Whoa! FM Base is Different

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I couldnt post or quote or anything when it made me go back to the old skin. Now it is all working
Just clicked 'New Posts' and it changed to old style skin.
I changed it to the old one, clicked new posts and it returned to the original one. Random. I will try again and hopefully it won't take commands like my neighbours dog
I have disabled it now (hopefully) so that nobody can use the old skins. Please let me know if you can still use them.
Im sure Sean is doing everything he can to get this site working cushty again, good luck Sean we have faith in you!!!
I have the normal original skin? Is that a bad thing? haha
Ok i think this thread needs to be closed.

We all know there is issue's that need resolved. Sean has informed us that the site will be down for several hours tomorrow so he can fix his **** up :$
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