View attachment 288094Sunday, 14 September 2015 10:30AM-ish

We'd just finished our first set of drills and players were rotating to their next set of drills when my Assistant Manager walked up to me with his arm around Matthias Lepiller's shoulder. It was clear that Graziano was nearly dragging Matthias over to me.

"Alright, Graziano, kind of bull**** what are you up to now?" I asked.

"Boss, I'd heard that (he mispronounced Lepiller to make it sound like the slang for street prostitute) wanted an improved contract," Graziano sneered. Matthias looked like he was wishing a sinkhole would open up underneath him. "So I figured I'd drag him over here to tell you as much."

"Graziano," I said with as straight a face as I could muster. "You are a poo flinging chimpanzee, no offense to chimps intended. Quit torturing Matthias." Then turning to Matthias I asked: "I've got no problem with that. Do you really want to open talks?"

Matthias nodded realizing that I wasn't going to relegate him to training with the kids or anything.

"Let's meet for dinner as soon as your agent is available," I continued. "Now both of you **** off so I can get back to training."

His agent was available that evening and drove in from Milan.

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The best story there is! :D Made me make an account just to say how good it was! Keep it up!!
Serie A: Bologna v. Atalanta

View attachment 287826Sunday, 20 September 2015

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It was 34 degrees Celsius (93F) at kick-off and not a breath of air moving. The Stadio Renato Dall'Ara was more of an oven than a stadium. You could see heat mirages rising. I nearly felt heat-stroked by the time kick-off arrived. I can't imagine what the players were feeling ... at least the fans could get some beers in.

I told the players to keep the ball as much as possible -- make Atalanta do the running. I also told them I expected them to win.

We started off on the front foot then both teams dozed off in the hot Bologna sun. The first action took place in the 12th minute. Matthias Lepiller's shot was blocked and his corner kick was cleared. Casarini retrieved the clearance and lasered a pass into Gaël Kakuta. Atalanta midfielder Diego Laxalt threw Kakuta down and cleared the ball.

No penalty called.

I strolled over to the fourth official.

"Do you watch WWF?" I asked.


"You know, World Wrestling Federation," I continued. "Because I didn't know that WWF throws were allowed in the FIFA rule book."

"Go back to your technical area, Enrico," he said.

"No seriously, I want an explanation."

I know you'll be shocked but I didn't get one.

In the 17th minute it was more of the same. Loris Damonte played a pass up to Lepiller. Lepiller beat the Atalanta left back Davide Brivio and Brivio tripped him as he went past. Then as Casarini touched the ball, Luca Cigarini chopped out his legs and a defender cleared.

German Denis nabbed the clearance and sprinted upfield with the ball. I strolled over to the fourth official as I watched their counter attack develop. It was a two-on-two. Their strikers against Dedryck Boyata and Bernardo. Both of them converged on Denis leaving Matej Vydra wide open on the right flank.

Boyata read this and sprinted back and over to cut off the pass as Denis hit it. Boyata telegraphed his sliding tackle but it was perfectly executed and Vydra went cartwheeling as Boyata sent the ball toward the sideline. Atalanta's Simone Padoin got to the ball before Morleo who had been caught upfield. Padoin curled a back post special to Denis.

The 25,000 or so Rossoblus in the stadium quit booing and whistling at the ref and held their breath. Denis headed wide. The booing and whistling resumed.

I strolled over to the fourth official. We had a lengthy but fruitless dispute over the FIFA rule book and certain paragraphs within it.

In the 28th minute, the ref blew his whistle for the first foul for us and the 25K Rossoblus exploded in an ironic standing ovation. Lepiller blasted the free kick high.

In the 31st minute, Lepiller beat his man yet again and whipped in a back post cross. The Atalanta goalkeeper flew across the net and swatted away Kakuta's shot. The ball fell to Andrea Russotto but he was on the end line so he zipped a pass back to Gaël. He was about to shoot when he had his legs taken out from under him.

Yet again, no whistle. I sensed that a pattern was emerging.

In the 45th minute, Kakuta made one of his mazy runs inside from the left. Right back Davide Zappacosta trod on his ankle just as he passed it off to Federico Casarini. Gaël crumpled to the pitch screaming. Casa thumped the ball into the stands then spun and yelled at the ref. Captain Morleo sprinted over to remonstrate. The ref didn't even call for the foul.

I put Shawn Parker on and shuffled the deck. Lepiller would play left wing, Russotto would play right wing and Shawn would go up top.

At halftime, I told my players to keep pressing and that we'd been unlucky. I'd never seen four clear penalty claims waved off. Certainly not in one half.

"You're not thinking of trying to talk to the ref, are you?" Graziano whispered into my ear as the players started filing back out for the kick-off.

