The Better Half - 11.3 Plug & Play (!)

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Patient Moderator
Mar 6, 2009
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This thread contains my latest tactics. In its current form, only beta versions for Patch 11.3 are uploaded along with a very, very short descriåtion of the tactic. Later on, moe information will be addedAll tactics are uploaded in its plug & play meaning that no tweaks are needed at all using the current settings. In fact, few of the shouts will any effect at all as they are overridden by the fixed individual settings. But for those that wants to enjoy the game to its full, hints about how to turn them into plug & play version are given along with what shouts on could use
Framework. Also notice that as long as the versions of the tactics are named X 1.1, Y 1.2 etc, they are to be considered to still be in their beta stage. When released in their final version, they will be called "X Final version"


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As you will see when downloading the tactics, they all use the same framework. We play rather narrow and slow with players opening up space for others to move into. Movement from deep combined with players providing the width as well as player making runs into channels to rip the opponents defence apart. When using 2 forwards, you will also see that the roaming and wide play of the FC and winger and matched, just like the roaming and wide play of the FC combo. Here, its therefor important that the preferred moves of the players don’t collide with the general approach. If using a more advanced FC that is supposed to move into channels, then this approach might not work if using a player that likes to come deep and dwell on ball. The same way, a forward that likes to move into channels or get forward all the time, running down the right flank is not the correct choice if his job is to come deep and later in the attacks, seek the free space in the box

When it comes to the Closing Down settings and Mentality, we use a slightly higher than average mentality and press. Many of these settings are tweaked/fixed and will not be effected by shouts.


Currently, the following tactics are uploaded.

  • Flat 442
  • 424 AMR/L
  • Wide Diamond
  • Narrow Diamond
  • Wide 4231
  • Deep & Narrow 4231

DOWNLOAD Just click the following Link -> -> -> -> Download Link


FLAT 442

Flow of the game:
we focus the play through the middle, using supporting fullbacks that keeps the width. We play with a normal d-line, A Lowish tempo and normal width and just like my previous tactics, the closing down settings are fixed for each player. The key here is the movement of the players, both by using the width, moving into channels and seeking free space.

In defence, we use the players at hand but as usual, the better the players, the better the results
In midfield, we use a Deeplying players that moves into channels late in attacks, not in front of the ball but form behind. The wingers have been given settings so that they both open up space, provide a good passing option for the teammates as well as actually using the space that the other players provide.
In front, we use 2 completely different players. The FCright is a deep coming players that keeps a simple and quick passing game without dribbling in the center of the court. This man will be the main scorer so a player like Van Persie would be ideal here. In the FCleft position, we a different kind of player. His job is to create space, moving into channels from an advanced position. It might be that he wont - just like the hardworking defensive midfielder in some teams wont - get the attention or appreciation he should get from his tremendous job ( i.e great ratings) but in my opinion, its the most important player in the team.

424, AMR/L

Flow of the game:
Basically, this is just a slight tweak of the Flat 442. We focus the play through the middle, using supporting Wingback That keeps the width. We play with a normal d-line, A normal tempo and a more narrow width and just like my previous tactics, the closing down settings are fixed for each player. The key here is the movement of the players, both by using the width, moving into channels and seeking free space.

In defence, we use the players at hand but as usual, the better the players, the better the results
In midfield, we use a Deeplying players that hold up the ball and his partner moves into channels The wingers have been given settings so that they both open up space, provide a good passing option for the teammates as well as actually using the space that the other players provide.
In front, we use 2 completely different players. The FCright is a deep coming players that keeps a simple and quick passing game without dribbling in the center of the court. This man will be the main scorer so a player like Van Persie would be ideal here. In the FCleft position, we a different kind of player. His job is to create space, moving into channels from an advanced position. It might be that he wont - just like the hardworking defensive midfielder in some teams wont - get the attention or appreciation he should get from his tremendous job ( i.e great ratings) but in my opinion, its the most important player in the team.


Flow of the game:
Once again, this is a tweak of the Flat 442. Here, we play through the middle and down the flanks, using a deep dropping AMC-TQ as playmaker. We play rather slow and narrow, just like in all the other tactics because of the gap in midfield, the central DMC, AMC play a more direct game.

