Name: Thomas Hornsletten
Date of Birth(day/month): 31/07
City of Birth: liverpool
Nation(EU Only): Belgium
Languages(max.3): English, Spanish, Italian
Height(centimetres): 190
Best mental attributes(2)(no determination): Composure, Work Rate
Best physical attributes(2)(no natural fitness): Pace, Acceleration
Best technical attributes(2): Finishing, First Touch
Strongest foot(right/left):Left
Preferred moves(max.2): Shoots With Power, Place shoots
Order from high to low(ambition,loyalty,professionalism): Ambition, Professionalism, Loyalty
Club(chose one from the table above): Bury Town
Favoured clubs(max.2): Liverpool, Barcelona
Disliked clubs(max.2): Everton, Espanyol
Date of Birth(day/month): 31/07
City of Birth: liverpool
Nation(EU Only): Belgium
Languages(max.3): English, Spanish, Italian
Height(centimetres): 190
Best mental attributes(2)(no determination): Composure, Work Rate
Best physical attributes(2)(no natural fitness): Pace, Acceleration
Best technical attributes(2): Finishing, First Touch
Strongest foot(right/left):Left
Preferred moves(max.2): Shoots With Power, Place shoots
Order from high to low(ambition,loyalty,professionalism): Ambition, Professionalism, Loyalty
Club(chose one from the table above): Bury Town
Favoured clubs(max.2): Liverpool, Barcelona
Disliked clubs(max.2): Everton, Espanyol