[XBOX 360] COD Black Ops Tournament

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Saving the World
Dec 20, 2008
Reaction score
This tournament is only for Xbox 360 users. There's been lots of FIFA tournaments over the past few months, but none for COD, so I thought I'd try to set this up :)

I'm looking for 18 players (& a few back-ups)

To join you must have at least 1000 posts or be a premium member, although as there are limited spaces, you may be turned away if someone who I know to be more reliable wants to participate. If you join I expect you to make the effort to play your games and be friendly towards your teammates & opponents.

The format of the tournament will be teams of 3 playing against eachother in a league table, where every team plays eachother once.

The way in which a team plays another is the following (best of 3 games):

1st Leg: Team A picks a map, Team B picks a game variant.
2nd Leg: Team B picks a map, Team A picks a game variant.
Decider: I choose the last map & game variant for each match to make it fair.

The same map & game variant cannot be repeated in a match (ie. If I pick Nuketown in the final round, Team A & B are not allowed to pick it for their round).

To apply please fill out this template:
Black Ops K/D ratio:
Times available: e.g 3-8pm GMT most weekdays; not available on weekends.
Headset: Yes/No

To keep things ticking over, I don't think it's too much to ask for you to play one match per week. If you are the only person who can't play from your team 2 weeks on the trot, I'll replace you.

The Teams:
Team 1:
Captain: Aannddyy - AaiiDS
Becky - missbeckydaisy
Kris - JacksoK

Team NorthSouthYank:
Captain: Jake - GypsyNinja69
Joe - PittaPitta
Sean - seanmtaylor

Team Special Kids:
Captain: CtPauley - xXIIMajorCtIIXx
AldoKemp-1 - Alan Bsfb 1690
Max - Maxx xD

Team Aids:
Captain: Dunc - Spandex Police
Redders - redders4788
Jack - Waste Gashing

Team Prawn:
Captain: Nathan - NaThAnB96
Jonesy. - Joneeesy
Luke - Tonka121

Bling Singhs:
Captain: Ronan - Ronaseal
tiraths - T 007 S
Neall - NeallJ

Points system:
If you win a leg you will automatically get 5 points, although you can gain extra depending on what game mode and by how much you raped the opposing team.

For the following game modes you get 1 point for how many rounds you win by (So if you win 4-1, you get 3 points plus an extra 5 for winning the leg):
  • S&D, CTF, Demolition & Sabotage

For Domination & Headquarters, you get 1 point for every 25 in game points you win by (If you win 200-133 you will get 2 points plus an extra 5 for winning the leg)

For TDM you get 1 point for every 500 point (that's 5 kills) advantage you have over the losing team.

Current League Table:

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Gamertag: Spandex Police
Black Ops K/D ratio: 1.66 or so Overall, about 2.6 this week.
Times available: Anytime Argyle or Newcastle aren't playing football.
Headset: Yes
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Gamertag: Phayilkid
Black Ops K/D ratio: 0.88 (?) will check when im home
Times available: 7-12pm most weekdays. 9-12 on Wednesday and Thursday
Headset: Yes
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Gamertag: Ronaseal
Black Ops K/D ratio: Recently has been around 1.10
Times available: e.g 3-9pm GMT most days
Headset: Yes
Gamertag: AaiiDS
Black Ops K/D ratio: 2.36 [?]
Times available: Evenings Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, Sun - Not avaliable Saturday or Friday
Headset: Yes, two ;)
Gamertag: Alan Bsfb 1690
Black Ops K/D ratio: 0.94 or maybe even something lower, Don't play BO much.
Times available: GMT can play most days in the evening. every 3rd thursday I can't & Fridays and weekends. Any other time should be available unless something comes up.
Headset: Yes
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Gamertag: NaThAnB96
Black Ops K/D ratio: 1.40
Times available: 3:30 - 10:30 Weekdays GMT
Headset: Yes
I would participate, but I suck at this game, KD of 0.63, so I dont want to let any teams down, so I'll skip this one :P
My K/D in other Cod games is usually 1+ I just can't seem to get into the game as much, However when I go to my uncles and play on the ps3 I destroy people XD, the ps3 players must be really **** at the game

XBOX Owns ;)
It doesn't matter if your K/D isn't as good as the other players, as your playing in a team of three, so you just need to be good at team work really.
Since Ronan's in it.. atleast i won't be the worst person so'll i'll join..

Gamertag: Joneeesy
Black Ops K/D ratio: urm.. 0.87? It's going up very quickly though ;)
Times available: like 5-11 weekdays, And depends if Reading are playing at home.
Headset: Yes
Black Ops K/D ratio:0:0 beat that *******! no deaths!
Times available: Most week nights providing I get notice.
Headset: Yes
Gamertag: xXIIMajorCtIIXx
Black Ops K/D ratio: 1.87
Times available: Anytime from 4PM onwards till about 12 on weekdays and anytime on the weekends
Headset: Yes
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Gamertag: Tonka121
Black Ops K/D ratio: 1.00
Times available: 4-10pm GMT most weekdays; maybe available on weekends
Headset: Yes