When using a formation with a big gap in the middle, its even more important to have many team players that puts in the effort so team work, work rate and determination are more crucial than ever. In defence, we use the players at hand but as usual, the better the players, the better the results
The DMC is a defensive DMC that plays more direct as soon as he gets the ball and as written above, the AMC is the playmaker, playing lower down in the field, acting like a even more deep lying playmaker than a TQ. The wingers have again been given different settings so that there is movement both with and without the ball as well as ahead and front behind of the ball


Flow of the game:
we focus the play through the middle, using supporting fullbacks that keeps the width. We play with a normal d-line, normal tempo and width and just like my previous tactics, the closing down settings are fixed for each player. The key here are the more or less direct t-balls onto a either a link player coming deep or onto one of our 2 forwards that goes straight at goal
In defence, we use the players at hand but as usual, the better the players, the better the results
In midfield, we use a strong DMC that cut angels and tackles the opponents. In front of him, we use 2 central players that d o need to be team players. the better passing, creativity and decision they have, well, the better. In the hole, we use a player that rips the defence a part. Up front, we use 2 forwards that likes to have a go at goal. As it is now, the FCleft makes most goals for me ( against deeper d-lines) and the FCRight makes the dirty work by creating space. against higher d-lines, the FCRight might be the bets scorer


Flow of the game:
Here, we play through the middle is a slowish and more narrow way, using the fullbacks to provide the width and, using a holding, deeplying playmaker. The Outer AMCs have different settings that makes them moves into channels to open up space and roam into free space when the ball is on the other flank, often making runs towards their near post. The FC both drifts and gets inside the box, also using his strength to hold onto the ball when awaiting his team mates during rushes counter attacks. The AMC acts like a link-player and seeks free space inside the box rather than drift and create space for the others


In defence, we use the players at hand but as usual, the better the players, the better the results
The DMCright is the playmaker and should be both string and creative ( decision etc). The AMC should, just like in most of my tactics, be able to both score and act like a linkman. When it comes to the FC, its better to use a player that likes to move into channels than a player coming deep as the space in the hole already is crowded

WIDE 4231

Flow of the game:
Here, we use both the flanks and the center of the park, using a deeplying playmaker. The wingers are hugging the touchline whilst seeking free space when the ball is on the other flank, often making runs towards their near post. The FC both drifts and gets inside the box, also using his strength to hold onto the ball when awaiting his team mates during rushes counter attacks. The AMC acts like a link-player and seeks free space inside the box rather than drift and create space for the others


In defence, we use the players at hand but as usual, the better the players, the better the results
In midfield, we use a more creative and strong playmaker in the MCRight spot, combined with a MCLeft moving into channels. The Wingers swap position and if they cant cope with this, just remove it. The AMC should, just like in most of my tactics, be able to both score and act like a linkman

SHOUTS & TWEAKS: To make these tactics into plug & shout tactics, you have to make the following changes for it to work
  • - Set Focus play to default
  • - Set Width to default

Suggested shouts

  • Much more attacking: Strategy = Attack, Get ball forward
  • Slightly more attacking: Play wider
  • Slightly more cautious: Play Narrow
  • More cautious, still wanting to attack: Strategy = Counter, Get ball forward
  • Even More Cautious: Strategy = Counter, Retain possession, take a breather, Wingbacks = Support
  • Very Defensive: Strategy = Contain, Wingbacks = automatic


When i micromanage, I do it more or less accordingly to the following guide by wwfan. When tweaking tactics, I have not used any other than team blend
Short Guide to Match Preparation Strategies and Motivation by wwfan


In testing, I have not used any at all. Later on, I will add my default strategy when micromanaging.


In testing, I have avioded the more extreme ones and basiclly used a normal pitch but generaly when playing thorugh the middle, its not good to have a short pitch or a very, very wide.
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The TBH Roles

In this post, I will explain the though behind my own twekaed playe roles. Notice that the Role names are also a link to a screnshot of their player settings( or rather they will be after the post has been complete)

Role:Riot AMC

Position: AMC, AMCl, AMCr

Mission: Score goals and setup the FC.

