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4231 Consistent Tactic pure gold xi

I've played a 5 seasons with Malaga using this tactic. The results are always above what you can expect. We had som periods where things didn't go our way but every season was a better result than the last. Now we won Champions League and La Liga. Team has some good players but is far below Barca and RMA. I didn't do any tweaking and left traning and games to the AssMan.

TLDR: Fantastic and consistent tactic for both weak and stronger teams!
Hi, this tactic works a treat but struggling away against big teams. Playing with Arsenal and lost against City, United and Tottenham away. I tried to switch to defensive and cautious but still losing.. any tips guys?
Best tactic I have used. Won back to back promotions from 3rd league in Germany with a team that was predicted around 6th in 3. Liga and as last in 2. Bundesliga. You will not win every game, but I think it adds more fun this way to not be invincible. What I have noticed is that you will not get those mid season dips like other tactics and it still preform consistent throughout the season.


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I am using the Pure Gold.


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Specially created an account so I could say this.

Brilliant tactic. Was struggling with wolves, around mid table. Won 8 of my last 9 games in the league and finished 6th. Lost to United in the El.

A lot of goals, decent defence. Cheers!
I've hit a barren patch with scoring from my forwards, particularly the striker. Equally, the AMC rarely has assists or goals (although doesn't necessarily have bad performance ratings). Has anyone experienced this and done anything that has brought about a change?

There may be a number of reasons why my strikers aren't scoring but if the problem was straight-up the tactics, I'm interested to know if anyone has ideas?
Whatever the latest one released was. Pure Gold XI I think. Certainly I’ve found that getting every individual player 100% familiar with his role/position and the whole team completely gelled together and 100% familiar with the tactic by playing as many games as possible (and through training) make this tactic really start firing on all cylinders. I changed the Attacking Midfielder position (originally AP) back to AP again from the Shadow Striker (SS) I had changed it to when I left my first post as it seems to work better for spacing players out and the right man arriving at the right time in and around the box for my team. But I think tbh with that position (only) you can switch it to whatever players you have that are strongest in that Attacking Midfielder position. Get every player doing individual player training in the exact role/position they’re playing and be smart and keep sporadically changing the individual focus every now and again to things like ball control, free kicks or attacking movement for the more technical minded attacking players and things like aerial, strength or defensive positioning for centre backs etc etc, just think about the type of player they are and the role he plays in the team and keep individual training fresh. The Wingbacks Automatic and the Widemen (IF) are essential to this system I’m finding more and more and you really do get some amazing performances from them. Now that I’ve really bedded the tactic in, got training sorted, got plenty of momentum going and properly built my team around it with the right players for each role/position it’s an absolute monster. Certainly making this time spent in full lockdown isolation more manageable anyway. Diablo FM20...?

Hope this giant rant helps in some way. You can tell I’ve been locked in for over two weeks...?
Thanks for the help, first season went alright for me but starting the second season seems to be unstable with the results i'm getting, so will take on your advice. Who do you have as your RPM? Currently restarting and doing a Bolton career.