UK Budget 2010 discussion.

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I know that, but Labour are trying to decrease their deficits by hiking taxes etc, rather than look for longer term options.

They did publish long term options today to drive down the deficit but these will be scrapped by the conservatives.
Not an interesting Budget to be honest, nothing really stood out for me. Just the usual tax hikes on cigarettes alcohol and fuel, although raising the price of petrol really does annoy me.

Labour shall certainly not be getting my vote come May/June.
i cant stand david cameron, i just think hes so uptight, and i hate to say it more people loved him when the tragedy of his sons death hit him, sorry to say it but someone had to

I agree with you about him being uptight, he's very obnoxious and I personally couldn't stand him being in charge. Although I don't believe the death of son made people love him, where did you get that from? :S
hate to bring america into this discussion but for my family to emigrate here it took so much paper work it was ridiculous, in england we let every indian who wants in, most footballers get in aswell,

Wrong country, wrong topic; we are discussing the UK Budget 2010.

I agree with you about him being uptight, he's very obnoxious and I personally couldn't stand him being in charge. Although I don't believe the death of son made people love him, where did you get that from? :S

We're talking about the budget but it is true that more people liked him after the death of his son. Very convenient that they tried for a baby before a general election as well. They want to end up like a counterfeit version of the Blairs.
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Immigration: Im not racist but we are full already, where are all these extra legal and illegal people going to go?! Nothing against the people who come over and pay their way and get a job. Its the scumbags who come over, work for 6 months, then after 6 months they are eligible for benefit and they sit in a council house on benefits, does my head in!!!!

Minority priotrity, ie giving minorities more rights than the everyday citizen. Why should the taxpayer have to pay for the NHS care of an illegal (or maybe even legal) immigrant who doesnt have a job or pay tax? Why should the taxpayer also have to fund their translator becasue they dont speak a word of english? My girlfriend is a midwife and she says about 40% of her births are to women who dont speak english, who's paying for all this ****? Joe Public, its bollocks.

As you may have guessed im a tory, i firmly believe that what you earn is yours. Why should someone else who often cant be botherd to get a job, live off my hard earned cash? I appreciate the principles of things like the NHS and obviously that has to be tax funded, but at the moment its being exploited by people who are just taking, they arent putting anything back into the system in terms of work or paying tax, thats foreigners and british people btw, so many people in my area have been on the dole for years.

Really disagree with alot of what you said. Minority Priority? What extra rights do people from ethnic minorities receive? In Britain there is a good standard of living for pretty much all people living here, I know if I was living in squalor or under a regime or being oppressed (or all of those) in my home country then I'd deffinately want to live somewhere like here.

And to question why you should have to pay for the care of another human being, poor you, it must cost you around 0.01p for every human life that is saved on the NHS, so to complain stinks of real greed.

I also really dislike people who live off benefits and make nothing of their lives, but really it's not much of a problem for me and it's really hard to deal with without punishing innocent people who can't work and really do need the money from benefits.
Not an interesting Budget to be honest, nothing really stood out for me. Just the usual tax hikes on cigarettes alcohol and fuel, although raising the price of petrol really does annoy me.

Labour shall certainly not be getting my vote come May/June.

Why vote somebody else? Presumably you aren't earning over £150,000 per year. Maybe you and Sean can buy a flat?
The fuel prices are high anyway as this is a country that imports most petrol from abroad despite North sea reserves of oil. The tax on it creates a larger budget which is a good thing and it also discourages people from burning fossil fuels; the steps this government has taken are making this country the greenest western power in the world including today's green bank confirmation.

America also imports, despite huge reserves of oil (why did we go to Iraq? Bush wanted more oil) but their fuel costs peanuts.

France, our nearest neighbours dont have much in the way of reserves, their fuel is dirt cheap compared to ours.

As for that green statement, i nearly fell off my chair. The vast majority of the stuff you painstakingly sort into various recycling bins is put in the lorry and shipped off to where? Landfill, thats not very green is it?

