Al-Qaeda threatens WC 2010

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These people are the scum of the earth.
they said something exactly like this about the olympics and they where gunna bomb the opening ceromony
There is always major threats aimed at the top competitions in the world. Very few happen so expecting the World cup to pass without any incident. When Wembley was built there were threats made that it would be blown up at the first cup final and it never happened. Hope I'm right but Security will be top notch.
Thats what I am saying, it doesn't make sence, Why not just attack the UK directly, would have a much larger affect, like the london bombings?

To be honest, I am pretty sure they threaten every ****** country and major event in the world, and considering how high the security 'should' be at the WC, I can imagine, maybe 20 easier targets to hit that would have a greater affect?

In the end tho, they are holy warriors of the holyland or something, so I don't think it really has to make sence when you have that mentality.

well dunc thatz coz there are loads of muslimz in uk and he will be killing his own people if he did that. Anywayz the whole world will be watching the world cup so itz more of an attention grabber targeting the England and yanks game. why don’t he go get bush that **** shud die not a whole stadium of Africans and brits and yanks
The world is a ****** up place :/

I agree with you on that. It is the extremists of the world who think we should follow one religion in the world. Never going to happen.
"How amazing could the match United States vs. Britain be when broadcasted live on air at a stadium packed with spectators when the sound of an explosion rumbles through the stands, the whole stadium is turned upside down and the number of dead bodies are in their dozens and hundreds, Allah willing,"
Got this section of the link in the first post. It looks like the guy is looking forward to seeing that branding it as amazing but it would be quite nice to see that happen. but would rather see it happen in the yanks other games not vs England
Football is a religion. We don't need any other :S

Why can't Al Quaeda attack the Jedi's? XD
We should just ignore them because this is exactly what they want to be centre of attention.
OK can I explain something from my religion? Well im a muslim and in our religion it says loads of stuff about killing others will go to ****. im sure all the oter religions also say that right? I know in Christian/catholic it sez sumthing similar to that as I learn bout this in RE. However al qaedi believes he is doing good for our religion and is being a loyal servent to god but infact he isn’t and we all know that. in our religion it god says we shall all live in peace no matter which religion we come from. What he is doing is actually disobeying god but he thinkz he iz doing good 4 religion.
Reading that I realised that have no idea why they actually want to kill people in the first place. Is it just because we are different or is it something we or the americans have done tho them that has slipped my mind?
Reading that I realised that have no idea why they actually want to kill people in the first place. Is it just because we are different or is it something we or the americans have done tho them that has slipped my mind?
Exactly, haven't done anything tbh.
I dont see why people are making such a big deal of this, Didnt we see this coming? we all knew that England vs USA was going to be a target for terrorists but i cant see anything happening although England vs Algeria might be interesting as I think Algeria has alot of Muslims but like i said its very unlikely that anything will happen
Al Qaeda can try all they want, they aren't going to ruin the World Cup. I don't even believe they exist (despite 9/11, 7/7 etc.) but i don't even think that any of them are Muslims. Who can tell! It's stupid. All of us Britains, blaming Muslims for the worldwide devastation to this day. Lay off their case! Stop stopping anyone that looks like a Muslim and asking if they have a weapon! It is ridiculous!!
kk al qaeda wants to kill the ameiricans and GEORGE BUSH for sum reason ive reasearched and found out years ago b4 we were born anerica sent troops to saudi arabia 4 sum reason. now arabia as being rich is one of the most peaceful countries and this angered bin laden. and another thing i found out is that i bin laden's eyes the iraqis didn't do anything to the yanks in the gulf war and wanted to get the yanks.

But i think thats all wrong or ive interpreted it wrong but one thing i know is why he h8s britain. coz tony blair offered to help bush in the war and thats why he wants the uk bmbed.

---------- Post added at 12:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------

IMO he will take advantage of Africas poor police and try and get england v yanks but england v algeria is a no no algeria is packed full of muslims. and so is most countries in africa.
I really don't get why they should kill people who don't have a fault, I don't think football players have any fault with International Politic Affairs, this is just stupid, can't they get that if they kill people, they are making more sins?
The reason behind the attacks, i thought, was to make the general public afraid of other attacks so that america and britain and whatever other countries would pull out of iraq and afghanistan.
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dont u get it f he gets football which is the most watched sport across the world millons of people will watch the wc and its hisway of attention seeking
Reading that I realised that have no idea why they actually want to kill people in the first place. Is it just because we are different or is it something we or the americans have done tho them that has slipped my mind?

kk al qaeda wants to kill the ameiricans and GEORGE BUSH for sum reason ive reasearched and found out years ago b4 we were born anerica sent troops to saudi arabia 4 sum reason. now arabia as being rich is one of the most peaceful countries and this angered bin laden. and another thing i found out is that i bin laden's eyes the iraqis didn't do anything to the yanks in the gulf war and wanted to get the yanks.

But i think thats all wrong or ive interpreted it wrong but one thing i know is why he h8s britain. coz tony blair offered to help bush in the war and thats why he wants the uk bmbed.

[COLOR=#00e0]---------- Post added at 12:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------[/COLOR]

IMO he will take advantage of Africas poor police and try and get england v yanks but england v algeria is a no no algeria is packed full of muslims. and so is most countries in africa.

Bin Laden also feel betrayed by America. as stupidly The United states trained the early AL-Qaeda soldiers, as there way of stopping russia getting control over the Middle east in the Cold war. as All the Oil was there. When the Cold War was over, USA then stopped supporting AL-qaeda in there Quest to be incharge of Iraq, Iran and the rest of the Middle east. The Same thing happened with Suddam Husian, adding more people to think, The USA assainsation of Suddam was as he knew information which could affectively kill of the America parliament. So this has causes tension between the 2 sides, which has caused Numerous terriost attacks within the last 15-20 years.

dont u get it f he gets football which is the most watched sport across the world millons of people will watch the wc and its hisway of attention seeking

He wants attention. Yes, But i think he sees it as a chance of revenge. killing off the Democratic worlds more popular show peice.
Bin Laden also feel betrayed by America. as stupidly The United states trained the early AL-Qaeda soldiers, as there way of stopping russia getting control over the Middle east in the Cold war. as All the Oil was there. When the Cold War was over, USA then stopped supporting AL-qaeda in there Quest to be incharge of Iraq, Iran and the rest of the Middle east. The Same thing happened with Suddam Husian, adding more people to think, The USA assainsation of Suddam was as he knew information which could affectively kill of the America parliament. So this has causes tension between the 2 sides, which has caused Numerous terriost attacks within the last 15-20 years.

Wow scott u beat me to it was just gonna say that
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