what i mean through the wall of my bedroom and i dont apreciate it whilst im trying to sleep lol
mine are Badass Family friends good people :p
Getting jiggy with one of them :D
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To my right: a drug dealer.
To my left: a sheep.
I have one neighbour who is a proper american southerner
He speaks with a texan accent and owns some guns, often he sits out on his porch drinking warm beer, quite scary actually
Closest house to me is about 100 yards away :/ but theyre cool i guess.
I only have one next door neighbour were on the end of a block of 3.
They have a heart of gold, but my god are they THICK!
Its like The Simpons living next door!

The dad is a taxi driver, when he walks in the house sometimes he shouts "hunny im home"
= prat! XD

my cousin who goes the Blues with me lives over the road... thats a good neighbour... he has ESPN which i dont have... always a plus point ;)
I only have one next door neighbour were on the end of a block of 3.
They have a heart of gold, but my god are they THICK!
Its like The Simpons living next door!

The dad is a taxi driver, when he walks in the house sometimes he shouts "hunny im home"
= prat! XD

my cousin who goes the Blues with me lives over the road... thats a good neighbour... he has ESPN which i dont have... always a plus point ;)

I lol'd so hard at that bit XD
i wouldnt mind killing my neighbours **** heads,

loud, agressive, arrogant, and thats just the old man.

woman, stuck up, ugly, ***** like. needs a good kick in the head.
It is no joke! he looks very much like John Prescott with a very full moustache!
To the left: Lights fires ALL DAY!
To The Right: They're quite weird and own lots of cats..
one person who lives on my road so kind of a neibour is paul inces mum so glad she has her house up for sale inces wife proper **** allways gets rude to me and threatens me with my husband will come out and get you one day lmao
i wouldnt mind killing my neighbours **** heads,

loud, agressive, arrogant, and thats just the old man.

woman, stuck up, ugly, ***** like. needs a good kick in the head.

I know exactly what you mean.:@

It is no joke! he looks very much like John Prescott with a very full moustache!

Lol,it's the way he sounds American with the "Hunny,I'm home!" bit.

I wanna kick him in his head XD
one person who lives on my road so kind of a neibour is paul inces mum so glad she has her house up for sale inces wife proper **** allways gets rude to me and threatens me with my husband will come out and get you one day lmao

Well he wont be able to run you down in a fancy car... cant keep a job down for **** at the moment XD
i live in a house that has been converted into a 2 floor flat and i live in the bottem flat. to my right i have a old couple who are ******* annoying as ****, they have known my girlfriend since she was born as they are best friends with my girlfriends nan and grandad and they report everything back to them. above me i have a mid-ages couple a british man and a nigerian woman also have a young girl that is quite noisy but not to bad. and to the left of me i have a church lol.