It causes more environmental harm to produce the mainstream green alternatives than it does to keep the current options running for their expected lifetime. ie hybrid/electric cars cause more pollution just in their production stage than i would running and fuelling up my VW Golf for the next 20 years. We also have the busiest airport in the world, which is not exactly green.

The bottom line is, Labour came to power in 97 and promised us a whole host of goodies. They have been massively dissapointing in delivering those promises.

Just thought of another thing, life sentences and jail time in general. Life means life. 6 years means 6 years, not 2 years and a probationary period. Does the government not link the crime rate and high number of re-offenders?!
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Why vote somebody else? Presumably you aren't earning over £150,000 per year. Maybe you and Sean can buy a flat?

urrr because i really dislike the Labour party.

I'd rather not buy a flat thanks. I'm much happier renting at the moment. Just because they scrapped stamp duty doesn't make me want to vote for them. lol
Fuel costs too much already, this 3p extra duty is bollocks, Americans and Australians cant keep their jaws off the floor when you tell them how much it costs to fill up in Britain.

Cider going up means i will be hitting hard spirits - hmmm way to discourage binge drinking.

As for the Tories reinstating stamp duty, where have you got that from?

Seems like nothing else happened really, i studied British political history for A-Level and my teacher always said that a Chancellor and his financial decisions can only be judged in the decade after his time as chancellor........ So we are judging Gordon Browns decisions as chancellor right now, not looking good.

This country is going to the dogs:

Immigration: Im not racist but we are full already, where are all these extra legal and illegal people going to go?! Nothing against the people who come over and pay their way and get a job. Its the scumbags who come over, work for 6 months, then after 6 months they are eligible for benefit and they sit in a council house on benefits, does my head in!!!!

Minority priority, ie giving minorities more rights than the everyday citizen. Why should the taxpayer have to pay for the NHS care of an illegal (or maybe even legal) immigrant who doesnt have a job or pay tax? Why should the taxpayer also have to fund their translator because they dont speak a word of english? My girlfriend is a midwife and she says about 40% of her births are to women who dont speak english, who's paying for all this ****? Joe Public, its bollocks.

Shoddy infrastructure, trains constantly late/cancelled etc. That **** just doesnt happen in any other western country on such a grand scale.

Red Tape/Beaurocracy: I work in my family business, we run a care agency so we have to deal with social services all the time. The amount of box ticking and paperwork that goes into organizing a care package for an elderly client is outrageous.

As you may have guessed im a tory, i firmly believe that what you earn is yours. Why should someone else who often cant be bothered to get a job, live off my hard earned cash? I appreciate the principles of things like the NHS and obviously that has to be tax funded, but at the moment its being exploited by people who are just taking, they arent putting anything back into the system in terms of work or paying tax, thats foreigners and british people btw, so many people in my area have been on the dole for years.

I swear you wont be able to fart without being taxed soon. Im considering moving back to Australia.

Rant over, im looking at getting my own house soon, so no stamp duty is good.

Edit: I'm not a Cameron fan at all, but i could dress one of my turds up in a suit and it could do a better job than Brown.

Gordon Brown is very intelligent, was an inspired chancellor and is a great PM.
The sin-taxes are good in a variety of ways and the fuel taxes raise needed funds whilst creating a greener Britain.
Labour's initiatives on business will help rather than hinder you.
Labour will save money on your house and you'd better buy your house soon or the tories will scrap the stamp duty allowance to save their rich allies cash.
Taxes create jobs and without taxes people wouldn't earn wages and so how can you keep what you earn without a job? Labour's policies have stopped unemployment from spiralling out of control so taxes can pay for the infrastructure that you complain about but are seemingly unwilling to fork out for.
This is to do with the economy and budget not immigration. You contradict yourself throughout. Thank goodness the tories aren't in power.
spot on jake, the budgets should go into better crime fighting, seriously i was talking to another member on the site who had a friend killed sadly, the guy only will get 15 years, ridiculous,
No way why is cider prices increased, already costs enough for decent cider, 10% aint huge but still...its a sad day for the west country :(. Don't see why they just get rid of the cheap rubbish that plagues the supermarkets that is only drunk by little binge drinking *****, instead of the downfall of ruining micro-brewers with heaps of tax. All for rise in cigarettes though.
Really disagree with alot of what you said. Minority Priority? What extra rights do people from ethnic minorities receive? In Britain there is a good standard of living for pretty much all people living here, I know if I was living in squalor or under a regime or being oppressed (or all of those) in my home country then I'd deffinately want to live somewhere like here.

