The Funniest Players, Staff and Club Names.

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Do you work for the magazine?

unfortunatly not.
I just couldnt find a name. So i ripped off the magazine. 8-|

it's ironic. I don't even you the 4-4-2 formation oO)
I think he means the screenshots in the first post.
I cant see the screenies either. Whats going on?
pictures dont work for me :(

Think there is a problem with my attachments, i will look into it.
They were working last night i think?
I can still see them.. But i edited it last night and got rid of the attachments but kept the URL links to the pictures which displayed them..

Interesting. :S
I normally wouldn't take this opportunity to advertise but...

Check out the new thread - 'Member of the Month' if you haven't already :)
Whilst i look into whats going on that is 8-|
Nice thread. Strange what the computer comes up with sometimes.
my other thread got closed :(

"spam fest" ¬.¬
i can't really control the amount of people posting off-topic on my thread can i? -______- <-- Long face..

New thread up soon guys.. Check it out.
That sucks it got closed theres too many people on here just spamming. At least this one is up and running well.
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