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Nice Guy Gramps
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I though I'd post this up, as there have been threads appearing everywhere about Steam and FM 2012, literally flooding the site. So to help out, here's some useful info to stop repetitive threads.

Do I Have to use Steam to play FM 2012?

As mentioned what must be literally hundreds of times, it is a ONE TIME ACTIVATION ONLY. Once that is done, you never have to use it again if you don't want to.

What are the advantages with using Steam?

No disc required to play. Simple and straight forward.

The bonus with using Steam is the achievements you can ulnlock whilst playing the game, which makes it more challenging. And not only that, there are also various FM communities on Steam too which you can join up to. And another advantage, is the fact that any patches that are released by SI, are automatically added, so you don't have to do it manually.

If for some reason your copy doesn't work......simply redownload it from the library. You can do this as many times as you want. And you can also backup your files too. All you do is go to library, right click and check what game files you want to back up, and take it from there. It's extremely simple. Or you can simply verify the file cache by going to the game title in your library, right clicking on the game, going into properties, clicking on the tab that says "local files", then click on "verify integrity of game cache" and it'll check the game files. Majority of the time-it works. And doesn't take that long.

It's free. It's an extremely quick download, and uses very little processing power.

Pre-download of games. Once the main files are downloaded before release, they are all set to be activated on release day. You're sorted. Yes there could be a delay, with games such as FM 2012 it's no surprise due to popularity, so the servers are bound to struggle. Same with any major game release.

Talking to your friends during gameplay via Steam.

I was just wondering if I bought FM2011 via steam and downloaded it to my computer and then went to one of my mates house and logged in could I also download it for his computer? Or would steam block it?

You can. However, if you were logged on to your account at home and he was logged on at his house it wouldn't allow you both to play simultaneously. But you can download it on more than one computer. So your mate would have to create his own Steam account.
What if my pc broke and had to reinstall windows-how would that work wanting to get the game again?

As long as you remember your steam account details, you can just re-install the steam client and all your 'steam' games will be on the list (will lose your saved games). You will probably need to' re-install' them again though. But you will always be able to redownload them. But don't forget the backup facility too that's available.

Can Steam muck up my PC/Laptop?

No. I've bought over 30 games, and not one problem.

Why should I have to activate FM 2012 via Steam this time round? Doens't seem fair!!!!!!

Common gripe. Bottom line, as already mentioned, to stop zero day piracy. The biggest killer for game companies. If you want the game, and want to help provide the company with funds to further improve the game in the future,'s a no brainer. And as already stated, it's only a one time activation anyway.
So if you're looking for someone to blame for this, blame Pirates.

Cons for using Steam to activate it?

It annoys pirates and people looking for cracks. There are no cons whatsoever for people who get the game legit. Like I mentioned, I've used it for a dam good while, and there's been virtually no problems whatsoever. It's basically down to you. If you're not happy with having to use Steam ONCE to activate it, then don't buy it. I'm sure I speak on behalf of the good folk on this site, when I say I'm sick and tired of people complaining about Steam, and frankly get annoyed when we see stupid rants. Just don't buy it. Go and buy FIFA manager instead, but you'll be missing out on a fantastic game. Simple as.

So there you have it. That's the benefits of using Steam. If I have missed something out, feel free to add it (also applies if I made a mistake somewhere).

Thanks for your time and hope this helps.
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Doesn't steam automatically add the official patches aswell, when in online mode? i think it did on 2011, so it saves you time as you don't have to download them.

Steam isn't the problem here. It's the useless soggy lumps of meat between the computer and the chair.
Doesn't steam automatically add the official patches aswell, when in online mode? i think it did on 2011, so it saves you time as you don't have to download them.

