The old FMBASE?

What was better........( preferably have to be member of both too vote)

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Apr 7, 2010
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I was wondering what the the site was like in 2004(I think) when it started because I have been hearing people saying stuff like the "old layout". Also now the site has almost 200,000 members but when I look at most peoples profiles they only joined in 2009/2010 so I was wondering how many members the site had before then. Now the site is awesome but what was it like at the start

Any pictures of the old layout and stuff like that would be appreciated
You know FM-Base has gone downhill when Please Cl1ck The 3-ann-ers was better than 99% of the threads on here.
Quality the mods are the same but the last post was 5 years ago!!!

Only just over 1000 members?

---------- Post added at 12:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 AM ----------

Does anyone know who the top posters are on the old site, do they have a different username?

8 people online on the old site
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Does anyone know who the top posters are on the old site, do they have a different username?


Murali = Murali
James = James

Oh and there's also Me, Sean, and Gregor of course.

Sadly the rest of the top posters are no longer members, but I believe I have most of them on my MSN/Facebook still.
It was a lot better back then ofc :) Even if you discount the quality of members/posts it was still miles better, was a lot more 'intimate' and I had an interest in virtually every post and thread even if we only got 50-100 posts a day.

Murali = Murali
James = James

Oh and there's also Me, Sean, and Gregor of course.

Sadly the rest of the top posters are no longer members, but I believe I have most of them on my MSN/Facebook still.

I know that but there was people I have never heard of like Grey Fox
I've always liked knowing what people's old Usernames were. XD

Like, I know Max's was Kinger74? XD
I used to lurk the old cmbase, registered and posted on fm-base since fm2005. I don't post that frequently though, mostly read and filter through the **** posts and such. Was great when there was only a few regulars, sigh :(
I wish I had registered earlier on. As it stands, I get lumped in with the filth that inhabits this forum as I registered in 2008 rather than 2005.