Often seen : Running through the center with or without the ball. At the end of the moves. Seeking space between thDCsCs. Staying central when needed but drifts wide when playing wider

Footednessss: No Matter

PPMs: Gets inside the box, Runs with the ball through the center, Makes t-balls

Important stats: Passing, Creativity, first touch, Acceleration, Off the ball, Long shots

Preferred teammates: A TQ, A Riot Winger, 2 driftinFCs, The Complete Linkman, Riot FC

Some setting tweaks: UnTweak his mentality so its "by the wizard" if you want him to look for a pass rather to have a go at the goal. (In some versions, he wil alreadyl be on that mentality though)

Role:Riot FC

Position: FCr, FCl

Mission: Score Goal

Often seen: At the end off the moves, beating the last defender with his pace. Moving into channels or drifting away form his defender seeking free space. Wining the golden boot

Footednessss: Right foot on right, left on left

PPMsMs: Move into channels, Gets inside the box

Important stats: Pace, Off the ball, Finishing, Composure

Preferred teammates: A Target man, Wide roaming MR/L on same flank

Some setting tweaks: Untick free role and set runs from deep to mixed if using him in a FCc position

Role: Roaming Wide Winger (RWW)

Mission: Setup goals and create space out wide

Position: MR, ML

Often seen: Running up and down the flank, staying wide when in possession. Crossing at far post. Seeking free space at the far post. Arriving late in the area. Making overlaps with the Attacking Fullback

Footednessss: Right on right, Left on left

PPMs Runs down “correct” flank, Moves into channels, Gets inside the area

Important stats: Stamina, Crossing, Dribbling, Off the ball, Anticipation

Preferred teammates. A Riot FC on same flank, playmakerer on same side, an Attacking Fullback

Some setting tweaks: Give him a mixed passing game, lesser run with ball and set him as playmaker if you want to use him like in "Man U 1999-Beckham"

Role: Link Winger (LiW)

Position: AMR, AML

Mission: Link up attacks and setup goals, supporting the FC

Often seen: Connecting with an more advancelinkplayerer such as a Target man or TQ on same flank. Moving in centrally, playing a short passing game, not dwelling on the ball or dribbling too much. Creating space for a drifting box2box MC and/or Wingbackck. Crossing or making t-balls at the far post/opposite flank

Footednessss: Left on Right, Right on Left

PPMs Moves into channels, Gets inside the area, Huge touchline. NOT cuts inside and this is important as he otherwise will not take the shortest way to the goal in between the FB and DC and/or make a quick pass but instead dribble sideways with the DC and FB cutting all angels for a pass or breakthrough.

Important stats: Passing, Creativity, Agility, First touch, Anticipation

Preferred teammates: A link Player on the same flank, TQ or TM. SupportinWingbackck on same flank, Covering DMC, a box2box

Some setting tweaks: Restrict the Creative freedom if he cant handle it and/or has conflicting ppms. Provide him with free role and HUB if wanting to use him more as a link player when not having a Target man or other holding players in the field

Role:Complete Linkplayer

Position: FCleft, FCright

Mission: Link up attacks and setup goals, supporting the FC and score goals

Often seen: Coming deep top collect the ball, always looking for free space. Playing a very simple game and getting late into the area. Making use of his great vision and passing game

Footednessss: No matter

PPMs Comes deep to get the ball, Gets inside the area

Important stats: Passing, Creativity, Agility, First touch, Anticipation and Strength. All in all, a complete FC

Preferred teammates: Riot FC, Wingbacks, advanced playmaker

Some setting tweaks: Restrict the Creative freedom if he cant handle it and/or has conflicting ppms.Let him play higher up in the field( by raising the mentality) if he likes to beat the offside trap
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In this post you find the old openeing post from patch 11.1 and 11.2

The Better Half

Plug & shout tactics

In this thread, i will present my tactics for FM11. As one is limited to 5 screenshots/post, every tactic will be in a separate post. Just click the links beneath to get to the correct tactic. But before doing so, please read about the framework here in this post and have a look in the 2nd post where I write about some of my own created roles

Uploaded Tactics so far

Nr 1: Narrow Diamond

Nr 2: Assymetric 442 DMCL-AML

Nr 3 - 4411

The framework of the tactics

As different as the tactics may be when it come to the actually flow of the game, all using different formations, a variation in focus passing etc, they all have one thing in common and its that they use the same positioning strategy. I have chosen to combine a Control strategy within a rigid philosophy. When using this philosophy, providing the team with staggered mentality settings, I find it crucial to tweak the default closing down settings provided by the Wizard. I think - and have always though - of the 3 different Closing Down descriptions not as Own area, Own half or Whole pitch but as Stand off from their defensive position, Close down at their defensive position and finally Close down in front of their defensive position. This means that if giving a defensive Central Defender with a "defensive" mentality setting a closing down setting set to bang in the middle, or even slightly higher, he will still not close down too high up in the pitch, getting dragged out of position, but instead just slightly higher up than his positioning in the field( mentality + d-line). The same goes if he has a extremely high mentality setting, like when using Overload, then a closing down setting of bang in the middle, or slightly higher, will still see him close down rather high but without getting dragged away and this is why the closing down settings of all players are tweaked in all tactics, to make they close down their opponents in a more balanced way, just in front of their defensive position. The attackers will track back after loosing possession high up in the field and the defenders will not take their place in the d-line, only to back off, creating a gap between the strata's but instead actually close down the players and close out the gaps where we want them to.

