Ive spent hours trying to build tactics for fm14, like i did in all previous versions. I check all my players, i note their stats, i figure out how to utilize my best players together, i make up an idea of how i want my team to play, and then i execute the idea with the settings. Yet.... the players seem to do whatever the **** they want, strikers in fm14 are utterly useless, i dont even get excited when i get a 1v1 with the keeper, because 90% of the time he WILL miss. Goals only come from corners/crosses, most shots doesnt even end up on target. THen some matches you can have 30 shots on target and not score, while the opponent gets 2 and wins 2-0.

Attackers rather tries to shoot through a defender than holding up the ball and waiting for a pass, even when you set it on shoot less, hold up the ball etc. The ME this year is just god aweful.
I played all previous versions for months, and ive had this for a week and I cant even get myself to play it anymore.
Designing tactics was the best part of this game, well thats broken, watching games was the second best part.... and thats broken too.
same goes to my team..is this a bugs????
People make these same complaints every year when the game first comes out. SI never realize a flawless game on the first try and it is often barely worth playing until the first patch is released. When I was playing with Real Sociedad I was having problems like my defence standing on the goal line and not closing down but now playing with Burton in League 2 those problems aren't noticeable, probably because technical abilities are lower.

Just hold on and wait until the first patch and hopefully they will get somethings fixed. But I do agree that I so far don't like how tactics are made, miss the sliders.