If this was a game breaking bug we'd have about a thousand threads about it, we don't though. Late goals are common in real football and so are common on the game, its a bummer but its up to you to deal with it. Might I suggest buy some defender's with high a concentration stat. Low concentration and they will start to switch off towards the end of the match.

I agree it happens. My very own Spurs suffered this season in real life. After we lost 2-1 to Everton after being 1-0 till 85th minute I read a stat where if games ended after 80 minutes we'd be top of the league. But we've cut that out and also this has happened over one and a bit seasons, 90% of the time. I don't mind losing or drawing, as I said before, I don't expect to pick a tactic that wins everything, but when it's constantly at the same point in games and nothing I do can stop it...meh. I've now won 2 on the bounce, 1-0 wins, playing a lot deeper and more rigid, so we'll see how it goes. I may make the play off's as I'm 2 points behind but i'm 18 off top spot...if only those goals hadn't gone in.

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Well, despite all that I got promoted after finishing on the last play off spot on goal difference. And I thought the Championship was ridiculous...still, 4 back to back promotions isn't bad.

And the board have been extra generous. 22m just to avoid relegation? Top half finish methinks.

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i first tried this game with Newcastle United always do but this year what it wasn't working so started again with afc wimbledon and instead of going for a all out attack i concentrated on a attacking possession tactic and it is taking a while but just getting it to work ok and sometimes i have found you need to tweak it a little to react to what the computer is doing tactically there are a few guides on football manager sites but the best advice was right here where guides were made by raikan007 and the better half legends tactically pm them if you are having trouble
Well, I found that playing a bit deeper and a little more rigid helped with this issue somewhat. I still conceded late on 2 occasions but my team held it together better.
I play as Mansfield too and, I also had a problem with conceding late in the game. I realised though this might be because my full backs (Melchiot and Herman Heiridason) were very slow and the late goals seemed to come from crossers. I assumed later in the game the two old men simply got knackered so next season, I released them and signed two pacey full backs. Now I don't concede late at all. So yeah, maybe it might be something to do with having slow fullbacks or even old players who just can't hack it for the entire game? I let most of my golden oldies go and replaced them with younger models, now my team is conceding much less.
If you buy a crapload of people with 1 concentration you will get the results of a squad with no concentration. Maybe it's that.

Seeing a youtube story I'm surprised to see the guy having a lot of people with <5 decisions. Maybe you're doing the same with concentration. Mental stats are important, no matter how much "the only thing that matters" some say are the physical.

(Forgitve me if this has been said, but I won't go through pages of whiner stuff, that I'm sure will have been adhered to the thread after the OP)

The main intention of this thread was to ask any advice but I couldn't help but rant somewhat. It's gutting to concede late anyway, but every single time I draw/lose? That's just infuriating.

I wish I had time/effort to upload these goals, the last one was just hilarious. My player passed short just inside my half, the player in receipt of the ball (82% fitness) strolls over, basically walked to it. Blackpool player slides in, ball rolls toward the touchline. My closest player is 10 yards from it, there's 15. Their guy runs to it, wins it, plays a cross (standard.) and their ST finds 5 yards of space in the 6 yard box to slide it in. FML.

And in reply to GodCubed : seriously, i'm trying. I know when it's gonna happen, usually everytime I'm 1-0 up by half time so i'll switch it up. If there wingers are finding space I'll throw on a fresh RB/LB and close them down and if I'm playing a AMC i'll throw on a DMC to help the CB's while the wingers are being dealt with by my RB/LB. Or, if there ST's are low on pace and under 70% fitness i'll play a high line and keep them from putting pressure on my defence as high up as possible. Or if we're dominating i'll leave it as it is, make a couple like-for-like subs for some fresh legs and it still happens.

you are probably using the same approach from the first whistle to the last.. hence, not playing deeper/slower etc and still trying to attack whilst doing this, you leave yourself open for counters and clearly you are getting hit quite often like this..

drop the strikers/mids etc and play 5 at the back and set passing to long/direct! clear ball to flanks and drop deeper, play zonal marking, set time wasting a little more..

I have not read every post but I can tell you now you are are doing something wrong, its not the game..

I see you are also expecting to win every game once promoted as you did the year before.. this does not happen and will never happen, especially on FM13 mate :)

you are the underdog each promotion year and you should approach each game in that way..

play quick/counter attacking football..

good luck
I haven't read through the entire thread so apologies if someone has mentioned it, but it seems pretty obvious to me that there is some kind of fitness issue here? Perhaps your team are completely drained after 80 minutes, allowing the opposition to take advantage?
You are deffo doing something wrong. It rarely happens to me. In fact I tend to score more last minute goals than concede.

Its your tactics. Rather than using shouts, dropping deep etc try using another of your 3 tactics in the last minute of matches (and changing that into contain-drop deep-play narrow- play even safer).