dunno if he's still in the game or not but another scout that I get if I remember to do so is Malcolm Shotton (and no it's not cos he used to play for Huddersfield.. well, not completely anyway ;) ) He is pretty good IIRC (game not running so can't check.


does anybody else think that this thread is a cover for "which staff should I get for my FM team?"
Oliver Bierhoff - Scout (Ledgend)
David Hamilton - Scout (Steve-O-Kenobi reccomendation in FM10)
Petter Rudi - Scout (usually my Scandanavian scout)
Paul Winsper - Fitness Coach

I usually take on a young coaching team so after a couple of season its full of nearly retiring players at the start of the game.

Nice thread mate.
Please help me, i need some coaches for tottenham, first season. i already got :

Paul Winsper - fitness
Jim Blyth,Pat Jennings - GK Coach
John Owens,Thomas Horster - Coaches.

Please help me. :)
I did a funny thing on my fast forward game ( to see how the games changes in 2050 )

well, I went on FMRTE and edited Jose Mourinho' attribute to make him 20 for Assman and 1 for Manager, before expiring his contract + putting his relations with me and my club as 100.

I went on into the game and attempted to sign him, his contract demands were 250k/week for Assman, surprisingly, he accepted my offer of 30k/week

So after i managed to sign him, I went back to FMRTE to extend his contract until year 3000 (LOL)

and went on to fast forward till year 2050.

Amazingly, he does a tidy job and under his guidance, Tottenham managed to win the Premier League 7 Times, completeing the sextuple twice, and winning CL 4 Times as well.

I managed to keep my job even up till 2043, and now Tottenham is one of the major clubs in Premier league, and there would be a extremely wealthy Ukrainian man taking over my club soon ( hope he sponsor us big money )

would post SS when free.

Conclusion: IF Mou is willing to be your AssMan = FTW.

7 titles in 40 years = FTL