It does yeah.
i like steam tbh, but atm, my pc is ****, so it lags when i load steam up to play a game , like the fm 12 demo.
I never used steam before fm12 and wasn't crazy about the idea, luckily I have not encountered any issue so far (finger crossed) so I have no reason to complain, but I don't think OP is making good points here

Do I Have to use Steam to play FM 2012?

err yes, the game needs to run through steam even after activation. You can select offline mode, but you'll always need to use steam

What are the advantages with using Steam?

no disc? might be an advantage for some people, while others like to have their pile of FM/CM boxes and add another every year - certainly I do ;)

steam achievements? many people REALLY don't give a **** - certainly I don't ;)

it's free and quick to get: leprosy too, you might want to try it?

uses very little processing power: great, guess what uses even less? not having steam

as I said, I have no reason personally to complain about steam and I accept it as a decision from SI to protect their games and their company. But take a look at technical support forums here or at SI games and you'll see many guys struggling with steam-related issues, and I feel bad for them even when they're the "problem between computer and chair".

at the very least steam is just another little thing that COULD go wrong in football manager (crash dumps ayone?). I'd rather have the possibility to choose like I had before fm12, but as I said I respect SI work and decision. I just wanted to say that I'm not particularly impressed by the attitude displayed by OP and several other people here. No big deal I guess.
I never used steam before fm12 and wasn't crazy about the idea, luckily I have not encountered any issue so far (finger crossed) so I have no reason to complain, but I don't think OP is making good points here

Do I Have to use Steam to play FM 2012?

err yes, the game needs to run through steam even after activation. You can select offline mode, but you'll always need to use steam

What are the advantages with using Steam?

no disc? might be an advantage for some people, while others like to have their pile of FM/CM boxes and add another every year - certainly I do ;)

steam achievements? many people REALLY don't give a **** - certainly I don't ;)

it's free and quick to get: leprosy too, you might want to try it?

uses very little processing power: great, guess what uses even less? not having steam

as I said, I have no reason personally to complain about steam and I accept it as a decision from SI to protect their games and their company. But take a look at technical support forums here or at SI games and you'll see many guys struggling with steam-related issues, and I feel bad for them even when they're the "problem between computer and chair".

at the very least steam is just another little thing that COULD go wrong in football manager (crash dumps ayone?). I'd rather have the possibility to choose like I had before fm12, but as I said I respect SI work and decision. I just wanted to say that I'm not particularly impressed by the attitude displayed by OP and several other people here. No big deal I guess.

half your points are invalid. I'm not impressed by you either. this thread isnt a debate about steam but what it does

Tired of the constant nonsense and misinformation
I never used steam before fm12 and wasn't crazy about the idea, luckily I have not encountered any issue so far (finger crossed) so I have no reason to complain, but I don't think OP is making good points here

Do I Have to use Steam to play FM 2012?

err yes, the game needs to run through steam even after activation. You can select offline mode, but you'll always need to use steam

What are the advantages with using Steam?

no disc? might be an advantage for some people, while others like to have their pile of FM/CM boxes and add another every year - certainly I do ;)

steam achievements? many people REALLY don't give a **** - certainly I don't ;)

it's free and quick to get: leprosy too, you might want to try it?

uses very little processing power: great, guess what uses even less? not having steam

as I said, I have no reason personally to complain about steam and I accept it as a decision from SI to protect their games and their company. But take a look at technical support forums here or at SI games and you'll see many guys struggling with steam-related issues, and I feel bad for them even when they're the "problem between computer and chair".

at the very least steam is just another little thing that COULD go wrong in football manager (crash dumps ayone?). I'd rather have the possibility to choose like I had before fm12, but as I said I respect SI work and decision. I just wanted to say that I'm not particularly impressed by the attitude displayed by OP and several other people here. No big deal I guess.

