UK Budget 2010 discussion.

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To be honest I feel that the cider issue will soon be forgotten as much more important things will rise even more than they are already. Things like petrol are now even harder to find, the rise in fossil fuels being burnt let alone is using our oil and resources it is also rising our CO2 emissions. Anyway, back to what I was earlier saying, not only with prices start to increase, things in the community, jobs and concentration on education will start to decrease as our excuse for budgeters try and dig theirselves out of the holes they are already in with these cuts, I think our economy could be sorted put with cuts in less than front line matters, to be fair everybody does and until the day we discover what these cuts will be I think we will still be in this financial mess.
I'm 16, so you might find my view a little pointless but still.
I don't think Gordon Brown is the man to lead the country, nor do i think it should be David Cameron or Nick Clegg. All three are useless and most importantly, lack charisma, something i see as vitally important for a leader of a nation. Look at Obama for example, he has it abundance and has just got something passed that most americans could never have dreamed off. But anyway back on topic. I also dis-like cameron because rather than saying what he'd do to improve the country, he sits there and slags labour and brown off. Just the opinion of a 16 year old boy :D
so basically to be fatshit approved (and be calssed as sane) you have to be a huge labour fan? no thanks.

Where are you getting this stamp duty rubbsih from? there was stamp duty under the tories, and until today there was stamp duty under labour, the fact that they have got rid of it in a last ditch attempt to win the election is beside the point.

Labours policies have stopped unemployment? The minimal fall in unemployment recently was due to people taking themselves off the statistics list, ie going into higher education, retiring, or leaving the country. This was widely accepted, the reason this happened is because there are no jobs!!!! How can taxes pay for infrastructure if theres no-one working to pay said taxes? And over the past 10 years when people have had jobs the development of infrastructure has been amazing hasnt it.....?

Ok if its to do with the economy ill get down to it. This budget did nothing but attempt to give an incentive to those considering buying a house again due to the worst of the financial troubles being over (hopefully)

The fact is, Gordon Browns failed policies as Chancellor are now rearing their ugly head. I remember him quite proudly saying that under his financial management, Labour had managed to end the boom and bust cycle, what a load of old **** that turned out to be.

This is my last one as I have work tomorrow; I said he was sane because he pulled you up on your typical tory greed: 'work for yourself'. From your comments one would assume you don't support charities and would love not to have to pay tax at all. You complained earlier that trains are often late and the infrastructure is ****. This wouldn't improve if you payed less tax it would worsen. Can't you give up a little more of your money per month( say a DVD here and there) to help somebody much less fortunate both at home and abroad. The financial troubles are coming to an end because of Labour's policies to secure the recovery(which worked - as usual). And no unemployment isn't falling because of retirement etc LOL how absurd. In previous tory depressions the unemployment got so high because they failed to combat it in the past as Labour have succeeded to combat it today. Night Night.

I'm 16, so you might find my view a little pointless but still.
I don't think Gordon Brown is the man to lead the country, nor do i think it should be David Cameron or Nick Clegg. All three are useless and most importantly, lack charisma, something i see as vitally important for a leader of a nation. Look at Obama for example, he has it abundance and has just got something passed that most americans could never have dreamed off. But anyway back on topic. I also dis-like cameron because rather than saying what he'd do to improve the country, he sits there and slags labour and brown off. Just the opinion of a 16 year old boy :D

I'm 15.
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Iraq is in much better shape today than pre-invasion.
America does not have that much oil. It is peak-oil there.
French petrol is not dirt cheap.
Agencies including Veolia have made huge strides to combat landfills. Since Labour came to power there has been 240% more domestic recycling.
Your VW Golf also created an equal amount of CO2 in its production however it will continue creation lots of CO2 where hybrids and electric cars will create far less.
Labour have brought in loads of initiatives since '97. Never forget minimum wage and the high recent levels of attainment in education.

Regardless of peak oil or not, America still uses hardly any of its own supplies, but imports it ( which was your reason for high fuel prices here) yet their prices are over 50% less than ours. after a quick check, France, i will admit has significantly jumped in price since last went there, but its still cheaper than the UK.

Youve got your head in the sand if you think that much recycling actually happens. Yes the amount being collected may have gone up 240%, but once its in that lorry most of it still goes straight into the landfill site.

