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Where is he? Where's my husband!?
"What do you mean you're sorry? Do I look like I care? You cost us the league!
Do I look like I care what you think?" My blood was boiling at the very sight of him.
This kid had the nerve to come in here criticizing my management! After what he did!!
Shouting was what everyone heard from outside my office. We engaged in a furious
exchange. Insults were not spared. I always knew I had a temper, but I was always
able to keep it in check. I don't know what happened to me this time.
It took 3 players and the Under 18's Manager to pull me off him. If you asked me now,
I couldn't tell you what he had said that made me snap. I just remember the phone ringing:
Ringing intensely. While my first child was being born, I spent the night in a jail cell.
My wife nearly divorced me. Intensive anger management was apart of my
rehabilitation but I owe her everything. I lost my job; the club soon sacked me
after the doctors reports on the young kid came in. I'd shattered the ligament in
his knee and there was a chance he might never play football again.
No club would hire me. I tried countless clubs, attended many interviews but that
same story kept coming up.... how do you explain away injuring a human being.
My reputation was destroyed. But Maria (my wife) stood by me.
"I knew you had a temper when I married you.... but I never though you'd
ever hurt someone." We spent 6 months apart as she tried to decide what to do.
The fact that I'd missed my sons birth to have it out with a player who I felt
cost us the league..... I was disgusted with myself. So when she called me, asking
me to come home. I made a promise that I'd never again allow my temper get
out of hand.
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Two 1-hour sessions of anger management was apart of my F.C. Porto contract.
"You had a good record. You know how to get the best out of the players but you
need to keep your cool." they said to me. And I could only agree with them. I'm
glad for the faith they've placed in me... Now to repay them with a league title.