Winners never quit. Quitters never win

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A decision to make

The weeks following our relegation from Npower League 2, I still felt very deflated. I thought I had brought in players that could keep the club in the division. Maybe, I had but I had got the tactics all wrong? My head was full of self doubt. Maybe I wasn't cut out for management. I shook my head. If that was the case, I wouldn't have guided the club to the Npower League 1 title. Maybe, it was just one of the cases when nothing would come right and we'd just be dam unlucky. After all, we also had the added pressure of being financially unstable.

The talk of possible replacements for me continued endlessly, and it was getting me down. I wished to god it would stop-it does nothing for a managers confidence. But that's what happens. When you have a successful previous season, and then totally screw up the following season by getting relegated, it's natural for people to speculate. It's what happens in football. I now had a lot of thinking of to do. Way I felt I didn't deserve to be here. But ultimately, it was down to the board to make the final decision. But from what I had been hearing through the grapevine, it was looking very ominous indeed. So I was preparing for the worst. It would be decided next day.

I sat in the boardroom, and I was handed a cup of coffee. The chairman lent back in his chair, and exhaled a deep breath, rubbing his forehead and looked grim.

"Andrew, what the **** happened this season?" He asked. It was a fair question. "You won the title the previous season, guided the club onto an unbeaten was a fantastic job. But this season....well, I think you know just how terrible it was. You brought in players who are of very good quality, changed things around and were basically, absolutely awful." He was correct.

"I genuinenly do not know where it went wrong." I answered honestly. "Before the season kicked off, I was very optomistic, I thought we were going to have a very good season. I picked the best formation, the best players....maybe it was the tactics. We also had bad luck. A lot of unexpected things happened to us this season-and to other clubs." There was a quiet pause.

"So maybe you don't know how to pick the right tactics needed for the club then?" That comment stung. But maybe he was right. He got up from his chair and walked to a window. The quite pause was unbearable. "It's not just relegation that's destroying things. Our debt has increased, revenue fell due to falling attendances, fans are now calling for your head. You can see why can't you? And the board are deeply upset too, especially with the manner of some of the losses-mainly our rivals. Games we should have won." I looked at the floor. I knew exactly what was coming, and already had a statement for the press developing. They'd be circling like the vultures that they are.

The chairman presented a piece of paper directly in front of me on the table. I frowned and looked closer. What the-

" a new contract offer? Two years?" I was flumuxed. I get the club relegated......and get offered a two year deal. The chairman nodded.

"It's a two deal, on £1,000 per week. However, you will need to reduced the wage bill by £3,000. There will be no money for transfers. And we expect the club, to win the NPower League 2 title. Think you can do it?" There was yet another long pause. They wanted me, to win the title, after releasing yet more players, with again no money to bring in players, with increasing debt? My head was swimming. I looked at him.

"Can...I think things over for a week? This is totally unexpected. And without doubt, it's going to be a major challenge." The chairman nodded.

"A challenge we think you can ahchieve. I'll give you a week then to decide then."

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A decision to make

The weeks following our relegation from Npower League 2, I still felt very deflated. I thought I had brought in players that could keep the club in the division. Maybe, I had but I had got the tactics all wrong? My head was full of self doubt. Maybe I wasn't cut out for management. I shook my head. If that was the case, I wouldn't have guided the club to the Npower League 1 title. Maybe, it was just one of the cases when nothing would come right and we'd just be dam unlucky. After all, we also had the added pressure of being financially unstable.

The talk of possible replacements for me continued endlessly, and it was getting me down. I wished to god it would stop-it does nothing for a managers confidence. But that's what happens. When you have a successful previous season, and then totally screw up the following season by getting relegated, it's natural for people to speculate. It's what happens in football. I now had a lot of thinking of to do. Way I felt I didn't deserve to be here. But ultimately, it was down to the board to make the final decision. But from what I had been hearing through the grapevine, it was looking very ominous indeed. So I was preparing for the worst. It would be decided next day.

I sat in the boardroom, and I was handed a cup of coffee. The chairman lent back in his chair, and exhaled a deep breath, rubbing his forehead and looked grim.

