They scored AGAIN! 4-2-3-1 tactic by zun-zun


Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Hello, all of you, my fellow football enthusiasts!

I have been... sniffing around, trying to educate myself in the fine art of managing; and specifically in creating tactics, which fullfill their purpose excellently. That purpose, of course, is winning a 90 min. football match.
My latest creation, this tactic i'm posting, i felt that i had to share.
Not only because it is working wonders for me, but just as well to learn and gain som, hopefully, constructive critisicm.

I will post SS's along the way!

Now for the tactic:

It is a 4-2-3-1 tactic, with RCM - AM - LCM and wingers. These however, is cutting inside, outside, anyside you can imagine, offering various offensive options of play, for the team, in general.

You will need:

Just go for the standard type here, the likes of Cech, ter Stegen and Hart, would be great.

Good allround backs, with speed, passing, crossing and marking abilities. Mário Fernandes, Vrsaljko, Cole.

DC's: Again, normally good central defenders, who might be able to play a pass, once in a while. Think Terry, Kompany and Agger

.Your 'cleaner'. Your link from defense to midfield. Think Essien, Javi Martinéz and M'Vila.

LCM: The type of midfielder who can score a goal, run back and clear a ball, then make an assist. Lampard, Moutinho and Marchisio

AM: Like the LCM, without the defensive part; better playmaker and goalscorer. Silva and Mata are great.

Well, actually somewhat similar to AM. Better at crossing and pacier, though. Hazard, Willian

Striker: Your goalscorer. Your poacher. Can score goals with every part of his body. Cavani, Higuain and Cardozo is PERFECT.

Extra stuff:

No shouts used!

Don't mind the 'player roles' too much, as every position is modified!

Match preperation set to high/very high 'teamwork' during pre season, and medium/high 'offensive runs/defensive positioning' during season, depending on how many goals you score/concede.

Tick and make your striker the target man, if your midfielders doesn't have a clue on how to score!
If they do, just leave it unticked...

Note: Never tried it with small and/or lower league teams. I don't have a clue if it will work there, but if you want to test it, feel free to, and post your results! :)

Please feel free to comment, post results, give feedback! It will be very much appreciated :)


Chelsea, Napoli (save crashed though) and benfica. I am posting screenshots asap. Not finished with the seasons though...
I am having an incredible amount of trouble with my pc right now, so it might take a little while for the screenshots to arrive :/ Testing, on vacation, with Dortmund though...
How did u find Italy with this formation. Im
currently playing an inter save 4-2-3-1 finding it hard due to the defensive nature of the league!
Well, to be honest, I didn't really experience that much of a difference :P
My laptop, with all of my saves on it, is being repaired atm, but when i get it back, i WILL post screenshots :)

But PLEASE! if you use it, post on here, telling me how it works for you :)
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im also going to give a try, with newcastle, lets see !!