Sigh. I don't have an attitude kiddo. I'm just stating things as they are. As Mike just said, it's not a debate. It's just a bit of info people may find handy. And other people may have things to add that I may have missed. I'm not trying to gain kudos, and I'm not giving an attitude. Just trying to put down some scaremongering that is going on.
I never used steam before fm12 and wasn't crazy about the idea, luckily I have not encountered any issue so far (finger crossed) so I have no reason to complain, but I don't think OP is making good points here

Do I Have to use Steam to play FM 2012?

err yes, the game needs to run through steam even after activation. You can select offline mode, but you'll always need to use steam

What are the advantages with using Steam?

no disc? might be an advantage for some people, while others like to have their pile of FM/CM boxes and add another every year - certainly I do ;)

steam achievements? many people REALLY don't give a **** - certainly I don't ;)

it's free and quick to get: leprosy too, you might want to try it?

uses very little processing power: great, guess what uses even less? not having steam

as I said, I have no reason personally to complain about steam and I accept it as a decision from SI to protect their games and their company. But take a look at technical support forums here or at SI games and you'll see many guys struggling with steam-related issues, and I feel bad for them even when they're the "problem between computer and chair".

at the very least steam is just another little thing that COULD go wrong in football manager (crash dumps ayone?). I'd rather have the possibility to choose like I had before fm12, but as I said I respect SI work and decision. I just wanted to say that I'm not particularly impressed by the attitude displayed by OP and several other people here. No big deal I guess.

Steam doesn't cause crash dumps. I've had crash dumps before, even though I didn't have Steam. So fat I've had no problems with Steam, if your computer/laptop can't run Steam, then it won't run FM12.
You know what, Ive had it up to my neck with the constant back and forth about Steam.

I am not pro or anti steam, but my opinion, like everyone else's doesnt matter: FM12 uses steam. This will NOT change.

Therefore my only concern as a Mod is that people know what it does and can get help if they are struggling

Any more "Steam is ****/steam is awesome" flaming will be hit with infractions.

If you like steam get on with playing

If you dont like steam you dont need to be here

All other debate is useless
I just thought some of the info you gave wasnt that accurate. I tried to write in a polite way, type of responses I had lead me to believe my communication wasn't effective.

though I do think calling someone kiddo might confirm a certain attitude. No problem, didn't want to start a debate. Apologies if I made any mistake
Do I Have to use Steam to play FM 2012?

err yes, the game needs to run through steam even after activation. You can select offline mode, but you'll always need to use steam

Errrrrrrr no. If you are using a disc version then steam is required for a one time activation, after that you can play the disc version as in previous years. Going into offline mode to use steam is only required for digital versions of the game.

The rest of your post doesn't even deserve acknowledgement, Leprosy compared to steam? Sigh.
I just thought some of the info you gave wasnt that accurate. I tried to write in a polite way, type of responses I had lead me to believe my communication wasn't effective.

though I do think calling someone kiddo might confirm a certain attitude. No problem, didn't want to start a debate. Apologies if I made any mistake

He's just old, and therefore everyone is kiddo to him. Don't worry about it. ;)
I'm currently unable to log into Steam! -_- And I can't plan in Offline Mode!!!
I'm currently unable to log into Steam! -_- And I can't plan in Offline Mode!!!

Have you allowed Steam on the exlusions on your firewall? That's caused problems for some people
Errrrrrrr no. If you are using a disc version then steam is required for a one time activation, after that you can play the disc version as in previous years. Going into offline mode to use steam is only required for digital versions of the game.

The rest of your post doesn't even deserve acknowledgement, Leprosy compared to steam? Sigh.

I don't want to be **** but I think you may be wrong on this one?

from sigames website:

"This year’s instalment of Football Manager can only be activated and played through the Steam platform. The game can be purchased as a boxed copy or a digital download, but both versions require Steam and an Internet connection.

Football Manager 2012 will need Internet access for its activation process because Steam is a network-based platform. FM2012 customers that do not want Steam to connect to Internet can launch the Steam client in “Offline Mode” after installation"

activated AND played through steam. Otherwise people could easily uninstall steam and keep playing FM from disc. Which is not possible. Not trying to debate, and please correct me if I'm wrong!

leprosy was not the best example it seems, the point was free dosn't always mean good. I feel bad for those who have technical issues (with steam or anything else) with FM as I know they can be painful and I can guarantee that self awareness of being totally useless with computers doesn't help.
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