That Which Does Not Kill Us Makes Us Stronger: A Wrexham Story

won't be an update till midday tommorow as its my sisters birthday and we're having a family do, sorry guys, update tommorow :D
Great story so for mate! Will defo be following :)

Good choice sticking with Wrexham!!
Hi guys! sorry about the lack of upd@tes, I've had a lot of internet problemos lately, but it's all fixed now. Now, teh bad news. I was playing a game, and this came up
I'm watching IT in the picture, so you know I'm a gangster. Anyways, I've lost the ******* save, and I basically cried myself to sleep. SO, I'd appreciate suggestions on a new story, to be started on Monday night. :) I'm so sorry to followers of the story, I was really enjoying it. **** DA POLICE! Anywho, I'd like suggestions, although personally I'd kinda like to do a Southampton story, but Sam91 is doing one soo..
I would like to see another Southampton story :) plus I'm not going to stay there forever, I'm gonna turn it into a Journeyman save
fair does, its the one I'd like to do, just wanted to make sure it was cool with you :)
Right Soon it is then, look out for a new story on the forums within the hour :D
I'd wait till tomorrow, download LFC's new update so then you have Gaston Ramirez ;)