Your worst injury...

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Jan 16, 2010
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Whats the worst injury you've ever had...?

Mine would be fracturing my ankle when I was horriably challeneged on a 5 a-side pitch. I managed to limp into nets and finish the match though :\

I've also had a friend snap his achilles on a 3G pitch when his blades caught in the grass and he moved forward. No contact, just a loud snap :\
Broke both tibia and fibula playing in goals during P.E. in school. Not played football since.
Fortunately, just a sprained ankle while playing with some friends.
fractured my collar bone whist jumping for a header and fell hard on it
Never been injured seriously, mostly minor injuries. Though I got a bruised shin yesterday.
bruised bone in ma back (still need MRI scans) and broken wrist when i tried to save a shot
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Broken snuffbone, fractured small-bone-in-my-shoulder-thing. Oh, and a ************* sliced eye.
Sprained ankles (both), strained knee ligaments, broken fingers. Nothing special. :P
Oh, and a ************* sliced eye.

Made me wince, how did you manage that :O

Im not too bad, broke my wrist once when i was in goal, put a hand out to make a save and the ball crushed my hand against the post.

My brother broke some ribs in a 50/50 challenge and punctured his lung, that was nasty.
Crushed left wrist between a rocketshot and the post and torn ankle ligaments.
There is already a thread like this. Did you search before?
Broke my my ankle when i was in my local teams youth academy or whatever you wanna call it. Got over the injury, 3 weeks later i broke the same ankle again. Never played football since.
Made me wince, how did you manage that :O

Flicking through a book in bad light, so I put it closer to my face. Too close.

Suffice to say a page slicing your eye really, REALLY ******* hurts.
Slipped disc during P.E.
Normally on FM i see players recovering from slip disc in around months... and yet for me it has been like for a year and still feeling the pain sometimes even when i'm staying still.
Currently suffering from shin splints which seems to be impossible to recover from ...
Have a knack of getting injuries just before I go on holiday.

Anyway, last year, just before Summer, I sprained my ankle badly whilst playing football at School. This kept me out for about 6 months. Then, about 2 weeks after I had properly recovered and started playing sports again, the inside of my knee's start hurting. After 2 more months out, I went to the Physio and they worked out that my Calf muscles were too short. oO) They told me I should run through the pain. Turns out I could of been doing stuff all along. :(

I used to be so fast and I used to have amazing stamina...:( Now I suck. :( Atleast I didn't gain any weight though. :D