Which type of player to sign to increase shirt sales?


Oct 26, 2010
Reaction score
i know you need to sign high profile players to increase shirt sales etc but what about if your a team who cant afford them or they wudnt want to come to ur club? any ideas of what type of players to sign i know in real life asian players would increase shirt sales but does this work in fm? thanks
he needs to be a marquee signing relative to your club. i.e someone who has a huge repuation
yeah but im leicester maybe david beckham would? if he wanted to join of course
You have no chance of getting Beckham i'm afraid
Buy someone Korean or Japanese or American or Chinise who is famous in that country
lmao okay thanks for the advice maybe i should just get into the prem first
Depends what level club you are.

When I was Swansea signing Michael Owen in the second season increased shirt signings.
Depends what level club you are.

When I was Swansea signing Michael Owen in the second season increased shirt signings.
exactly, like i said before he needs to be a marquee signing relative to the size of your club,
okay thanks but if i got into the prem and signed a asian player like honda for example would it increase shirt sales?
okay thanks but if i got into the prem and signed a asian player like honda for example would it increase shirt sales?
nationality doesnt come into it, reputation does. Not sure why people keep going on about Asian players. The reason they make shirt sales IRL is because in their countries they have huge reps, not because they are Asian
I agree with Mike. The signing must have higher reputation than your club's reputation, not necessarily a highest level player.
I'm not completely sure, but I think that only reputation plays part, not the actual quality of the player, although the fan's reaction to a player (whether they are happy with you signing him) might be some sort of indication for commercial benefit.
yeah honda is high profile in japan as is ji sung park in korea so should increase shirt sales i hope
yeah honda is high profile in japan as is ji sung park in korea so should increase shirt sales i hope
I dont know if the game recreates shirt sales that way. In real life those two players would get you shirt sales from the asian market. In the game i think its much simpler than that. ie. is their rep bigger than yours. Having said that, they probably do have bigger reps than the club, Park certainly.
okay would help if fm actually tell us in the tips in the game how it works
Its pretty simple, buy a player whose rep is bigger than your club. his nationality doesnt matter
Depends what level club you are.

When I was Swansea signing Michael Owen in the second season increased shirt signings.

thts wat i did i bought in owen and scholes n shirt sales went through the roof.