"Andrew, what the **** happened this season?" He asked. It was a fair question. "You won the title the previous season, guided the club onto an unbeaten was a fantastic job. But this season....well, I think you know just how terrible it was. You brought in players who are of very good quality, changed things around and were basically, absolutely awful." He was correct.

"I genuinenly do not know where it went wrong." I answered honestly. "Before the season kicked off, I was very optomistic, I thought we were going to have a very good season. I picked the best formation, the best players....maybe it was the tactics. We also had bad luck. A lot of unexpected things happened to us this season-and to other clubs." There was a quiet pause.

"So maybe you don't know how to pick the right tactics needed for the club then?" That comment stung. But maybe he was right. He got up from his chair and walked to a window. The quite pause was unbearable. "It's not just relegation that's destroying things. Our debt has increased, revenue fell due to falling attendances, fans are now calling for your head. You can see why can't you? And the board are deeply upset too, especially with the manner of some of the losses-mainly our rivals. Games we should have won." I looked at the floor. I knew exactly what was coming, and already had a statement for the press developing. They'd be circling like the vultures that they are.

The chairman presented a piece of paper directly in front of me on the table. I frowned and looked closer. What the-

" a new contract offer? Two years?" I was flumuxed. I get the club relegated......and get offered a two year deal. The chairman nodded.

"It's a two deal, on £1,000 per week. However, you will need to reduced the wage bill by £3,000. There will be no money for transfers. And we expect the club, to win the NPower League 2 title. Think you can do it?" There was yet another long pause. They wanted me, to win the title, after releasing yet more players, with again no money to bring in players, with increasing debt? My head was swimming. I looked at him.

"Can...I think things over for a week? This is totally unexpected. And without doubt, it's going to be a major challenge." The chairman nodded.

"A challenge we think you can ahchieve. I'll give you a week then to decide then."


Great story, keep it up. Club obviously can't afford the compensation to sack you. :P

Great story, keep it up. Club obviously can't afford the compensation to sack you. :P

Cheers :)

Yeah I wasn't sure why they'd renew the contract when it happened earlier. Makes sense lol. Just have to decide wether or not stay....... Hardest save I've gone through thus far.
Love this story mate. Hope there is another update soon. I've done a recent update on mine. :D
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Decisions, decisions...........

I had a lot to think about-and I mean a lot. I spent the next 6 days thinking about what to do-and I wasn't any nearer. I didn't want to leave the club-but at the same time-the club was in serious trouble. The wage budget was now under control-but at the expense of an even smaller squad now. It was down to 13 1st team players now-with no reserve players:

I'd performed one miracle already-but even this would be pushing me to the limit. How was I supposed to win the Npower League 2 title, with 13 players at my disposale? With no money to buy anyone, no more money available in the wage budget? There would be 46 games in the league, and there's the Johnstone's Paint Trophy, the Carling Cup, and I was expected to reach the FA Cup 2nd round. The only positive that had happened, was Chris Barker had retired, to become a coach. We desperately needed a coach-and he was very capable.

And not only that, but had other clubs sniffing around our players-especially Ryan Hall. We couldn't afford to lose any more players it was simple as. But when you have a club like Nottingham Forest sniffing around-it would turn a players head. Especially, when they're at a club that's financially unstable, and unsure who the next manager would be. But on the flipside, I did enjoy a challenge-and I thrived on the first one. Maybe it would be a chance to showcase what I'm really capable of when really under the cosh.

However, something else was brought to my attention. It was being reported, that the chairman was looking to hand over the reigns to another board member. That made me think a lot. He had already said the board were deeply upset with everything that had transpired during the season. So if I stayed, there was the scenario of him handing over control, then me losing my job. Handing it over to another outside party-and losing my job. Then it was confirmed that the club was in the process of a club takeover.

Next day, the chairman came into the office.

"Morning Andrew. How's things?" He seemed a bit reluctant as he closed the door. No surprise given the situation within the club.

"Not too bad thanks." I replied whilst typing an e-mail.

"Well." He said with a deep breath. "I think you know why I'm here." I stopped typing and sat back. I nodded.

