"While there's life, there's hope"

  • Thread starter Thread starter ZeCarlos
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This is top class stuff! I especially like the detail you go into for the important matches, and I'm enjoying the main character's slow but assured progression towards the top! Just wondering though - if this is conjunction with the actual game - how did you manage the Ajax U17 side? Apart from that, it's well written. :D

Keep it up! #Followed.
Oozora Tsubasa:1495322 said:
This is top class stuff! I especially like the detail you go into for the important matches, and I'm enjoying the main character's slow but assured progression towards the top! Just wondering though - if this is conjunction with the actual game - how did you manage the Ajax U17 side? Apart from that, it's well written. :D

Keep it up! #Followed.

Sorry for a slow reply mate! I didn't actually manage the U17 Ajax side - I just fancied a change and Dutch football is great. I just happened to see the actual U17 Ajax side win the Aegon Cup like in my OP and thought it would fit in a story. I've since come to love the save and its really enjoyable! Thank you for the feedback too, very much appreciated!
Sorry for the lack of updates guys! I have some time today so hopefully I'll get one or two up. Just a quick question for anybody interested, would people like to see pictures included every so often to break up text?
Pictures would be very helpful. Please publish more updates!
Great start mate, very well written. I'd prefer no pictures but that's just personal preference. I particularly like the realism and excellent backstory, keep it up! Subscribed.
Chapter Two
Eredivisie Relagation/Jupiler League Promotion Playoff 1st Round Leg 1
23rd of April, 2012

As I take another sip of my cold water, Rene takes a quick glance at me. He coolly wipes his suit before entering the scrutiny of the modern media.

"Play it cool, Jason," he whispers, sensing my nerves, "the first two matches were great. Be yourself and they'll love you."

A took several large steps out onto the stage and took a seat. Rene and the press officer took several questions before handing over to me - for only my second ever press conference. The first was my introduction and I'd sent my trustworthy assistant to the others before this. He was a safe pair of hands to work with.

"Jason, do you really think Almere City have a realistic chance of gaining this promotion? You have several injuries to key players which will surely take away any chance you ever had," asked one reporter,

"Sure... I wouldn't be in the job if I didn't believe in the club. The four-nil win again Fortuna and two-one win against Cambuur have set us in good stead. The key injuries are harsh on the team who have worked hard all year, but I'm certain that the replacements will be ready," I replied,

"There are rumours already linking you with big clubs across Europe after just two games in the job. What would be your response if a club like Porto did come calling?" asked another,

"Obviously Porto are a huge club. It's magnificent to be linked with jobs like that, but realistically, I owe Almere City success before leaving even enters my mind. It's a great club built in a great community. I'm enjoying life here," I replied,

"The first leg is obviously being held here, at the clubs home. Does this present you with an opportunity to gain a lead over Veendam, or could this work against you?" asked another,

"It's a fifty-fifty chance. At this stage, form goes out the window. These games are all about being the superior team over one hundred and eighty minutes. If we can do that against three different opponents, we'll be playing in the Eredivisie. Thank you for your time, any questions will be handled by Rene from now," I was whisked off back-stage.

Four hours later...

I headed down the tunnel as the crowd went wild. Both sets of players looked up for this one. We'd sold out the stadium and it looked packed. It wasn't exactly the biggest stadium ever, but it certainly created a big atmosphere.

The whistle blew and this was our chance. My chance. The teams' chance. The fans' chance. We could not mess this up.

The game began. It was fast-paced, exciting and if I was a neutral; I'd be glad to pay to see this type of football. It's the type to show off to those interested in taking up football. It's great from both sides. Passes were quick, the runs made were excellent and the vision shown was great.

In the fifteenth minute, Veendam got a free-kick. A cheap one to give away - a small trip - but nonetheless they made us pay. A quick ball was chipped into the box where an opposition striker was left in yards of space. As the ball dropped, he volleyed it first time into the roof of the net. Not good enough!

As the half wore on, we were falling further and further behind our opponents in terms of class. They were totally outplaying us and I couldn't wait to get in with the boys at the half.


"Come on boys, this isn't good enough. I know it, you know it and most of all the opposition know it. This is the home leg - we're supposed to have an advantage here and instead we can't even pass a football between two of us. Do you need reminding that a promotion is in stake here? Somewhere this club has never been before in it's history. You, and only you, can make history. Get out there and sort yourselves out. I want to see an improvement from the lot of you. Come on!"

We started the second-half much better than we had finished the first. The fans played a big part in lifting the team; they continued on chanting through the full fifteen minute break and it surely must have gotten to the team. It surely got to me.

Just minutes into the half and we pulled ourselves level. A corner was out-swung by Sluijter and Schulmeister rose at the near-post. He headed it across goal and it found it's way across into the far corner. Come on!

