[20.2.4 beta] 리버풀 변칙 4-3-3 64득 13실
안녕하세요 로렌쿤입니다19 만 가끔식하다가 20베타버전 보고 산후 첫 완성전술입니다.클롭식 리버풀전술을 본인생각대로 재해석하여 구현해 봤습니다.예전 https://www.fmkorea.com/1292233986 리버풀 전술이후로 2번째 리버풀전술이네요핵심은 좌우 윙백의 왕성한 활동력을 필두로 한 공격3톱의 연계와 공간 침투 전방압박 입니다.포메이션 사진입니다.전진형 포워드는 넓게 위치하여 실질적...www.fmkorea.com
Hey @Danwolf any chance you could kindly get this one? Many thanks!
myflatv2 442 attack .fmf and dis there both on the same page one is to play against the big teams I think thanks in advance @Danwolf if you can plzHY! Can someone upload this one please? https://www.fmkorea.com/2661879999
There two tactics on the one u wanted I asked can they get the two of them the one u want and my oneWhat? do not understand that completely .... where is the download link?
Wats the difference between dis one and the one u are looking for they look the same tacticmy플랫v2 442 공격 .fmf this one
ya dat onemy플랫v2 442 공격 .fmf this one
Your welcomeperfect. thank you
this tactic is for the beta version?https://www.fmkorea.com/2661879999 any luck on someone getting these tactics plz and thanks