Hey, Enrico!

i just wanted to say. this story is like heroin to me. i always check if you posted any updates first thing in the morning. haha. i absolutely and utterly love and adore this manager story. it's wonderful. i'm really glad that you are doing this. don't stop writing this, please! it's like a book. a fantastic one. bravo!

cheers, mate.

P.S Sorry for the fanboy-isms.
Hey, Enrico!

i just wanted to say. this story is like heroin to me. i always check if you posted any updates first thing in the morning. haha. i absolutely and utterly love and adore this manager story. it's wonderful. i'm really glad that you are doing this. don't stop writing this, please! it's like a book. a fantastic one. bravo!

cheers, mate.

P.S Sorry for the fanboy-isms.
Same here, my girlfriend says I neglect her for the sake of fm, she is wrong, I would rather spend more time reading this if the updates came every second...thats probably keeping me and my girl together
Hey, Enrico!

i just wanted to say. this story is like heroin to me. i always check if you posted any updates first thing in the morning. haha. i absolutely and utterly love and adore this manager story. it's wonderful. i'm really glad that you are doing this. don't stop writing this, please! it's like a book. a fantastic one. bravo!

cheers, mate.

P.S Sorry for the fanboy-isms.

Same here, my girlfriend says I neglect her for the sake of fm, she is wrong, I would rather spend more time reading this if the updates came every second...thats probably keeping me and my girl together

Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated.
View attachment 296252Sunday, 24 May 2015 11AM-ish

"Ciao, Luca," I said.

"Enrico, how are you?" my agent replied.

"You're back from church early," I said. There was some gurgling and snorting on the other end of the line.

"You are too funny," Luca said. "What's the latest, my friend?"

"I wanted your thoughts on how this might play out," I said.

"There are three likely scenarios. There are variables like how the media plays it and if either side decides to get nasty. First, they cave to your demands. Second, you cave and accept their demands. Third, I find you a new club."

"Okay," I replied. "I don't know if I'm up for playing a game of chicken."

"I know you love the club, Enrico, but you need to set that aside or they will use it against you..."

"But I really want to manage in Serie A," I interjected. "What if the only clubs to come calling are Serie B ones?"

"Enrico, Enrico, Enrico ..." Luca said. "After Wimbledon, there were moments you were convinced you would never manage again and be going to, and I quote, Pound-Me-In-The-*** prison. And who talked you off the cliff?"

"You and Gwen."

"Right. Gwen and I. What you've done this season has been noticed. Trust me. You know I hear everything. Combined with your work at Cadiz and in London, you have an excellent track record of winning everywhere you go. And you've won the league twice in your four seasons. Two promotions? That is some serious ****, my friend. Serious ****."

"Thanks, Luca," I said. "This is why you're still my agent. You're the best."

"Anything else?"

"Oh, yeah, one more thing. I have some friends that are going to get some stories into the press about my contract situation as well as Casarini's."

"Okay, I'll keep an eye out for that. Ciao."

Gwen and I had run off to a villa on Lake Como so driving down to Varese was no big whoop. While I might be ensconced in an expensive villa, I hadn't exactly been sipping wine, reading books and dozing off. It was more a case of watching tons of video on a patio overlooking a psychotically beautiful lake and mountains. And working the mobile. Definitely working the mobile.

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And Perugia turns it around and joins us in the Serie A. That's quite a rollercoaster ride for the Grifoni. First, losing so badly on the final match day. Secondly, scaring the **** out of them by letting Avellino back into the second leg match. Then losing the first leg. It turns out that away goal really made the difference. Congrats to the Grifoni!

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Friday, 12 June 2015

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Here's how we work scouting here at Bologna. The first and biggest aspect of our system is that I'm a total video junkie. While the scouts are off scouring wherever it is I've sent them off to scour, I watch tons and tons of video. Like so much video that I'll probably go blind soon.
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For example, sometimes I'll call or text or even sometimes email our Belgium, France and Holland scout Georges Grun with a request to check out someone who caught my attention on a match video I watched of a kid playing in Ligue Two in France. He'll then try and get around to check the kid out and report back. If the kid is promising, I'll send my Assistant Manager Graziano Vinti or Youth Director Daniele Corazza to look him over some more. At some point, we arrange to talk with the kid at which point we find out if he'd be interested.