After the goal, we continued on pressing. We created chance after chance and couldn't find the net. The midfielders were struggling to get into shooting positions and many of the chances fell to the strikers who were put under extreme pressure from the opposition defence.

As full-time approached, we finally took the lead. A free-kick was earned, just inside the opposition half. Misidjan knocked the ball long into the opposition box. Serrarens took it down first time with a beautiful touch and looked to bury it. As he swung, he completely missed the ball and it went rolling over to the post. He quickly recovered, stretching for the ball. Before he made contact, though, an opposition defender attempted a clearance - only to hammer the ball into his own net. Come on!

With seconds left, we nearly took a two goal lead. Sluijter beat his marker from a corner and smashed a header against the bar. As the ball was cleared, the final whistle went. We had one foot into the semi-finals of the playoffs.


"That was much, much better lads! It was a stunning second-half performance to give us the upper hand heading to their place. I feel it was vital, too, as it isn't an easy place to go. Well done boys! Get yourselves home and get plenty of rest for the return leg!"

End result: 2-1
Pictures would be very helpful. Please publish more updates!

Great start mate, very well written. I'd prefer no pictures but that's just personal preference. I particularly like the realism and excellent backstory, keep it up! Subscribed.

i would agree with no pictures

Thanks for the feedback lads - much appreciated. I do apologise for the lack of updates though. Feedback is greatly appreciated, keep it coming!
Chapter Two:
The Beginning of the End.
26th of April, 2012

As I finally approached home, the sun was nearly rising again. Our nil-nil draw at Veendam had guaranteed a place in the semi-finals of the playoffs for ourselves. The journey home had been a long one; Veendam was about as far North as we had travelled this year. A quick drop-off back at our stadium had turned longer as my bag had become seemingly lost in the confusion of the rush to get home. When it was eventually found, I jumped into my BMW and headed home.

When I arrived outside my luxurious newly-built three bedroom house in Almere, the lights were still on. Kate, my girlfriend of two years, was obviously still awake. At first, I was slightly worried; she's not normally awake at this time - even on nights like this when I'm away for long hours. She would normally just retire to bed for the night and see me in the morning.

As I turned the key and opened the door, Kate immediately confronted me,

"What time do you call this then? Been sleeping with other women have you, Jason?"

I looked around to see a half-full bottle of red wine, lined up amongst four other empty ones. Kate wasn't one to get drunk much... in fact, she only ever drank alcohol for special occasions like Christmas,

"Kate, just don't. You've been drinking and it's all in your head. If you were bothered so much, you'd have probably remembered that I have a job. A proper job - something I love doing and I was busy doing my job tonight," she interrupted,

"Well, you know what Jason? I'm sick of you and your stupid job. I've been seeing someone, in secret, for the past seven months while you've been busy with your stupid job. We've decided I'm moving in with him. A taxi is on it's way to pick me up," she took one last look at me before turning to leave, "goodbye Jason!" The door slammed behind her and I knew she meant it.

Kate and I had fallen out before - but nothing like this. It had always been fixable, but this... this was something else. Maybe we weren't meant to be though. Maybe I had become a little too involved in my job; but I didn't get paid thousands of Euro's a week for nothing. I had to be committed to my job and Kate knew that. Then it hit; maybe... maybe I wasn't good enough. She knew I had previously struggled with low self-esteem; she was the one that helped me through that. It's how we became close... how we fell in love. Now though, it was over. Maybe it proved I wasn't quite cut out as the mature and sensible man many thought. I had just one solution. Drink.
Would just like to ask any followers, would you guys prefer me to write more personal updates like the last one? Or more match updates? Or a mix of both? Your interaction is key as you're the guys that keep me writing. Feedback is appreciated and encouraged :)
A would just keep doing what you doing but make the updates more regular :)
A would just keep doing what you doing but make the updates more regular :)

Thanks for the feedback mate. I'm trying to keep the updates up - although I'm in the middle of lots of exams so it's hard. Hopefully people will understand and continue to follow.
Aye mate exams are more important and a always follow your stories anyway :)
Just keep up what you're doing. And don't worry about update frequency, your real followers will continue to do so however often you post. I'm enjoying it
Just keep up what you're doing. And don't worry about update frequency, your real followers will continue to do so however often you post. I'm enjoying it

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. Glad you're enjoying it.
Chapter Two:
The Beginning of the End (continued)
3rd of May, 2012

Having not left my luxurious, so-called "fun-filled" house in days, I boiled the kettle to make another cup of my favourite coffee. It wasn't even ten yet, and I'd already drank about seven cups. I was becoming desperate for things to fill my time up with. I hadn't left the house once since Kate left. To think, the front door had never even opened. I had called Rene to inform him of my relationship news on the following morning of the... incident. He offered to give me a few days off; apparently his relationship had suffered a similar fate in the past and he felt my pain. My assistant took training for the next few days... I felt sorry for him. And the team. Nobody knew what had happened - Rene promised to keep it between us. A small health scare was the excuse we used; people wished me well unknowing it was my heart that was broken.