And to question why you should have to pay for the care of another human being, poor you, it must cost you around 0.01p for every human life that is saved on the NHS, so to complain stinks of real greed.

I also really dislike people who live off benefits and make nothing of their lives, but really it's not much of a problem for me and it's really hard to deal with without punishing innocent people who can't work and really do need the money from benefits.

Sane people do exist on internet forums!
I agree on the benefits thing, honestly they should be taken away from some people, my sisters friends family live off benefits and theres nothing wrong with any of them??
Nooo Ciiidddeeerrr! :(

The West Country is in mourning.

---------- Post added at 03:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 AM ----------

I agree on the benefits thing, honestly they should be taken away from some people, my sisters friends family live off benefits and theres nothing wrong with any of them??

Apart from being on benefits?! ;)
No way why is cider prices increased, already costs enough for decent cider, 10% aint huge but still...its a sad day for the west country :(. Don't see why they just get rid of the cheap rubbish that plagues the supermarkets that is only drunk by little binge drinking *****, instead of the downfall of ruining micro-brewers with heaps of tax. All for rise in cigarettes though.

Alcopops(the cheap rubbish drunk by little binge drinking *****) have been subject to the same tax hikes as cider today. These legal drugs can be taxed to no end in my opinion.

Nooo Ciiidddeeerrr! :(

The West Country is in mourning.

---------- Post added at 03:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 AM ----------

Apart from being on benefits?! ;)

That was his point. He meant that they shouldn't be on benefits as there is nothing wrong with them.
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Really disagree with alot of what you said. Minority Priority? What extra rights do people from ethnic minorities receive? In Britain there is a good standard of living for pretty much all people living here, I know if I was living in squalor or under a regime or being oppressed (or all of those) in my home country then I'd definitely want to live somewhere like here.

And to question why you should have to pay for the care of another human being, poor you, it must cost you around 0.01p for every human life that is saved on the NHS, so to complain stinks of real greed.

I also really dislike people who live off benefits and make nothing of their lives, but really it's not much of a problem for me and it's really hard to deal with without punishing innocent people who can't work and really do need the money from benefits.

I'll go through those points methodically.

What extra rights do people from ethnic minorities receive? I have to by law, choose to employ a black/asian/ethnic applicant over a white british one, even if the white british one is slightly more qualified. This is despite the fact that my client base and the demographic of the area i live in is almost 95% white. How is that not an advantage to ethnic minorities? We are the softest nation on earth, guaranteed if i turned up in a foreign country and didnt speak a word of the language but needed minor medical attention i wouldnt be offered a translator for free.
Why should we let them in just because they live in squalor? France doesnt, Spain doesnt, Germany doesnt etc. I'm going to get called racist soon, i do appreciate its a bit different for those who are being persecuted by their government, but unless you are living under a rock its plainly obvious that most of the immigrants in th UK today are here because they know we are a soft touch.

Ok maybe you misunderstood me, i did say i appreciate the principle of the NHS. And of course the benefit system in our country means its possible for a British born person to live their whole life on the dole and receive the same medical care i would do without having to pay a penny in tax (or otherwise) for it. Theres nothing that can be done about that, thats our countries system. But the fact is at the moment its being abused by immigrants who havent paid their way at all.

It would be very easy to distinguish between who could work and who cant. I accept someone who cant work for medical resons or whatever should get state assistance, but the idle bastards who sit on the dole for years really annoy me,
America also imports, despite huge reserves of oil (why did we go to Iraq? Bush wanted more oil) but their fuel costs peanuts.

