But isn't this happening in modern real-life football? 10 years ago one of the best 2 European clubs during that time Real Madrid started doing stupid things buying plaers like Ronaldo ( a poacher) when they had arguably the best attacking duo in history (Raul - poacher and Morientes) they dropped Morientes and played with two poachers and failed. Then they bough Beckam and failed again. But the other big clubs had to start buying stars in order to remain competitive, neglecting their own youth players, and only a handful of the players born in the 1980s got a chance to play in top teams from an early age. The end result? Look at Milan - they had the best team in the world from 2003 to 2007 but thanks to neglecting the young players they ended up having a squad with an average age of 34. And not only that. Nowadays there are simply no great players. take a look at the top players today: Messi, Ronaldo, Robben. They're good but compared to Basler, Zidane and Overmars they are like amateurs. Moreover, the football today is simply ugly. Take a look at the martches b/n Barca and real this year, and compare them to the mathces of Milan, Bayern and Real 10-5 years ago. In the so called "El clasico" there was only one player who could make a real through ball - Iniesta - and he did it 2 times for the 4 games played. Everything else was a parody of football with these 70% possesion and less than 10 shots total. 10 years ago bayern and real could beat every team in the world home or away with more than 2-3 goals, having 40% possesion and around 15-20 shots. this dramatic decrease in the quality of players today is due to exactly what is simulated in FM - neglecting of youth players.