A strikerless tactic from Lushengs on PlayGM.
Seems pretty good so worth sharing here.
Player Instructions
Seems pretty good so worth sharing here.
- No OIs needed, works for going on holiday, or playing the match.
- Players don't need to be perfect for each position, Regista is the only one that it matters really.
- On that note, Regista needs to be aggressive, team work, and determination. Passing isn't as high a priority due to it being shorter passing.
- No training specified.
- No changes for home/away.
Default Southampon, holiday season with just "use tactic selected".
Player Instructions
Note for "Mark Specific Player" is as follows:
CM - Marks opposing M (C)
AM (L,C,R) - Mark opposing D (C)
CM - Marks opposing M (C)
AM (L,C,R) - Mark opposing D (C)