When it comes to the flow of the game, we are trying to play a possession based approach with lots of t-balls when the players see it fit to do so. The tempo and width are set to "Normal" and a few free roles have been handed out. So in short, we mostly use Rigid as a positioning bases rather than actually playing Rigid. The fullbacks on the other hand are acting more like..fullbacks within a rigid system and if you feel that you want them bombing forward, supporting the midfield and perhaps provide more width in the wingless formations when in possession, then just set their roles to Wingbacks instead....


( Kolly & TBH-version Using Attacking Wingbacks in FB position, 2 Riot FCs, the more deeplying AMC, playing more narrow and using the MCr as a playmaker)

Philosophy: Rigid
Strategy: Control
Passing: Shorter
Passing Focus: Fixed to Middle
D-line: Fixed to Normal
Tempo & Width : As in TC
Playmaker: No Target Man: No

Some results ( click the teamnames)


Thoughts behind Tactic

By overloading and flooding the central midfield, we can control the main area where t-balls are hit from. By using lots of movements and attacking shouts, we can stretch the opponents defence as well as hold on to the ball using the defensive shouts


In the attacking shouts, we don't touch the mentality at, neither do we change the focus play. But by making overlaps and add more width, we add bombing wingbacks and create more space for our 4 central midfielders to move into. When using the defensive shouts, we play tighter and move up-field as a unit whilst holding on to the ball

The tweaks:

Wingbacks: If having lesser wingbacks or Fullbacks, I would restrict their t-balls no mixed or even rarely. If being a top notch team, play wider and with attacking Wingbacks
Complete LInkMan: If he is not creative enough or has the decision or skill to carry out his ideas, then restrict his creative freedom all the way down to last notch of low

The formation and the players

Every uploaded tactic will come with a screenshot of the formation and the player roles. Some roles will be familiar to you and those, I will not into detail about as their important stat is already in the game. Some roles, you wont recognize as I have made them and named them myself. The explanation of those will be found in the 2nd post. But in short the key players/stats are as follows

- The Quick attacker( RiotFC), in the FClright spot, The Wingbacks that needs to able to cover large areas of the pitch and the fact that we have to have some creative players in the MC positions

The roles are from right to left so the highlighted player is the last in the list




Philosophy: Rigid
Strategy: Control
Passing: Shorter
Passing Focus: Mixed
D-line: Fixed to Normal
Tempo & Width : As in TC
Playmaker: No Target Man: Yes, supplied to feet

Some results ( click the team names)
- Coming

Thoughts behind Tactic

The aim with an asymmetric tactic is to use your best players where they can do most damage. IN this tactic, it means that you have a strong Target Man, a Quick FC, A scoring AML, a great classic Winger in MR and a creative MC - Defensive DMc combo


In the attacking shouts, we don't touch the mentality at, neither do we change the focus play. But by making overlaps and add more width, we add bombing wingbacks and create more space for our 4 central midfielders to move into. When using the defensive shouts, we play tighter and move up-field as a unit whilst holding on to the ball. I have also used the strategy Defensive when wanting to close out games or in hard away matches. As the d-line and closing down is fixed, we don't sit too deep

The tweaks:

Wingbacks: If having lesser wingbacks or Fullbacks, I would restrict their t-balls no mixed or even rarely. If being a top notch team, play wider and with attacking Wingbacks

The formation and the players

Every uploaded tactic will come with a screenshot of the formation and the player roles. Some roles will be familiar to you and those, I will not into detail about as their important stat is already in the game. Some roles, you wont recognize as I have made them and named them myself. The explanation of those will be found in the 2nd post. But in short the key players/stats are as follows

The roles are from right to left so the highlighted player is the last in the list

Third Tactic

The 4411

Here comes another little nice approach suited for almost all teams as long as one has a good playmaker and a FC that can play on his own in the attack. We play in a slightly lower tempo and try to be in charge of the game. As always, the key is team work and movement