"I do." I replied. "After much consideration, I feel I have no option but to reject the contract offer." He nodded, and actually looked a bit crestfallen. "I have also decided to hand in my resignation." He looked shocked.

"Resign? You don't have to resign. I know we had a terrible season, but we're prepared to give you another shot." He sounded almost desperate.

"I know. But I just don't think I can take the club forward. There's absolutely no way I can do anything without investment. We're down to 13 first team players. I desperately need more or I can see the club going down another division. And I'm very uncomfortable with regards to the takeover. You said yourself they other board members were deeply upset with relegation. Once you hand over the reigns-I could be out of a job anyway. The situation is just too....messy." He nodded. He realised what I said was true.

"I see. Well, I can see your point of view regarding this." He admitted with a grim smile. "I wouldn't like to be in your situation that's for sure." I smiled apologetically.

"I do realise it's not your fault. You have tried to find investment during the season, and the off-season. I just don't think I'd have that level of ability with the current situation, and I don't want to take the club down another division. It could ruin the club." He nodded and smiled and stood up.

"I appreciate your honesty. At least you're up front about this." He reached out a hand to shake mine. "Well, I reluctantly accept your resignation. You're a good manager in the making, and you have a lot of potential. I wish you nothing but the best for the future wherever you end up. And I also appreciate your efforts whilst you were here. Good luck Andrew." We shook hands and he left the office. I did feel bad, but what I told him was the truth. A few hours later, the club released a brieft statement announcing my resignation, and also thanked me for my efforts, and for winning some silverware.

I was back on the job hunt......................

Ahh I really thought you were going to sign the contract. Soooooo another chapter of your career to come. Any offers yet?
Ahh I really thought you were going to sign the contract. Soooooo another chapter of your career to come. Any offers yet?

I wanted to but the clubs pretty much in turmoil now.

I've been offered a job. But won't reveal until later on today ;)
Fair enough, I've just updated loads on mine, check it out when you can. Im intrigued by who has offered you a job, lol.

lol. well I will say this, it's another club that's on an awful, AWFUL run of form. Similar to when I took charge of Southend United in the back end of first season of charge. And they're knocked out of all cup competitions. But they're a pretty much established in the league they're in. And I have money to spend-YAY! lol
lol. well I will say this, it's another club that's on an awful, AWFUL run of form. Similar to when I took charge of Southend United in the back end of first season of charge. And they're knocked out of all cup competitions. But they're a pretty much established in the league they're in. And I have money to spend-YAY! lol
Hmm interesting. I look forward to reading what u do next.
I was thinking you'd sign the contract and pull off another promotion and then maybe do a Wigan in League 1 (Somehow stay up)
On the trail again........

It was now heading toward the end of December, and it had been a relatively uneventful past few months. Although I was back on the trail of a vacancy, I decided to wait until a club had a vacancy, that was financially stable. It was obvious I struggled terribly with financial constraints, so I had to restrict myself to more viable options. And it meant turning down offers from clubs like Torquay and Plymouth. It was a shame-but I simply didn't want to risk taking those clubs down. I needed some form of financial backing that enabled me to take a club forward with my ambition.

I sat watching Sky Sports News. Another managerial casualty, this time Graham Westley of Carlisle United-they were hovering just above the relegation zone and it was looking bleak for the club. It was like a managerial merry go round in the lower leagues at the moment. Clubs being taken over then letting go of their managers, managers being sacked when a club is just outside the playoff places....some of it was baffling. Talk about knee-jerk reactions. But, football is now a cut throat business. You don't please the board and the fans-you're felled like a tree. Made me wonder why I wanted to be a manager at times.

A few days later, I arrived at the car park outside of Brunton Park-home of Carlisle United. I had recieved a phone call from Andrew Jenkins, asking to meet with me. It was certainly unexpected. I hadn't even applied for the job. Apparently I had been top of the list, following a recommendation from my previous employer. Which was a pleasant surprise. And the meeting went very well. I told him of my ambitions, plans, how I intended to run things, how I intended to change things....basically I wanted a club that shared my ambitions and would support me in taking the club forward. But I would need some form of financial backing-even a small amount would help.

