I've had good experiences with Eden Hazard, Alexis Sanchez, Mario Balotelli, and Neymar on the wings. They all seem to score around a goal every two games for me.

It's unrealistic that you'd get him but Messi seems to be a goal scoring machine as a winger; he's at over a goal a game so far in his first season with me even though I am continuously told that he is still trying to blend in with the squad. I can only imagine how good he will be after he is blended in.
Chris Eagles, scored so many goals for me that Arsenal came knocking on his door. Adam Hammil is also quite a good goalscorer, both played as wingers.
Chris Eagles, scored so many goals for me that Arsenal came knocking on his door. Adam Hammil is also quite a good goalscorer, both played as wingers.

Odd, Eagles doesn't play that well for me. Playing him as a right winger, he makes his actions but his finishing is mostly unconvincing.

Bought Pablo Piatto from UD Almeria for my Burnley side, 22 years old (2011/2012) and he's showing some potential, but i haven't had him that long (was really good against Inter (2-1 :D), left their backs biting his dust.
ok so i kind of went on a mad one and bought alot of promising young wingers LOL
Stu Downing's on goal-scoring fire in my current save :)
Hi everyone i am in need of 2 or 3 wingers that score goals! i already have nani and dentinho who do get goals but i need to replace antonio valencia and hatem ben arfa as they cant hit a barn door! im man utd and would welcome any suggestions cheers guys :)

alexis sancez
good decision on Pastore, will take him a while until hes accomplished as a winger but then he's gonna rip apart the oppostion players =)
yeah mate had him on the right there put him to the left now so he can cut in and shoot on a goal a game so far!!!! 6 games in.....
yeah, I also use him on the left wing, he is pretty good stil with his left foot to make crosses and as you say, h'ell shoot on goal with right foot and use his brilliant technique and flair