France, our nearest neighbours dont have much in the way of reserves, their fuel is dirt cheap compared to ours.

As for that green statement, i nearly fell off my chair. The vast majority of the stuff you painstakingly sort into various recycling bins is put in the lorry and shipped off to where? Landfill, thats not very green is it?

It causes more environmental harm to produce the mainstream green alternatives than it does to keep the current options running for their expected lifetime. ie hybrid/electric cars cause more pollution just in their production stage than i would running and fuelling up my VW Golf for the next 20 years. We also have the busiest airport in the world, which is not exactly green.

The bottom line is, Labour came to power in 97 and promised us a whole host of goodies. They have been massively dissapointing in delivering those promises.

Just thought of another thing, life sentences and jail time in general. Life means life. 6 years means 6 years, not 2 years and a probationary period. Does the government not link the crime rate and high number of re-offenders?!

Iraq is in much better shape today than pre-invasion.
America does not have that much oil. It is peak-oil there.
French petrol is not dirt cheap.
Agencies including Veolia have made huge strides to combat landfills. Since Labour came to power there has been 240% more domestic recycling.
Your VW Golf also created an equal amount of CO2 in its production however it will continue creation lots of CO2 where hybrids and electric cars will create far less.
Labour have brought in loads of initiatives since '97. Never forget minimum wage and the high recent levels of attainment in education.
Gordon Brown is very intelligent, was an inspired chancellor and is a great PM.
The sin-taxes are good in a variety of ways and the fuel taxes raise needed funds whilst creating a greener Britain.
Labour's initiatives on business will help rather than hinder you.
Labour will save money on your house and you'd better buy your house soon or the tories will scrap the stamp duty allowance to save their rich allies cash.
Taxes create jobs and without taxes people wouldn't earn wages and so how can you keep what you earn without a job? Labour's policies have stopped unemployment from spiralling out of control so taxes can pay for the infrastructure that you complain about but are seemingly unwilling to fork out for.
This is to do with the economy and budget not immigration. You contradict yourself throughout. Thank goodness the tories aren't in power.

Sane people do exist on internet forums!

so basically to be fatshit approved (and be calssed as sane) you have to be a huge labour fan? no thanks.

Where are you getting this stamp duty rubbsih from? there was stamp duty under the tories, and until today there was stamp duty under labour, the fact that they have got rid of it in a last ditch attempt to win the election is beside the point.

Labours policies have stopped unemployment? The minimal fall in unemployment recently was due to people taking themselves off the statistics list, ie going into higher education, retiring, or leaving the country. This was widely accepted, the reason this happened is because there are no jobs!!!! How can taxes pay for infrastructure if theres no-one working to pay said taxes? And over the past 10 years when people have had jobs the development of infrastructure has been amazing hasnt it.....?

Ok if its to do with the economy ill get down to it. This budget did nothing but attempt to give an incentive to those considering buying a house again due to the worst of the financial troubles being over (hopefully)

The fact is, Gordon Browns failed policies as Chancellor are now rearing their ugly head. I remember him quite proudly saying that under his financial management, Labour had managed to end the boom and bust cycle, what a load of old **** that turned out to be.
I'll go through those points methodically.

What extra rights do people from ethnic minorities receive? I have to by law, choose to employ a black/asian/ethnic applicant over a white british one, even if the white british one is slightly more qualified. This is despite the fact that my client base and the demographic of the area i live in is almost 95% white. How is that not an advantage to ethnic minorities? We are the softest nation on earth, guaranteed if i turned up in a foreign country and didnt speak a word of the language but needed minor medical attention i wouldnt be offered a translator for free.
Why should we let them in just because they live in squalor? France doesnt, Spain doesnt, Germany doesnt etc. I'm going to get called racist soon, i do appreciate its a bit different for those who are being persecuted by their government, but unless you are living under a rock its plainly obvious that most of the immigrants in th UK today are here because they know we are a soft touch.