As the kettle boiled, I headed to the toilet to dispose of much of the coffee from this morning. As I turned to wash my hands, I took a look in the mirror. A beard of decent size had taken camp on my face; having not shaven in days. I looked terrible. Red skin surrounded my eyes; I took a quick smell of my pits and I regretted it straight away. I took a long glare at myself; wondering what I'd done. And that... that's when I decided.

What was I doing? I had a great job doing what I love and I had once again taken to drink. This would be the last time. Never again I swore to myself. I owed this to my family, my players, my staff, Rene, the fans and most importantly... myself. I was better than this and I knew it. Kate didn't notice what she was missing out on. I deserved better if she couldn't handle me having a good time doing what I love. Maybe it was fate; maybe she was meant to leave me and it'd inspire me onto promotion. Maybe... just maybe.

I looked at the clock - there was still several hours before the game kicked off. The first-leg of the semi-final. This was it. This was my chance to prove myself to all those that doubted me in the past. I took a shave, pulled on my best suit and locked the door behind me. Opening my car door; I knew it was my time. This was it...

To be continued...

As I arrived at the stadium, fans were already gathering. There was still four hours before kick-off and the anticipation was building. Understandable, though, as these fans had never experienced such a chance. I took a deep breath; composing myself to meet all these people who suspected me as being 'ill'. My relationship split was to remain private, though; I had never understood those jumped-up celebs who were constantly running to the media for better things in life.

I took a step out of the car; several fans were certainly surprised to see me. Many didn't even notice it was me - understandable as I was supposed to remain at home. Rene didn't even know I was here... yet. I got away with signing only little bits of memorabilia such was the excitement for this game. As I entered the main entrance, I gave a rise smile to the receptionist as I walked past. I headed down the long corridor to my office; I saw a door slide open at the other end. It was Rene's office; this was my chance to impress him with my new-found enthusiasm. He locked his office door and turned. Double-taking, he couldn't quite believe I was at work,

"Jase, uh, what are you doing here?" he quizzed,

"What do you mean, Rene? I'm at work of course! Anyway, I can't stand and talk too long; we have an important match to prepare for and I can't miss it!" I quickly responded - still rushing down the corridor to my office.​

As I took a quick glance behind, I seen him give a small wave and he chuckled. I was glad to see the man again - he'd put a lot of responsibility on my young shoulders and I was keen to prove myself to him. I eagerly opened my office door - my office had a great view of the pitch - and looked out as the players warmed up for the open training session. I poured a cup of water and looked at some reports on my desk for an hour or so. Kick-off was soon approaching.

I heard a knock on my door and quickly glanced at the clock - "18:56". Time had flown by; I invited whoever the knock belonged too and Rene popped his head around the corner,

"Time for team-talk Jase. None of them know you're back yet - so use it to motivate them that you're here."​

Before I could even reply, Rene had gone. I guess this was my time to get the players fired up and earn this promotion which was so eagerly desired. Two games away from the final. I took a quick glance in the mirror before leaving to make sure I was presentable and headed to the changing rooms. As I approached, I could hear my trustworthy assistant speaking away. I knocked on the door and entered before a response was given. Everybody looked a little shell-shocked that I was back,

"Thanks Richard," I said; holding a hand in the air as a quick acknowledgement, "right lads... I guess none of you were expecting to see me here," I took a look around the room and many of the lads had smiles on their faces... I guess I was appreciated after all, "well uh, I just want to wish you the best of luck out there tonight. I understand the last week or so hasn't been the same without me here but I have no doubt that Richard kept good care of you all. I'd just like to let all you lads know just how privileged you all are to be in this position. Many people never get the chance of a job and money to feed their families; but we all get a job doing exactly what we love doing. Maybe we're a little bit too fortunate and sometimes forget that. Tonight isn't about how fortunate we are, though; tonight is about winning and getting a first-leg advantage over very good opposition. Remember lads, these have been in the Eredivisie all year. They're fighting to keep their position in that league and we have to go out there and prove to them that they don't deserve it. Lastly, I'd like to thank you all for being such a great set of lads. You've earned this promotion; now go out there and get it. Come on boys! Omhoog Almere!"

The lads jogged out into the tunnel in high anticipation of a quality-game ahead. This... this was exactly where I belonged. I followed the players out onto the turf and shook the opposition managers hand. Our best wishes were offered to each other and I sat in expectancy.

To be continued...
I usually only read stories that are old/have a load of replies etc. as I don't like waiting for updates, but you sir, are a genious. And your story is the only one I've felt the need to follow. :D Keep it up!