Andrew was certainly impressed by what I had to say and how I laid out my intentions. The meeting lasted about 5 hours, and was very relaxed. I was impressed by what Andrew wanted for the club. Like me he wanted to push higher up-he desperately wanted to get into the Championship, keep the club on an even keele, then make a push for the dizzy heights of the Premier League. The dream of every chairman, where the ridiculous amounts of money can do so much for a club-regardless of how big they are. He also made it clear, he wanted me at the helm, steering the club there. And that I will definately have money to spend. Not much-but enough to bring in a few more players.

And so it was, at just before tea time, I signed a one and a half year contract. And so began my task to take Carlisle United up....
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Let the rollercoaster ride begin

My first day at Brunton Park was certainly a very busy one. In a couple of days, there would be a match against MK Dons to prepare for. But there was the small problem of backroom staff. After the previous sacking, there had been a bit of a small exodus and the coaching staff was a bit threadbare, so I had to leave the coaching staff to train the players, while I worked frantically to bring in some new faces-while at the same time finding some new players to bring in too. True to his word, the chairman had freed up some money for some staff members and a few players. A few loan signings would be better as there wouldn't be a requirement to pay wages. My first task was to bring in an assistant manager.

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Jari Litmanen joins Carlisle United as Assistant Manager
on 1 year deal

I was more than happy with the appointment. Not only was he adept in an assistant manager role, he would also be a valuable asset when it came to the attacking training department. He had a wealth of experience to pass on to the other players, especially the youngsters too.

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Criag Hinchcliffe joins Carlisle United as Goalkeeping Coach
on one year deal

These were key appointments in my eyes. They would be a lift to the club, and I felt would inspire and motivate the players. They needed the motivation as it was not the best of times. I also began the process of searching for players. There were plenty of players listed for loan, and plenty of players available for free transfers. But the quality had to be right. I didn't want to bring in players just to make up the numbers. They had to have the ability to aide the club in it's push up the table. I wanted to finish as high as possible in the table. It felt weird, not having the pressure of having to scoure the market for unattached players because of having no money.

But I had to be careful. There wasn't a lot of it, and I had to make sure the purchases were the right one. I last thing I wanted to do, was to bring in a player for £150,000, find he doesn't have the ability to play at this level, then have no money to bring in anyone else. Spending high amounts of money doesn't necessarily guarantee a quality. You could find them for nothing also anywhere in the country. Or even the world. You just had to look, and keep looking, and then you'll find a real gem of a player. And if you're lucky, it'll be a youngster

But for now, I'd be relying on the current players. And there were a few concerns-mainly at fullback and centreback position. Mainly due to lack of agility and pace. Apart from that though, there weren't too many pressing concerns. I had to utilise my management skills though. They were lacking a bit of confidence due to the poor form. The good thing was though, there was still over 60 points to play for so the way I saw, there was still plenty to play for the remainder of the season. I just to convince the players that we could turn things around.

Then, I'd have my first match against MK Dons to get ready for.........................

Reckon you'll be able to get them promoted?

Honestly don't know. 11 points between me and the last playoff place (which Portsmouth holds right now), and right now there's
20 games left (just played a couple more), and Leeds hold first on 55 points (I'm on 29). But there's some very strong teams in there. As long as the players do what they have to, no reason why we shouldnt' make playoffs. Hopeful though
Unlucky about Southend mate, reckon you'll do well at Carlisle. They still got Simek, hes a right back?
Unlucky about Southend mate, reckon you'll do well at Carlisle. They still got Simek, hes a right back?

He's off to Peterborough. Have former Leeds and Portsmouth RB Paul Connolly though. Seems good enough, even though his current average rating is 6.70 so far.

But it definately feels much better to be at a stable club for a change lol
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Just read through it all there, excellent story (even though you kind of contradicted your title, by resigning a.k.a quitting).

But yeah, still one of the best stories i've read personally and will continue to follow.
Very interested in what you may do with Carlisle - dont think ive ever read a story involving them before, so it's a change.

Keep it up mate.
Yeah the title is pretty much pointless-should've picked a better one lol