Chrissy Ross

Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
I have reposted this tactic as I have made tweaks. The team instructions were amended based on Jasser's
MM-Away tactic's team instructions. I was working with Jasser on tweaking this, but his changes r.e. THE BOMB tactic were too different from what I preferred and found to be successful. I elected to change the defensive wingers to wingers instead of making wholesale changes to pretty much the whole set up.

Likewise Abbes D-line suggestion is how I would amend the tactic.
Basically if you are the underdog, amend the TEAM Instructions to "Much highter up" from "Drop Deeper".
The post below gives an insight to how the original tactic was constructed.
Enjoy the tactic regardless.


I have been working on a series of tactic's recently that basically encompasses the sort of pressure football, that I see football evolving towards.

The following tactic has the whole team putting pressure on the opposition to attain possession, then works the ball into the box, via crosses or direct passing, to achieve goals.

This is a plug and play tactic that works with all teams of all levels. The better the team, the better the results. I have not bought or edited anything. The original squad/staff etc are what is used throughout the season.

Tactical Set Up

The purpose of the tactic is to pressurise the opposition into losing the ball high up the pitch. Defending from the front. This is done by making all the players undertake defensive roles. Then once in possession, the ball is retained and chances are hopefully created. By pressurising higher up the pitch, the aim is to harry the opposition into mistakes.

Choice of player roles
A goalkeeper and flat back four were chosen to basically do the job of keeping things tight at the back. The fullbacks were set to automatic to adapt and support attacks if and when they were needed.

The MC's are ball winning midfielders. Their sole remit is to attain possession and break up the oppositions play. One is defensive, the other support. Basically so they don't occupy the same space.

The wingers (AML/AMR) are basically defensive wingers. I wanted both to put pressure on the opposing team's fullbacks and again attain possession high up the pitch.

The forwards are both defensive forwards and as such are required to win the ball high up the pitch. I have tweaked them to run into channels so that when we are in possession they suddenly break into space.
Match Preparation/training/Opposition Instructions/team talks
I have the players training high intensity in order to learn tactics only. This is so the tactic becomes fluid as soon as possible. Thereafter, I have the players focusing on defensive positioning.
I use no opposition instructions.
When selecting the team, my only advice is select fit players. No one under 95% should be selected.
I'm loath to go into team talks etc, as that's mainly "how you play the game" and i'm not one for destroying or dictating folks individual experience. I expect a win assertively at the start or tell them to enjoy. If I am not 3 goals goal I tell them aggressively I expect something better in the second half. If they are 3 goals up I tell them passionately I am happy with what they are doing and to keep it up.

Team Instructions
These are listed below. They are chosen to fit the ethos I have outlined I want the team to commit to. The whole tactic is about compressing the space the opposition have to work in. Hence the high offside line and hassling opponents, coupled with the player roles.
I have chosen an attacking mentality as I expect my defensively minded players to win the ball high up the pitch, therefore as soon as they are in possession, I want them to attack. Its the only way to get round the conflicting player roles I have assigned. If I have a counter or defensive or even a standard mentality, the players seem to be more passive when in possession.


Player selection
Do not let the assistant manager do team talks or select the team. You can play out and out wingers as defensive wingers, whereas the assistant manager will have you pick DWL/R's instead for example.
So there you have it. What I consider to be a unique and **** good tactic. This to be shared or passed on only with my express permission and consent.
I will be updated this opening post with more information in the coming days.
Right now enjoy the tactic for what it is.
Any questions, feel free to PM me or message myself on the thread.

Set Pieces

Listed below;







Some results
Bayer Leverkusen 14 game testbed. Note still no where near fluid yet.







A link to how pressure can be applied in FM is listed directly below;
Chrissy's Tactical Concepts - Part 1 Pressure (other parts will be added on this thread))
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Oh and if anyone wants to test it, debate it, whatever I am cool with that. I shall not be so arsey in future.
Im testing it mate only thing i did here in first match away from home was change to counter as i find it helps some tactics alot for away matches especially playing rigid :) but as i say only first match and against a small team. looks good tho the movement etc.
are the wingers and full backs supposed to be different i.e. 1 support and 1 attack?
Yes MrGrieve.

Also Set pieces for the tactic, already included;






I'll edit the opening post ASAP in the next couple of days.
The tactic is basically the same for the following changes;
- team instructions amended. D-line to be changed when the underdog.
- defensive wingers now wingers.
- mentality within roles changed so that the tactic is more diverse. i.e. FB attacking etc.
- Set pieces updated for current patch.
The concept behind pressuring the other team remains, as does the majority of the
player roles.
Apologies, I just wanted to get this out there. Will tighten up and update the opening post. It has been thoroughly tested.
Bayer Leverkusen 14 game testbed. Note still no where near fluid yet.






Hi Chrissy - looks good. I am gonna give it a try.
you have also made a flat 442 (think it's on - is this better?
See the opening post. Leverkusen results. Its going great. It is for the latest patch.