By playing more compact. more cautious and with few forards runs ahead of the ball we try to keep possession and/or make sure that we have enough players behind the ball when loosing it. These shouts, I use not only when I wan to Shut up the Shop, leading 1-0 in the 80th minute but also when 3-0 up and want to rest the players and make sure that we keep possession, not letting the opponent back in the game in a stupid mannor. The only shout that can backfire big time is the "play more narrow" as it might be hard to find speca ein the middle against a team using a dmc-mc-mc. In those cases, the shouts remain the same but I manuelly tweak the focud passing back to mixed again



By using the flanks, playing with more width and in a higher tempo, we try to cretae space againt defenisve opponents sitting deep and flooding the midfield. We use more attacking wingbacks and play more direct. If you want to push up higher and hazle the opponent, please notice that these shouts will not effect the d-line or closing down as these settings have been wteaked by me. In short, you would have to change this by hand

The players

Here, you will find screens of the players settings( just click the roles, they are links) along with a short explanation of you might expect to see them do on the pitch. I have also put down some important stats for each and every role. Notice that Determination has been left out as I find this crucial for any team, regardless of approach, just like the local Pizza leaves out Tomato sauce and cheese in the ingrediense list

DR - Fullback Support

Keeps it rather simple and acts like a support player to the MR winger and the MCright
Spelar ett enklare spel och agerar support till såväl högeryttern som vår enkelt spelande MCright

Defensive Keys :Work rate -> Decision -> Positioning -> Marking -> Tackling
Attacking Keys : Decision -> Crossing -> Passing
Nice ppms: -
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DL – Wingback Attack

In the left flank, we use a more attacking one that make morer uns form deep. He keeps the width and make crosses against the far post as well as acts like a support to the ML and the Playmaker

Defensive Keys: Work rate -> Decision -> Positioning -> Marking -> Tackling
Attacking Keys: Decision -> Pace -> Acceleration - > Crossing
Nice ppms: Inga särskilda
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DCs – Central defender Defend

The keep it simple.

Defensive Keys: Work rate -> Decision -> Positioning -> Marking -> Tackling
Attacking Keys: Decision-> Passing
Nice ppms: Stays back at all times
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MR – Winger Support

Our MR keeps the width. Mainly because there will be little space in the center of the park and as there will be lots of space out wide in the absence of a FCright

Defensive Keys: Work rate -> Decision -> Positioning -> Marking -> Tackling
Attacking Keys: Decision -> Off the ball -> Pace -> Passing -> Crossing
Nice ppms: Runs down right flank, Moves into channels
__________________________________________________ _____________________

ML – Winger Support

Here, we have a winger that moves into channels once the lone FC gets down the flank. He also plays one touch with the playmaker an the DL

Defensive Keys: Work rate -> Decision -> Positioning -> Marking -> Tackling
Attacking Keys Decision -> Stamina ->Dribbling -> Pace -> Crossing
Nice ppms: Moves into channels, Gets inside the box
__________________________________________________ _____________________

MCright – Central Midfielder Defend

Keeps the balance in midfeld and play a more direct game when needed. Acts like a linkman between the defenders, the attacking unit and both flanks

Defensive Keys: Work rate -> Decision -> Positioning -> Marking -> Tackling
Attacking Keys: Decision -> Passing -> Off the ball
Nice ppms: Arrives late in the opposition area
__________________________________________________ _____________________

MCleft – DeepLying Playmaker Support

The absolute key player in this formation. He has a free role, constantly looking for space and moves forward from deep, often dragging the opposition on to him

Defensive Keys: Decision -> Creativity -> Passing
Attacking Keys: Work rate -> Decision -> Positioning -> Marking -> Tackling
Nice ppms: Dictates tempo, Looks for a t-ball
__________________________________________________ _____________________

AMCright – Attacking Midfielder Support

Even of this player has been given a support role, you will notice that he is more attacking than this since some of his settings has been tweaked. He plays more like a second forward and I have tried this both with AMCs and pure Strikers and the results have ben equalily good.

