#The Assembler FM23

#The Assembler FM23

what tactic would you recomend for a tactic that you can play with any team andb get results
Whats your most offensive tactic you created?
sino a questo momento quale tattica tra quelle testate ritieni la migliore? Dovessi scegliere un 433 o 442 su quale opteresti?
sino a questo momento quale tattica tra quelle testate ritieni la migliore? Dovessi scegliere un 433 o 442 su quale opteresti?

Dipende seriamente da come vuoi giocare. Io preferisco sempre difesa alta e step-up more. Preferisco perdere come voglio io :)
Dipende seriamente da come vuoi giocare. Io preferisco sempre difesa alta e step-up more. Preferisco perdere come voglio io :)
Great job Delicious, i'm using 4231 Structura X. Won everything with PSG first season without transfers, took Triestina from Serie C to Serie A in 2 seasons. I'm wondering is it still your best tactic Structura X?
Saluti dalla Croazia
Great job Delicious, i'm using 4231 Structura X. Won everything with PSG first season without transfers, took Triestina from Serie C to Serie A in 2 seasons. I'm wondering is it still your best tactic Structura X?
Saluti dalla Croazia
Hey! On test League yes, but literally i am discovering that even attacking mentality is good enough to lead you to dominate...
You can check on youtube or google sheet to get an idea
Hi Delicious,
Cheers for your amazing tactics, I think those help especially newer players. However, your most popular tactics like Extreme Volts are now being used too much in MP saves. I'm sure there are ways to "break" this tactic as opponent. Have you ever tried to find specific settings that achieve this? I'll try my best to find a counter, but maybe you've already looked into that :)
(Posted the same question to your profile thingy, but here's probably a better place)

About PvP, i am not quite sure, but if i were playing vs them i would focus the DMs to be honest.
Y la táctica ¨cholo taka¨ de simeone en el Atlético, se podría replicar ??
La Liga winner managing Almería, 1º season, only free transfers in January

Tactic: Structura X


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    Captura de tela 2023-09-13 153010.png
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    Captura de tela 2023-09-13 152734.png
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Hi Delicious,
Cheers for your amazing tactics, I think those help especially newer players. However, your most popular tactics like Extreme Volts are now being used too much in MP saves. I'm sure there are ways to "break" this tactic as opponent. Have you ever tried to find specific settings that achieve this? I'll try my best to find a counter, but maybe you've already looked into that :)
(Posted the same question to your profile thingy, but here's probably a better place)
What’s tactic are you running ?