Recent content by ob_sangani

  1. O

    best striker

    i play as man utd and last save i bought cavanni and felt he was the best striker but this time got neymar (cost similar and neymar is younger plus this time needed cover for AML so thought he wud be better) initially thought wud play him AML with rooney and hernandez upfront but due to injuries...
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    best how out willian

    i heard willian is the poor mans messi, got him for my man utd team and playing 4 2 2 2 and him as the AML as an inside forward on support but he is really not performinggets lots of one on one chances which he misses and never crossesany ideas
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    need the 2 best attacking mid right and left..playing as man utd and play them as inside forwards supprt have nani, young, valencia and willian, got neymar as well but play him up front but sometimes play him as AML prob is yong playing **** and willian has asked for a transfer and so looking...
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    Need a player

    i play man utd and i know there are so many treasds with man utd but want a particular playersdont want to spend over the top which u have to do to buy good players so looking for younger grt playersbought c erikson who is amazing and want another player like him as a central mid feild ball...
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    Best come backs (not one liners)

    so played first leg semi finals CL man utd vs ac milan (which i thought sud be easy enough) was behind 2 1 when they went a man down next thing i know i loose 5 bad tactic ... any way home game came away with a 4 0 winning it with away goals...nearly broke me chair screaming...3 goals set...
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    Looking for tactic .. pls help

    playing as manutd and i know there r many tactics avail online but want to discuss as having some issues all the tactics play a high defensive line, kinda feel that is counter productive as keep getting hit on counter home im grt but away im having all kinda of problems and more so...
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    striker ques

    finsihed second season with man utd and won everythign execpt the CL, one final loss and one in 1st roundrooney say want to leave and got offer for 75mil from R.M. and get cavani for 50 so wud that be a good change?when i got the offer rooney wanted to stay so can go either waynot happy he...
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    Player Advice

    playing man utd second season, got an offer for clev 25mil in jan so thinking of selling and get eric torres, also bought eriksen first season no hamsik as in city and awey as his at arsenal play chico rooney and leandro upfront feel no creative players in mid, so far have anderson, jensen...
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    New Chapter @ the Red Devils

    Chapter 1 After retiring from playing football, I found myself with a lot spare time. I knew it had to be something to do with the sport I loved. Having played as a central midfielder and as captain for later part of my short career being in charge was something I was always good and felt let’s...
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    Man utd help

    hey playing an asymmetrical 4 1 2 1 2 with a single winger and an opposite wing back * * * * * * * * * * what do u think i need player wise to improve my team. bought vila as a def mid but feel carrick does a good job and also have fletcher so feel mite be better off...
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    Help with my tactic

    Hi using a 4 2 2 2 and scoring lots of goals and play a high back line but cant seem to get my CB to stop other team strikers brecking th eoff side trap... i play a real high line and every game i atleast give them one straight forward ahnce with goaly...always the same the cb comes to get the...
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    Silva n Hamsik

    started a new season with man utd wud ilke to buy these 2 players but wud like info on how good they r and r they worth it... hamsil 33 mil and silva 58 mil also looking for a ronaldo and have some money left over...any suggestions