Defensive Keys: Work rate -> Acceleration -> Tackling
Attacking Keys: Anticipation -> Off the Ball -> Decision -> Pace -> Fininshing -> Composure
Nice ppms: Moves into channels, Runs through the middle with ball
__________________________________________________ _____________________

FCleft – Poacher Attack

Our main scorer. Its important that this man can play on his won up there, being able to not only get to the right place at the right time but also to actually put the ball into the net when the chance comes along. If he has good arial ability, then it’s a huge bonus

Defensive Keys: Work rate -> Tackling
Attacking Keys: Off the ball -> Anticipation -> Pace -> Finishing -> Composure -> Agility
Nice ppms:Moves into channels, Plays with back against the goal

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More information abou the flow of the tactic will be up tonight

---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 PM ----------

Just have to post my last game against the bitter rival Aston Villa

TBH, on your unique roles, are they specific to your tactic? or could they be used in other frameworks (i.e. could deploy a riot amc in a fluid philosophy for example?)
TBH, on your unique roles, are they specific to your tactic? or could they be used in other frameworks (i.e. could deploy a riot amc in a fluid philosophy for example?)

They can be employed in any framework, no problem. The key is know when to use them. For example, I would not use a Riot AMC in a deep 4231 as the gap between the DMC and the AMC would be too big, no matter rigid or fluid
They can be employed in any framework, no problem. The key is know when to use them. For example, I would not use a Riot AMC in a deep 4231 as the gap between the DMC and the AMC would be too big, no matter rigid or fluid
excellent stuff.

At the risk of brown nosing, noobs/those who havent seen TBH's work, dont just download/create the tactic, but read and understand why she comes to those idea/conclusions. I guarantee it will enhance your FM abilty
So, sorry to ask. But does this mean that in fact you have created your own roles? Or does it mean that you have edited the current roles in terms of player instructions?

Might try and use the Riot AMC with Gerrard if you think that will work?

excellent stuff.

At the risk of brown nosing, noobs/those who havent seen TBH's work, dont just download/create the tactic, but read and understand why she comes to those idea/conclusions. I guarantee it will enhance your FM abilty

Just like you wrote, the key in this tactic is to now when and why to add the attaking or defensive shouts. Even though we play through the middle and without any wide midfielders, the wide play can be extremely good when adding the widtyh and the bombing wingbacks. When doing so, its more like playing a 2-1-4-3

So, sorry to ask. But does this mean that in fact you have created your own roles? Or does it mean that you have edited the current roles in terms of player instructions?

Might try and use the Riot AMC with Gerrard if you think that will work?


The differences between creating and naming own roles versus just tweaking some of the existent is that I use these roles over and over again in different tactics. For example, the Complete Linkman is a mix between a target man on support and a complete FC using his creativity at the same time as he keeps things simple using his direct passing game.

I think that Gerrard would be absolutely lethal in the Riot AMC role. Any good/great player that is explosive will do really well

---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 PM ----------

Sorry but what does this mean?

Tempo & Width : As in TC

I mean that they are just like in the TC, that I have not tweaked those settings and they will change when using shouts, unlike the D-line and passing focus that is a fixed variable, meaning that I have set it my self so it don't change with the shouts
So, please tell me, how did you come across making the Riot AMC? Did you tweak the AMC's instructions and how did you get to rename and whatnot?
So, please tell me, how did you come across making the Riot AMC? Did you tweak the AMC's instructions and how did you get to rename and whatnot?

Trial and error I suppose, regarding all roles. remember that I spend the whole if FM10 making them. The Riot AMC role is Basically a Riot Fc playing in the AMC spot, acting like a 3rd forward.

edit: The roles are not renamd in the game, I just named them something here at FMB and the name is becaise they do run riots
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Ah fair enough :)

I am trying now to employ them in my tactic. I now have Gerrard as a Riot AMC and Torres as a riot FC. The one concern I have is that Torres is up front on his own?

Thanks for your help :)
Will try it tonight... I've always like center-based tactics with short passing. Hope it'll give some results.
Update on my first season with Birmingham, no signings, using the Narrow Diamond



This tactic acts like a 4x3x3 once in attack, with the AMC playing like a wild FC, and the MC's playing open wide (more the letf MC).

I give a 8/10 to this tactic, because when you play as a time, you do excellent moves, and you create many chances of goal. But defensively, its not so good, once you 'shout' to look for overlap. The team sectors break down, and its hard to get the ball back. Maybe because its a rigid system. With a fluid system, i think hey will purchase the ball like a unit, and not only 2 or 3 players.
Did you used "control" strategy even for matches against strong teams or did you go for more defensive strategy (counter, defensive)?
Did you used "control" strategy even for matches against strong teams or did you go for more defensive strategy (counter, defensive)?

Yes but against stronger teams I make the defensive shouts and/or tweka the fullbacks to stay back at all times
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