So normal cars and 'green' cars are exactly the same? Made out of the same materials? No.
My VW golf did not need huge batteries, hydrogen cells, turbines, etc when it was produced, the damage caused by the collection of the raw materials for those components, and then refining them into the finished article ready for the car far outweighs the damage caused by me continuing to use my current one on fossil fuel. This is a proven fact.

High levels of recent attainment in education? Nothing to do with **** in the wind subjects like media and sports studies? There was a kid on the forum the other day who was doing a football manager story for a school project?!

Minimum wage has gone up to match inflation.
Those who immigrate to Britain are usually from EU countries as we along with Sweden & Ireland [I think] are the only ones to openly accept other nationalitys to work here, why is that a bad thing? Maybe you should look closer to home at the British people who do not work, who are not sick or disabled just are lazy, it's so easy for somebody to claim mental illness because it's very hard to prove them wrong. At least the immigrants here are willing to work.

As for the "Why should we let them in just because they live in squalor?" people coming from third world countries escaping what is pretty much **** on earth is fair enough, I would welcome those people, if I was living in that state I would hope for help from other nations.

You make the current govourenment to be helpless idiots who allowed foreigners to leech off of the taxpayer but is this really true? Sure I completely agree that the amount of illegal immigrants in the country is extremely high, but that is something we have very little control over, if an illegal immigrant is found they are deported.

I think you have serious problems accepting other ethnicities and I don't know why..

I hate people who cannot take the blame for there own mistakes, the country is in ruins, correct, not because of asylum seekers or immigrates "taking our jobs" but because British people take out loans they can't pay and because banks were willing to do it. We wrecked this country ourselves and the problem with people such as yourself is that you can't accept it, there's always somebody else to blame. Labour under Brown isn't perfect and I know that's not a good thing to say about somebody running the country but what could Cameron change, he isn't a political genius, and certainly isn't the new Tony Blair which he seems to believe, he is an upper class rich boy trying to live a middle class lifestyle and using disgusting tactics in a desperate attempt to get voters. He puts Labour down a lot (I know it's his job right) but he comes up with very little solutions. If this time next year we are run by the torries then it will be the fact that Brown lost voters, not that Cameron won them, for the first time ever (certainly sice I was alive) could the moral of our country drop so much that we vote for a second rate candidate just because of his young eco-friendly tony blair wanna be image..
Couldn't have put it better myself. Amen.
[/QUOTE] We're talking about the budget but it is true that more people liked him after the death of his son. Very convenient that they tried for a baby before a general election as well. They want to end up like a counterfeit version of the Blairs.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this. It is very convenient that they announced the baby in the days before the budget in a way to try and take the public focus away from the budget and back onto them. Do i sense a bit of panic from the conservatives.

As for the budget, fuel price has been to high for ages, there is one garage near me that is charging £1.21 for a litre, and delaying the increase just brings false security.

Would prefer the stamp duty to be held for longer than the two years as i can't see myself buying a house in the next two years.
imho alcohol taxes should rise considerably for non-pubs/bars/clubs etc as it only encourages binge drinking. instate a sugar tax (there's one in Norway), which then raises the cost of sweets, hopefully deterring more people from getting diabetes and becoming fat and useless. Spend less on welfare by making it harder to get benefits, because there's a fuckton of people who shouldn't be getting it (got family and friends on it that really shouldn't be given money). increase the research budgets, as this creates lots of jobs and revenue in the long term. Stop the NHS from funding homeopathy and other quackery; the money spent is ridiculous. Then prevent the fat from receiving benefits because they're unfit to work because of being fat and useless in addition to the NHS no longer paying for sickness/ill-health caused by obesity, as by 2030 this is estimated to take 50% of the NHS's budget. Then spend whatever can be saved here on lowering the price for gyms. = win.
Regardless of peak oil or not, America still uses hardly any of its own supplies, but imports it ( which was your reason for high fuel prices here) yet their prices are over 50% less than ours. after a quick check, France, i will admit has significantly jumped in price since last went there, but its still cheaper than the UK.

Youve got your head in the sand if you think that much recycling actually happens. Yes the amount being collected may have gone up 240%, but once its in that lorry most of it still goes straight into the landfill site.

So normal cars and 'green' cars are exactly the same? Made out of the same materials? No.
My VW golf did not need huge batteries, hydrogen cells, turbines, etc when it was produced, the damage caused by the collection of the raw materials for those components, and then refining them into the finished article ready for the car far outweighs the damage caused by me continuing to use my current one on fossil fuel. This is a proven fact.

