Your UnBeaten Record!

15 is my highest with Middlesbrough.

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Mine was 9 but in my 10th I've just got thumped 5-0 and moved down 5 places in the process. Feels like I've just undone all that good work!:'(
92 games unbeaten

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dont you get bored going like 97 games unbeaten? it bores me sometimes just winning all the time, i prefer a challenge personally i dont see the thrill in just buying the best players having loads of cash and then just winning every game without breaking a sweat.

although my best was a couple of fms ago when hull were in league 1 and went a full season unbeaten
Mine maybe 4 games...

Then, if you are bored, it will be a bit hard if you don't get the **** wonderkids and you get some usual players.
If you always buy them, it is easy to be a good manager.
dont you get bored going like 97 games unbeaten? it bores me sometimes just winning all the time, i prefer a challenge personally i dont see the thrill in just buying the best players having loads of cash and then just winning every game without breaking a sweat.

although my best was a couple of fms ago when hull were in league 1 and went a full season unbeaten

I did started a LLM which depressed me (wasn't used to players failing 10 yards passing at normal tempo) so, I went for west ham (maiden's team :) but tbh the whole fm thingy is starting to bore me. Worst thing is that my 98th game I played second haflf with two CB because we weren't creating chances, which mean I could have gone to 100 sure, maybe 110, like you said it is a very good achievment for a first timer in fm, but in the end its just boring.
I managed to get to 45 games unbeaten, equalling Utd's all time record, 46th game was against Pompey at Fratton Park, 1 v 0 up, 10 mins to go, and they go and nick it with two last minute goals... twats!
I had a 39 game unbeaten run with Wycombe from League 2 to League 1. And believe you me it's difficult to stay uneaten in those leagues, they're so even. Had a 47 unbeaten run with Liverpool but I think that's less impressive because on the Wycombe one I stepped up in leagues and still stayed unbeaten for something like 20 games. I can't prove this because I had an XML Parsing errors and both those games became unopenable. You're just gonna have to take my word lol!
Lol, I went over 100 games unbeaten before I lost. But I didnt want to lose such a good streak! IVe only had to restart like 7 times in the whole run.
37 League games unbeaten as Barcelona and lost to Getafe on the last game of the season:(
I remember an old game I've been unbeaten the whole season in all competitions, like 50 games then lost the CL final, the cup final, drew my last game and ended up second behind barça in the 9.1 patch I was kinda depressed.
Im currently on a 36 game unbeaten run with Celtic.
Hope I cab keep it up