Ok maybe you misunderstood me, i did say i appreciate the principle of the NHS. And of course the benefit system in our country means its possible for a British born person to live their whole life on the dole and receive the same medical care i would do without having to pay a penny in tax (or otherwise) for it. Theres nothing that can be done about that, thats our countries system. But the fact is at the moment its being abused by immigrants who havent paid their way at all.

It would be very easy to distinguish between who could work and who cant. I accept someone who cant work for medical resons or whatever should get state assistance, but the idle bastards who sit on the dole for years really annoy me,

You don't have to by law hire an ethnic minority; you cannot refuse them on the basis of their race, there's a difference.
France is one of the most racist countries in Europe! Any Frenchman will testify. Now Sarkozy's right wing party is feeling the sting of liberal awakening in France. You complain in all of your posts about benefit thieves but you focus primarily on false minority claimants rather than false British claimants despite the fact as you put it that most people and claimants in this country are indeed British. It is not easy to distinguish between those who can work and those who cannot, there is more to disability than physical ailments. Some people will unfortunately never be mentally ready for work and some are more of a liability than an asset.
I'll go through those points methodically.

What extra rights do people from ethnic minorities receive? I have to by law, choose to employ a black/asian/ethnic applicant over a white british one, even if the white british one is slightly more qualified. This is despite the fact that my client base and the demographic of the area i live in is almost 95% white. How is that not an advantage to ethnic minorities? We are the softest nation on earth, guaranteed if i turned up in a foreign country and didnt speak a word of the language but needed minor medical attention i wouldnt be offered a translator for free.
Why should we let them in just because they live in squalor? France doesnt, Spain doesnt, Germany doesnt etc. I'm going to get called racist soon, i do appreciate its a bit different for those who are being persecuted by their government, but unless you are living under a rock its plainly obvious that most of the immigrants in th UK today are here because they know we are a soft touch.

Ok maybe you misunderstood me, i did say i appreciate the principle of the NHS. And of course the benefit system in our country means its possible for a British born person to live their whole life on the dole and receive the same medical care i would do without having to pay a penny in tax (or otherwise) for it. Theres nothing that can be done about that, thats our countries system. But the fact is at the moment its being abused by immigrants who havent paid their way at all.

It would be very easy to distinguish between who could work and who cant. I accept someone who cant work for medical resons or whatever should get state assistance, but the idle bastards who sit on the dole for years really annoy me,

Those who immigrate to Britain are usually from EU countries as we along with Sweden & Ireland [I think] are the only ones to openly accept other nationalitys to work here, why is that a bad thing? Maybe you should look closer to home at the British people who do not work, who are not sick or disabled just are lazy, it's so easy for somebody to claim mental illness because it's very hard to prove them wrong. At least the immigrants here are willing to work.

As for the "Why should we let them in just because they live in squalor?" people coming from third world countries escaping what is pretty much **** on earth is fair enough, I would welcome those people, if I was living in that state I would hope for help from other nations.

You make the current govourenment to be helpless idiots who allowed foreigners to leech off of the taxpayer but is this really true? Sure I completely agree that the amount of illegal immigrants in the country is extremely high, but that is something we have very little control over, if an illegal immigrant is found they are deported.

I think you have serious problems accepting other ethnicities and I don't know why..

I hate people who cannot take the blame for there own mistakes, the country is in ruins, correct, not because of asylum seekers or immigrates "taking our jobs" but because British people take out loans they can't pay and because banks were willing to do it. We wrecked this country ourselves and the problem with people such as yourself is that you can't accept it, there's always somebody else to blame. Labour under Brown isn't perfect and I know that's not a good thing to say about somebody running the country but what could Cameron change, he isn't a political genius, and certainly isn't the new Tony Blair which he seems to believe, he is an upper class rich boy trying to live a middle class lifestyle and using disgusting tactics in a desperate attempt to get voters. He puts Labour down a lot (I know it's his job right) but he comes up with very little solutions. If this time next year we are run by the torries then it will be the fact that Brown lost voters, not that Cameron won them, for the first time ever (certainly sice I was alive) could the moral of our country drop so much that we vote for a second rate candidate just because of his young eco-friendly tony blair wanna be image..
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