I don't know if this has been posted before, or in another part of the forum but, I've been having problems with my football manager on my PC lately, so i uninstalled/reinstalled about 8 times, & it carried on to say when i was loading the game about XML Parsing Errors. So i deleted all the graphics, kits, etc and uninstalled and reinstalled again and got the graphics off my laptop, it worked so now my game is working, but i went to load my save game i've been playing for a while now, in the year 2015 on it i think and when i clicked "Load Game" & selected my game it came up with this.. "The Save Game Could Not Be Loaded".. Does anybody know how to fix this? I don't want to not be able to play that game as I've done quite well on it. Any help to do with this subject would be appreciated. Cheers in advance.