The old FMBASE?

What was better........( preferably have to be member of both too vote)

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It was quite nice seeing the old layouts of this site........everything being said on this Thread is news to me like old usernames etc.
I used Base for about a year before I decided to sign up as a member, which was in 2008. At that time it was on the verge of becoming a spam fest and over the past few years it has become just that.

All the layouts I've been around to see have been very good, but personally I prefer the older ones.
i remember first coming on this site when it had that fm09 layout and can someone tell me what the random club generator thing was ??

Look at the quoted image above your post. On the top right it picked a random club for you to manage on FM. Was good for those timees when you dont know who to be.
I used Base for about a year before I decided to sign up as a member, which was in 2008. At that time it was on the verge of becoming a spam fest and over the past few years it has become just that.

All the layouts I've been around to see have been very good, but personally I prefer the older ones.

Turns out we joined on the same day.

Just to re-establish my dominance though, I registered at 1 second past midnight. 8-|