World War 2 (4-1-2-2-1) **Killerballs**

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Great tactic, but i have after i changded the forward to "false nine" ( support) so havent I losest a single game! everything else is the unchanged

Im RBL and my striker is Luan

This is an amazing tactic. I love the beautiful game that is football and it is a delight to watch the simulation this tactic provides. What makes it stand out is that the opposition get very few chances, many tactics have dominance in the area of attacking but this is the exception and for me a fitting close to Football manager 2016, cant wait to see what 2017 brings. This was my first year playing FM and tactics like this kept me engaged simply because the game is very difficult with lower division teams, especially in England, it becomes very realistic and unrelenting. Kudos my man, this isn't easy. Keep up the good stuff, see you soon.
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they are your general training and preparation game please

Match prep Defensive positioning
General training is tactics until is fluid, balanced all season and team cohesion if we on losing streak, and every two weeks between the games or any mid season breaks Is fitnes
Match prep Defensive positioning
General training is tactics until is fluid, balanced all season and team cohesion if we on losing streak, and every two weeks between the games or any mid season breaks Is fitnes
You using the Special edition?
Using with Napoli, and it's outstanding. Got a fair few red and yellow cards, so I unticked 'tackle harder' in player instructions, and it doesnt seem to have made much of a difference defensively.

Hit a spell mid october where i wasnt scoring so many, switched the DLF to F9, as someone stated in this post already and havent looked back. Just hit the winter break, top of the league on goal difference from Juve whom I beat 2-0 away. Great tactic i'd say, as with every one just sometimes have to make small tweaks to suit your team
Do you use individual training? and what should match training be?