hey guys:) starting career with chelsea i have a buget of 60 million;)
i dont mind what position just want to streghten squad to try achieve champions league sucess:D
any suggestions,and will be thankful any positions once there good players:P
hi guys :) i have just started a new season with Man City any advice on who to buy/sell and any good tactic to use with Man City (H) thanks in advance: Scott;)
hi guys just started new save with newcastle and was wondering do you know any plqyers i could buy i have 20 million to spend thanks in advance scott|)
hi guys!!
i need some help of who to buy/sell if anyone has any ideas could you please reply:)
some information:7million to spend on players hoping to make it more by selling a few players
thans in advance:scott:D
hi guys i need help of signing players because i am only starting the game so if you could help i would be realy greatful
team: man utd