I must say this tactic is very good, Starting with a pyramid league patch with a team with one of the lowest reps in the game, obscure, in both leagues i was to battle relegation. No players will come to you and those that do are on £20 per week wages. Even with a double promotion to the league below the official Scottish leagues my rep has not increased enough to bring in better players and the teams that I'm up against are in comparison much superior. I have had a decent start to my third season. This tactic on the break is lethal. I'm using the Atlanta tactic
Hi thanks you for your tactics, they're great! Little information: on FM Touch what training do you use for general and individual training? How do you choose them in matches to motivate your players? Thank you for your answers (I know you're making videos but I'm French and to translate orally it's complicated ?)
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this is still not finished product so maybe i do more tweaks.
target man is most important player he needs to be good all round player.
all back 4 need to have good speed.
advanced forward need to be mobile with good finishing