What are you listening to?

Edith Piath - La Vie En Rose
Leona Lewis for Radio 1 live lounge 'Run' the Snow Patrol song. She did well
no xmas for john quays by the fall , sounds liek no xmas for junkies when MES sings in lawl
Babyshambles new album and Kings Of leon
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Just stuck on Bob Marley's Exodus album on...awesome :)
I have the Daft Punk - Discovery album on :D
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Rammstein - Mein teil! :wub: I so can't wait until they tour again!!
Ive been listenin to Death From Above 1979 and Forward Russia alot recently
haha, he got me into them. :P spreading the message ehy!? :P

It's rather good i like it. :D
Currently listening to Stickin' In My Eye by NOFX off their new live album "They've Actually Gotten Worse Live". However, I just purchased 4 new albums off amazon yesterday, go me! Minor Threat complete discography, 2 Bronx albums and No trigger.