So, this is what happened more or less with Davide Monteleone except with my Italy scouts. He's still technically on loan at Novara, but is a Palermo prospect. The conclusion of everyone who has looked him over is that he'll be Serie A level defender and has potential to be great. Despite being a local, he feels ignored and doesn't think he'll ever get a chance to wear the famous pink jersey. Furthermore, he liked Graziano's explaining our philosophy and explaining that we think he'd be able to get playing time next season for us and that we think his upside is huge.

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So I called Francesco Ceravolo, Palermo's Director of Football. We guessed that we'd have to pay between EU2.9M and 5.75M. He rejected my offer of EU3.5M and refused to negotiate. So I sent over a formal transfer offer for EU 4 million. I must have triggered a release clause because they accepted.

We flew Davide to Bologna and hired a limo service to haul his agent up from Rome. We negotiated the contract over dinner at my table at my favorite restaurant. I initially offered EU 4.3K per week and Antonio Riccardi countered with 5K and a release fee of 5M. I upped the release fee to 8M and we were done.

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View attachment 296140Saturday, 13 June 2015

It's the FIGC's (Italian FA) Annual Banquet dinner in Rome (where else). Gwen and I show up in the Alpha. In nearly have a seizure from all the flash bulbs going off as we get out. I'm up for Serie B manager of the year. I'm up against Ternana's Attilio Tesser. We're at a table with Federico Casarini who is up for Serie B player of the year.

"You are the master of the grand entrances," Casa says as we sit down.

"Oh, it's not me," I reply. "Attilio, how are you?"

Everyone introduced each other and we exchanged pleasantries.

"Okay, Attilio, I've got to know," I said as we all sat down. "What was it like that last Friday night as you watched Perugia implode?"

"I can't recall so much drama on a final match day," he replied. "About a thousand supporters traveled down to Bari and what was most bizarre is the roar that went up when Lanciano scored those two first half goals. My central defender Valjent was laying on the pitch getting the magic spray when suddenly there's this massive cheer from our supporters. There was literally nothing going on. I was confused until my Assistant shoved his mobile under my nose. I'm just so happy to have avoided those play-offs. They shred your nerves."

"Congrats, I think you're going to win this," I said. "No, seriously. We were supposed to get promoted, Ternana weren't supposed to. You did an awesome job."

"You're too modest, Enrico," he replied.

I just smiled and shook my head no.

"Casa, I haven't seen Matthias, is he here?" I asked. Matthias Lepiller was in the running for the Fair Play Player of the Year, aka the Nice Guy plaque.

"No, you know he couldn't care the least **** about it," Casarini replied.

We made small talk and left our food alone. Casa didn't win and neither did I. Attilio deserved it more than I anyways.

"I hope you'll excuse us, Attilio," I said as Gwen and I stood up once Attilio was back at the table. "Casa, would you and your wife like to get some real food?"

They were right behind us, didn't have to ask twice. Awards banquets are so so boring.
View attachment 295915Tuesday, 16 June 2015

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Gwen and I flew to the United States to meet up with my Mom in Wyoming. It's out west in the mountains. I've never been here. It's freaking gorgeous. Gwen is gobsmacked by the stunning views from nearly anywhere and really likes it. We're in a bed and breakfast with wifi and I can see the cell phone tower from the driveway. In other words, I can continue to get stuff done for Bologna and relax a bit, too. There's something about having an ocean between me and my job which relaxes me.

We'll fly back on the 27th and, hopefully, negotiate a new contract. Luca says not to worry just carry on trying to scout and sign players.

And we've uncovered a real gem. He's Danish, fast, tall, determined and if I could manage to sign him would probably guarantee we stay up. He really looks that good. We'll be placing our transfer offer any day now.

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View attachment 295892Saturday, 20 June 2015

Oh. My. Fkn. God.

FC Kobnhaven agreed to part with with Andreas Cornelius for EU 5 million. So we began negotiations. It went remarkably easily.

I realize there is competition for his signature so I offered him ridiculous money to score goals for us. 19K per goal is the maximum I am allowed to offer and 200K for scoring 15 goals is ludicrous, but if my strikers scores 15, we stay up. 200K is a small price to pay, no?

They liked my offer.

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Thats pretty nuts. I wouldn't be surprised if you wren't allowed in denmark after that.