Basically the same as the thread for FM 10.
Post a screenshot of your squad and tactic, and transfer history(if you want). The rest of us will rate your squad out of 10, 1 being totally useless, and 10 being Perfect.
Also, when you rate a team, you can try suggesting signings/replacements for weak areas.
1 - Post screenshots. This way it is easier to make a judgment of your team.
2 - DO NOT accuse anyone of cheating, in any way shape or form. I anyone does accuse, you will be warned/infracted for argumentative posting.
3 - NO ARGUING. Follows on from previous rule. Arguing is the biggest cause of thread closure, and any that do, will be infracted, end of.
Post a screenshot of your squad and tactic, and transfer history(if you want). The rest of us will rate your squad out of 10, 1 being totally useless, and 10 being Perfect.
Also, when you rate a team, you can try suggesting signings/replacements for weak areas.
1 - Post screenshots. This way it is easier to make a judgment of your team.
2 - DO NOT accuse anyone of cheating, in any way shape or form. I anyone does accuse, you will be warned/infracted for argumentative posting.
3 - NO ARGUING. Follows on from previous rule. Arguing is the biggest cause of thread closure, and any that do, will be infracted, end of.