High levels of recent attainment in education? Nothing to do with **** in the wind subjects like media and sports studies? There was a kid on the forum the other day who was doing a football manager story for a school project?!

Minimum wage has gone up to match inflation.
They import more petrol BECAUSE of domestic peak oil.
It has been proven that actually over time hybrids will have a considerably smaller impact on the environment in comparison to the conventional car despite the fact that Ford funded scientists will say different.
The 240% is of waste in the UK that is RECYCLED and re marketed not collected.
Attainment is heavily to do with people's improvements that they make from predicted grades. Just because people take easier subjects it does not make them less important or mean they have achieved less for themselves. Someone predicted A*s that gets Bs has achieved less for THEMSELVES than somebody who is predicted Ds but gets Cs for instance. Goodnight.
america imports 62% of the yearly natural resources traded, they have barely any natural resources, apart from all the wood in oregon but most of it is government protected, they recently found oil in the cape verde islands, DRPEPPER is rolling his sleeves up lol
We're talking about the budget but it is true that more people liked him after the death of his son. Very convenient that they tried for a baby before a general election as well. They want to end up like a counterfeit version of the Blairs.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this. It is very convenient that they announced the baby in the days before the budget in a way to try and take the public focus away from the budget and back onto them. Do i sense a bit of panic from the conservatives.

As for the budget, fuel price has been to high for ages, there is one garage near me that is charging £1.21 for a litre, and delaying the increase just brings false security.

Would prefer the stamp duty to be held for longer than the two years as i can't see myself buying a house in the next two years.[/QUOTE]

Buy a cheaper flat that you can rent out!
This is my last one as I have work tomorrow; I said he was sane because he pulled you up on your typical tory greed: 'work for yourself'. From your comments one would assume you don't support charities and would love not to have to pay tax at all.

i donate a significant amount of money every month to 5 seperate charities mate. I have been out on the streets raising money for the british legion and also help the aged, so dont try and look down on me you little ****. I also volunteer at my local club in the summer offering cricket coaching to young children. Dont insult me with your 'Tories are all greedy toff bastards' point of view.
Why do Labour supporters think they are gods gift to the world, is it because they think they are the only ones who care for the whole of society?

You complained earlier that trains are often late and the infrastructure is ****. This wouldn't improve if you payed less tax it would worsen.

I have never said i should pay less tax, i just think some of the lazy bastards who dont work should contribute more, ditto for the immigrants who are giving nothing back to this country.

Can't you give up a little more of your money per month( say a DVD here and there) to help somebody much less fortunate both at home and abroad.

See previous comment regarding charity donations and volunteer work.

The financial troubles are coming to an end because of Labour's policies to secure the recovery(which worked - as usual).

2 points here. We were first into recession and last out (thats if we are really out of it yet, i wouldnt be surprised by a double dip recession) so errr yeah, great labour policies there. Also you say this worked, as usual, suggesting Labour often has to rush through emergency policy to fix their own **** ups.

And no unemployment isn't falling because of retirement etc LOL how absurd.

Hmmmm strange that every major news agency and political commentator in the land agreed that the recent drop in unemployment was due to people taking themselves off the job market by retiring early or seeking higher education, another Labour cover up! The nazis did something similar when trying to cover their shoddy unemployment record.

In previous tory depressions the unemployment got so high because they failed to combat it in the past as Labour have succeeded to combat it today.

Labour have succeeded? Where? The dole queue is still endless, im getting all sorts ringing up for jobs. Factory workers, lorry drivers etc lookign for a job in the elderly care business becasue there is NOTHING in their line of work.

I'm 15.

LMAO, you cant even vote yet mate, get back to me when you are actually affected by all this labour brilliance you seem to know everything about.
Iraq is in much better shape today than pre-invasion.
America does not have that much oil. It is peak-oil there.
French petrol is not dirt cheap.
Agencies including Veolia have made huge strides to combat landfills. Since Labour came to power there has been 240% more domestic recycling.
Your VW Golf also created an equal amount of CO2 in its production however it will continue creation lots of CO2 where hybrids and electric cars will create far less.
Labour have brought in loads of initiatives since '97. Never forget minimum wage and the high recent levels of attainment in education.

