I've only been through one takeover in all my fm days, and they didn't even think about sacking me (I'm a LLM so I worked my way up and was untouchable)

However they will fire you if you don't win.
Kop Takeover

They always say that. My Liverpool side got taken over by a Brazilian tycoon in the first season and he said he was going to appoint Dunga as manager (XD) Never happened though and I went on to win the treble( League,FA,CC)

When does the takeover happen? I'm currently in early December and doing well but a few quid for a few players I've got my eye on wouldn't go a miss.
Im with Liverpool, at end of the 1st season...Got took over by this 'local business group' and they released a statement saying that there were no plans to invest in the team.

Still no transfer money and still in 300mill debt :(
Im with Liverpool, at end of the 1st season...Got took over by this 'local business group' and they released a statement saying that there were no plans to invest in the team.

Still no transfer money and still in 300mill debt :(


what does it say on the chairman bit in club info??

"" loves the club" - "listen to offers"???

what does it say on the chairman bit in club info??

"" loves the club" - "listen to offers"???

On the Confidence page (i think) it says Jamie White (the new owner) will never leave the club in his own violation

Some things give me a serious urge to go to FMRTE lol
On the Confidence page (i think) it says Jamie White (the new owner) will never leave the club in his own violation

Some things give me a serious urge to go to FMRTE lol

hahahaha doesnt the patch clear the liverpool board saga up??
Do leeds get taken over on most games? A mexican tycoon took them over in mine. I was just wondering if this is normal?
he probably FMRTE i was thinking that i thought liverpool started off with a **** budget if you did not have the patch

I could only afford Dzeko at the end of the season, tried to sell some players in January to raise funds but the board kept them.

At the end of the season I was bought out by a group from London, who have invested loads in the club, i.e. stadium, academy, etc but didn't give me any transfer funds till a couple of weeks later. Got 75m!!!!

Dzeko cost just under 20m and could get Hazard for a good price so didn't bother.