Why do my created player stats drop?


Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
As in like when i created my players technique, Dribbling and stuff like that at 20. I create a new game, the stats became 18. My CA/PA is 200/200 but my age is 17. And when i edit it with fmrte, few weeks later the stats will drop down again.
do you have far too many high stats maybe? i don't know with newer versions but the cm series when i would create a player for a laugh and stick him in a 3rd div team the stats would fall due to him being OTT awesome.

i dont know the actual answer but you can try
-lowering some attributes he doesnt need at all (tackling for a forward etc)
-try making him a bit older
-lowering his ca a bit as i understand as soon as they hit their pa a player has "peaked" and its all downhill from there
If you notice, when the game processes it tells you the ages that specific positions enjoy their best times. If you're a keeper, it's around 31. Defender around 29, etc. Your stats are bound to drop as a 17 year old because, let's face it, nobody's a world beater at 17. Not even Messi.
Dont know because I added myself to Alfreton but then I wasn't even in the game I restarted so dont know what I did wrong
if i am not wrong, 200 CA will not mean that he can max out his stats all so to speak.. He can have a few max stats but will need to have some thing he cannot do well.. Thats the purpose of an all rounder.. To be good at everything but not the top in them.. Age i dun think will affect.. Proficiency of the left leg and right leg i think will affect how much his stats can be too
It could also be because you don't have good coaches for your player to train with.
So there is nothing i can do about it? My stats is really high.
So there is nothing i can do about it? My stats is really high.

read the replies, i alone have offered you 3 things to try, others have suggest reasons as to why they may as be dropping (coaches etc)
Alright thanks. So if i leave my stats as it is. And adjust my CA/PA to 185/200 in future my stats will be able to reach what i have created? With training and good coaches?
Even with 155 CA, you will reach that in three years.

Anyway, try 199 CA, 200 PA.
It is a very complicated system in which I think physical attributes take high amount of attribute points. Even if you have CA 200 you cant get everything you want.

There is CA, the maximum ability of a player. Each attribute increase takes up a part of the CA. If you have too high attributes then you are overshooting the CA and the game will bring down your attributes to match your CA

I don't know if anyone can understand what I just wrote.
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Will your ambition, pressure, sportmanship and stuff like that change, if i set it and at an ideal stat.
With a created player how do you add a picture? after he has been entered into the game? I have managed to do it with my manager but not player
Isn't it the same as a manager? I did that to my manager but i didn't try on my player.
Will your ambition, pressure, sportmanship and stuff like that change, if i set it and at an ideal stat.

yes, but it's quite unlikely. the game treats your created player just like any other player.
Ups sorry, i didn't read the OP post clearly.

Try http://www.fm-base.co.uk/forum/f101/the-complete-ca-pa-thread-t48054.html

Read Raiken's post and my post to understand what exactly happens.

That doesn't help, really. It's mainly explain what CA is and facts about PA, generally.

But this one does
It is a very complicated system in which I think physical attributes take high amount of attribute points. Even if you have CA 200 you cant get everything you want.

There is CA, the maximum ability of a player. Each attribute increase takes up a part of the CA. If you have too high attributes then you are overshooting the CA and the game will bring down your attributes to match your CA

I don't know if anyone can understand what I just wrote.

I actually get it.

@OP :

Think CA, PA, attributes relation as.. for example cake.

CA is the cake, PA is the cake pans (the one to cook the cake) and attributes are the pieces of the cake.

Now the size of the cake can only be -at maximum - as big as the cake pan which available. -> PA is the limit of maximum CA

The better the baker is, the bigger the cake he can make thus making use the available space of the cake pan -> CA will usually increase which means the players get better.

Now to your question. The atttributes you put is the pieces of the cake you can give to people.

So you can wish you would like to share large pieces of the cake to 100 people - all from averages joes, big fat kids who demand double size, diabetic people, and cake enthuatist.

The problem is by giving large pieces, the cake would not be enough for all 100 people.
So you would have to would have to do just with medium sizes to give to that 100 people.
This is the concept of the stats dropping for your created players after a while. Your distribution of stats exceeds the CA.

I've tested on 'regular' players. With 200 CA, after a while all stats drops from 20 to 16 equally.


So what can you do to 'fix' this?

1. Foot. Having both foot on strong eats up a lot of CA shares.
So if you make the player right/left footed only, more CA can be used for stats compared to one with either foot on strong.

2. Physical attributes are those big fats kids who demand double shares.
It takes almost quite of amount of CA compared of the technical and mental stats.
So if you make your player less physical just a little bit, it can boost a lot of the other stats

3. Don't give the sweet cakes to those diabetic people.
I mean they're most likely not gonna it eat anyway, why waste it when you can give more share to the cake enthusiast?
What I mean here is, don't waste tackling for striker when you can give more finishing to him. That simple :p

I'm having too much free time :p
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Alright so i want my player to be an ideal striker. So what are the most important attributes i should have and the least important attributes i should have for physical, technical and mental.
Very nice explanation, thanks. Just one question, how can you tell how much CA a player needs to have in order to have a certain ammount of attributes? For example, I wan't to create a player with 15 dribbling, 10 crossing, 18 finishing etc., basically a regular player with normal stats.

If I give him too little CA, his stats will drop right? And if I give him too much, then they will rise, so how to find out a CA that will be able to maintain his stats?

Also, do PPMs have effect on CA?

I have been working on that so many times and trying using a mathematical model to derive that formula, yet I have not been successful. To be frank, I do not know and I doubt anybody else except the developers knows about that.

You just need to start a new game over and see, if CA too low, adjust it accordingly. Similar if it's too high.

PPM is simply the way a player plays. They do not affect CA.