Afaik, iraq's worse off. Afghanistan has become an even worse **** hole of a country since democracy was enforced.
You don't have to by law hire an ethnic minority; you cannot refuse them on the basis of their race, there's a difference. Youre 15, how do you know this? its strange that i get a letter from the government every year reminding me of my ethnic quota.

Some people will unfortunately never be mentally ready for work and some are more of a liability than an asset.

Never be mentally ready for work? i accept mental disability but im pretty sure you are referring to people who 'cant handle' having a job, or 'get too stressed' by all the pressure. Do me a favour, accepting these pathetic excuses is the reason we are considered a soft touch.
jake getting a tad lazy replying to each post there XD

Democracy can ruin some countries, but i still believe in it
Those who immigrate to Britain are usually from EU countries as we along with Sweden & Ireland [I think] are the only ones to openly accept other nationalitys to work here, why is that a bad thing? Maybe you should look closer to home at the British people who do not work, who are not sick or disabled just are lazy, it's so easy for somebody to claim mental illness because it's very hard to prove them wrong. At least the immigrants here are willing to work.

I agree with you about looking at the lazy british people who dont want to work. And im all for letting foreign labour into the country provided they actually work, as many of them do. Bottom line is, a significant number of them dont work, but live off the state, how is this in any way a good thing? My local job centre has posters in about 15 different languages to deal with all the foreigners who arent working, and it was like this before the recession.

As for the "Why should we let them in just because they live in squalor?" people coming from third world countries escaping what is pretty much **** on earth is fair enough, I would welcome those people, if I was living in that state I would hope for help from other nations.

Yes i would welcome them too, but it seems there is an endless stream of them. And plainly not all of them are really escaping bad circumstances like they claim.

You make the current govourenment to be helpless idiots who allowed foreigners to leech off of the taxpayer but is this really true? Sure I completely agree that the amount of illegal immigrants in the country is extremely high, but that is something we have very little control over, if an illegal immigrant is found they are deported.

Have you heard of Abu Hamza?

I think you have serious problems accepting other ethnicities and I don't know why..

I am not racist if thats what you are trying to imply. Despite the demographic of my local area being hugely white, I have quite a few black friends, i went to school and remain in contact with some pakistani and indian people also. During my time in Australia i worked (and became close friends) with a number of indian people, to the point where i lived with a guy called Harpreet Singh for a while, im no racist mate.

I hate people who cannot take the blame for there own mistakes, the country is in ruins, correct, not because of asylum seekers or immigrates "taking our jobs" but because British people take out loans they can't pay and because banks were willing to do it. We wrecked this country ourselves and the problem with people such as yourself is that you can't accept it, there's always somebody else to blame.

Correct, there is always someone else to blame, you just did it by blaming the banksXD. I keep up the payments on all my debts, which is 2 credit cards and 2 loans, so i haven't contributed the banking downfall.

Labour under Brown isn't perfect and I know that's not a good thing to say about somebody running the country but what could Cameron change, he isn't a political genius, and certainly isn't the new Tony Blair which he seems to believe, he is an upper class rich boy trying to live a middle class lifestyle and using disgusting tactics in a desperate attempt to get voters. He puts Labour down a lot (I know it's his job right) but he comes up with very little solutions. If this time next year we are run by the torries then it will be the fact that Brown lost voters, not that Cameron won them, for the first time ever (certainly sice I was alive) could the moral of our country drop so much that we vote for a second rate candidate just because of his young eco-friendly tony blair wanna be image..

Brown lost voters? he never had any voters, he wasnt elected!!!! As i said before im not a Cameron fan at all, hes a poster boy just like blair was, but as i also said before, one of my turds dressed in a suit could do a better job than brown. Oh how we dream for the British Obama..... (not sure if hes not just a poster boy as well, but rather have him than brown)
Iraq is in much better shape today than pre-invasion.
America does not have that much oil. It is peak-oil there.
French petrol is not dirt cheap.
Agencies including Veolia have made huge strides to combat landfills. Since Labour came to power there has been 240% more domestic recycling.
Your VW Golf also created an equal amount of CO2 in its production however it will continue creation lots of CO2 where hybrids and electric cars will create far less.
Labour have brought in loads of initiatives since '97. Never forget minimum wage and the high recent levels of attainment in education.

You are off your ******* nut mate.

Iraq is worse off after the invasion and this is coming from someone who's grandparents live there. I know this is reering on off topic but you're arrogant petulance has made for some grim reading.

