Suso,Hughes and Sterling

  • Thread starter Thread starter lipecamara
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i've seen sterling and hughes turn into phenomenal players, however i haven't used them, just played against them. On the other hand, didn't have a clue Suso could get so good, on my Liverpool save I ended up selling him to Palace for 56k!
wooooooooooooooooow.. usually they become good players who you keep for about a couple of season.. until better regens come in the game. but yours are really good, espicially suso. what training method did you use for all 3
Wow I gota say I've never seen Suso develop like that. I usually end up grabbing him 2 or 3 seasons in with lower league teams as he's stalled and is basically all technique and passing.
wooooooooooooooooow.. usually they become good players who you keep for about a couple of season.. until better regens come in the game. but yours are really good, espicially suso. what training method did you use for all 3

suso = focus on trequartista
sterling = focus on inside forward(or winger,don't remember really)
hughes = focus on dlp
I must admit that suso looks quality so does will hughes but sterlings finishing could do with a bit of work even though he's scoring a fair few
Wow that is crazy, can I ask what you have general training set to?
never seen suso like that and i've progressed quite far into the game, frmte?
Thats what I thought as well royal mason... In my mind, I can only think of how can this be possible... To me it just doesn't makes sense... The technical attributes and physical attributes development of will Hughes on the poster doesn't seems to develop amazing like the mental attributes... From what I remember, technical is easier to develop than mental ones...

Also from what i see... The particular attributes that is highlight for training for DLP for hughes is freaking high for some weird reasons... Same for suso and sterling... It seems more like edited to me... My players even with focus still doesn't develop in so much focus that other attributes are neglected... Yours seems weird to me... It is not like I haven't develop a player in centre mid role... I know what I am talking about... I have taking wingers and develop in the DLP role... I know how the development looks like... But definitely not like this... I think everyone's game is different from one another is an excuse more like to hide it.... Sorry to say...
maybe he brought in some top coaches and actually developed his players just because they don't match your game doesn't mean hes done something, maybe hes a better quality of coach on fm if I showed you my wilshere and hazard and goetze from my utd save youd think id edited them but nope I always get top quality coaches in all areas, plus don't be bitter or jealous, try improving your management skills and one day youll develop a decent player. FYI my wilsheres stats were gerrards from fm 08 or 09 but with better finishing!!! it can be done over a period of time so lay off him. He is a better coach than you deal with it
Thats what I thought as well royal mason... In my mind, I can only think of how can this be possible... To me it just doesn't makes sense... The technical attributes and physical attributes development of will Hughes on the poster doesn't seems to develop amazing like the mental attributes... From what I remember, technical is easier to develop than mental ones...

Also from what i see... The particular attributes that is highlight for training for DLP for hughes is freaking high for some weird reasons... Same for suso and sterling... It seems more like edited to me... My players even with focus still doesn't develop in so much focus that other attributes are neglected... Yours seems weird to me... It is not like I haven't develop a player in centre mid role... I know what I am talking about... I have taking wingers and develop in the DLP role... I know how the development looks like... But definitely not like this... I think everyone's game is different from one another is an excuse more like to hide it.... Sorry to say...

Your overuse of ellipsis actually annoyed me like ****.
All I can say is... This is pretty much edited. Also I don't know why you are caring about too much ellipsis... That isn't relevant to the topic... It is my style of writing on the forum... In a good team, your players shouldn't be able to develop so focus on that few attributes on the role that the others is neglected...
how do you know its edited to be honest I think that people on the thread are becoming bitter because this lad has spent time on these players over a few years and they've all ended up half decent players they still need work like suso's finishing same as most of sterlings attributes and hughes is young enough to develop well and suso's stats at the start are ok anyway and he will develop quite well!! I don't think its difficult to develop a player if you have the right coaches like a technical coach then his ball control and finishing passing creativity long shots corners free kicks pens all will go up and once a player hits say 25 26 its hard to get thyere stats up that's when its best focusing on 1 or 2 stats once they reach that age. But back to the topic at hand NO these aren't edited, you are coming across bitter about it, how about you go develop your own players because if he edited them don't you think he'd make them look like messi, because lennons stats are better than sterlings hughes is no better than carrick and suso I would have made him look like messi. Think it through before you start talking rubbish
Like I said if you develop them with the best coaches with the best stats then your players can develop really well, so you must not be a great fm player. Instead of coming across bitter how about you focus on your games and developing your players!!
Not bitter :o not one bit... Are you saying hes the only person who is developing players? BTW, I too am developing my own youngsters... Has gone through so many seasons and I never had a young player grow like his... What I meant fishy is really... How did he even groom those mental attributes to 20? I understand that with the right training, etc etc it is what you guys called possible... But what I said is... I never had that insanely fast growth of mental attributes... I get awesome coaches do my training up nicely... After 5 seasons... Guess what my players mental attributes have never even increase to that extent even with tutoring... It is not just me who never had that... Everyone who posted before me are like wow... That is crazy...

I really am not bitter... Just saying that it is edited... The person who made this post can go ahead and defend himself... Like I said, it still hasn't got to me. I even ask all my friends who play FM in RL... They do a lot of developing players too and neither of them have ever achieve such a highly focus growth... Never once... :o Thats the reason why I am doubting it... I have no reason to think this isn't edited with everything that I have known so far...