For one, electricity alone in Iraq's main provinces has decreased and has been constantly unstable since the war.

Only about 1/4 of the pledged budget towards rebuilding Iraq was spent 5 YEARS ON. The biggest chunk of this money has gone on Iraq's ministry operations. Hmm where is all the American taxpayers cash going?

Not only that but the already poor judical system has taken even more hits, judges are scared to death due to assasination attempts. The country is in no better state mate, believe me.

Along with the outrageous ammount of death to US troops, Iraq have lost something like 9,400 policeman and soldiers. Now moving onto the civilians. US reports are discloing bullshit numbers to the ammount of Iraqi civilians who have died. They're saying about 100,000 when it is closer to 600,000. So much better than before right? Wrong.

Iraq's unemployment rate has sky rocketed to 60% since the war has began and 40% of professionals have left Iraq since 2003. They had something like over 30,000 physicians before the invasion now they have just over 10,000. Also about 3000 doctors have been killed or kidnapped.

Over 4M Iraqi's have lost their homes and become refugees since 2003. In 2007 2.2M Iraqi's were displaced into neighbouring countries and a further 2M were displaced internally. Not to mention the fact nearly 100,000 Iraqi's are fleeing the to Jordan and Syria every month.

70% of Iraqi's have not got a good enough source of water supply and only about 20% of the water treatment plants have been rehabilitated. It is absolute nonsense to think Iraq is better for all of this.

US are trying to rush towards democracy in a nation with no strong political party, not to mention the ethnic divisions within it. US think that trying to set new political, economical and social systems in Iraq is going to work when it clearly isnt.

I am in no way against the US I am just merely venting my frustration at fatshit.
what on earth is the UK Budget??????? oO)
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what on earth is the UK Budget??????? oO)

The government has to present a credible budget just as a citizen or a business does to show what they will spend and on what. They also have to show where the money will come from.

For example: Joe Bloggs earns £100 a week and his mum gives him £40 per week, here is a possible weekly budget for him:
Income: ------------------------------------------------- Expenditure:
Salary: £100-------------------------------------------- Food: £30
Mum's subsidy: £40---------------------------------- Rent: £70
--------------------------------------------------------------Bills: £40
-------------------------------------------------------------- Tax: £35
--------------------------------------------------------------Other: £30
Total: £140 ---------------------------------------------- Total: £205
Budget deficit: £65
Bank loan: £65

As we can see, because Mr Bloggs has predicted he will spend more than his weekly income and so he will have to borrow £65 to cover his costs. A governmental budget is fundamentally the same.

Let us pretend there is a fictional country called Taser. Taser earns 100bn Taserian dollars through tax each year. The UN and other worldwide charities and organisations also award the developing country of Taser with taserian $40bn annually. Here is a hypothetical budget for the hypothetical country of Taser:
$100bn tax-----------------------------------------------$60bn healthcare
$40bn subsidies---------------------------------------$5bn defence
---------------------------------------------------------------- $35bn education
--------------------------------------------------------------- $50bn general civil service
---------------------------------------------------------------$20bn police
---------------------------------------------------------------$15bn other
Total: $140bn--------------------------------------------- Total: $210bn
Budget deficit: $70bn
World bank loan: $70bn

As we can see the budget for the country is very similar as to that for Joe Bloggs. In the UK it is much the same; the government spends money on schemes from its income via tax etc but if it has to overspend then it must borrow from abroad just as you and I might get a loan or use a credit card. Budget deficits do not always occur and if there is a budget surplus then the government has spent less than its earnings. In the west this almost seldom happens nowadays especially after a worldwide recession but when it does the money is used to pay off previous debts, to save and to invest further in the nation. Every year the UK government must publish its own budget estimating where it will spend, where it will earn and where it will borrow. The chancellor of the exchequer Alastair Darling did this the other day in his budget announcement as has every chancellor usually annually since the chancellor's role in politics was defined. I hope this helps, thank you.
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$100bn tax-----------------------------------------------$60bn healthcare
$40bn subsidies---------------------------------------$5bn defence
---------------------------------------------------------------- $35bn education
--------------------------------------------------------------- $50bn general civil service
---------------------------------------------------------------$20bn police
---------------------------------------------------------------$15bn other
Total: $140bn--------------------------------------------- Total: $210bn
Budget deficit: $70bn
World bank loan: $70bn

That reads like a typical Gordon Brown/labour budget to me. (K)