"Honestly, I was," I conceded. "I want an expla..."

"No you won't," Graziano stated. "You'll just get yourself suspended or worse. I won't let you near them."

Graziano is a big guy and and the other goalkeeper coach Mario Paradisi, also quite large, was standing right behind him.

"Alright, fine," I said holding my hands up to show I didn't have any weapons.

The second half was remarkably dull compared to the first. The heat was taking it's toll. I could tell that Boyata, Lepiller and Russotto were wilting. I took off Russotto and replaced him with Modibo Tounkara in the 68th. In the 75th, I replaced Lepiller with Pierluigi Cappelluzzo. Tounkara went to left wing, Parker out right with Pierluigi in the middle.

At this point I conceded to myself that we likely weren't going to win this and would have to accept another draw.

However as we passed the 80th minute, it was clear that my young guns, my youthful attacking trident were having their way with the utterly exhausted Atalanta defense.

View attachment 287818Simone Pasa stole the ball off a Atalanta midfielder as they tried to pass the ball out of their half. He fed Loris Damonte who one-timed a pass up to Tounkara. Modibo's shot was blocked, but the rebound spun out to the right flank and Gyorgy Garics. Garics fed a pass into the path of Parker.

Parker spanked a grassburner toward the far post! But the keeper got a finger tip to it.

Tounkara was the first to the ball and calmly passed the ball into the open net!


The sunstroked, heat exhaustion afflicted Rossoblus all burst into celebration. The kids had gone and done it!


Boyata collapsed in the 4th minute of extra time clutching his calf. Cramps. We finished off the final 30 seconds with Pasa in central defense and a 441 formation.

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Those new centerbacks are earning their transfer fees already.

As I thought they would. Their defensive skills (Tackle, marking and heading] were comparable to other top notch defenders in Serie A. Their reading of the game (anticipation, concentration, decisions and positioning) is also top notch. While Bernardo is slow, he's very strong and huge. Boyata complements him because he is fast enough to cover.

I failed/forgot to mention one thing about the last match which will make the Genoa match on Wednesday very interesting: Bernardo picked up a yellow card which means he's suspended. This also means that 19 year old Davide Monteleone starts. He's got the potential to be a leading Serie A defender. The only way he's going to achieve that is to play. So he gets his debut on Wednesday.
View attachment 287652Monday, 21 September 2015 9:46AM

As I roll up to the Casteldelbole entrance, Enzo comes lumbering out of the security booth.

"I swear to God, Mother Mary and all the Saints that I'm lighting all the candles, saying all the prayers and I'm not alone in doing it," Enzo apologized. "I don't understand why they won't listen."

"Enzo, Enzo, it's not your fault," I replied. "I appreciate the prayers. God knows we're all trying our best."

"How do they not call all those fouls in the box, Enrico," Enzo exclaimed. "Have the refs been bought off? Has the FIGC told them not to give us penalty calls? How is this even possible?"

"I have no idea," I replied. "I'll just work on what I can control. I'll get the squad prepared for Genoa, you keep lighting those candles."

"That Boyata is good, no?" Enzo said calming down a smidge.

"Yeah, he's been great. I'll see you tomorrow morning, Enzo."

And I drove off to get organized for my 10AM staff meeting. I figured I'd start off with Gianni Nanni's injury report.

First off, we discussed the Roma-Juventus late match which we all watched once home the previous evening. So much drama in the build-up, such a dull match. Of course, everyone is happy that The Grand Old Lady isn't firing on all cylinders. Yet.

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After the small talk, we braced ourselves for the Injury Report.

"I want to begin by saying that Dedryck is fine," My Head Physio reported. "It was just cramp. He's getting some acupuncture right now. I'll massage him right after I'm done talking to you. Tounkara is out for a week tops, probably only four days. Kakuta's got a bruise on the top of his foot, but he says he doesn't feel any pain and he's getting some acupuncture right now as well."

"That's great news," I exclaimed. "I think we got off pretty lucky considering the heat index yesterday."

"Indeed," Gianni agreed. "Now I'm off to tend to the bruises and whatever else is ailing my charges."

"Alright then," I said as Gianni left. "Let's hear from Tomasso."

"Gasperini's suicide squad are in fine form," Chief Scout Fini began. Gian Piero Gasperini was known for playing attractive attacking football but he preferred three at the back. If they didn't execute correctly, i.e., like under his brief stint at Inter, they were wide open to the counter attack. So fine form might have several meanings.

"They've been playing either a straight 343 but sometimes a Christmas Tree formation with three at the back and four in midfield," Tomasso continued. "I think they'll be vulnerable. Their missing several regulars at the back. I can't see Gasperini going conservative and safe so I think their defense will be suicidal."

"How's their attack looking?" I asked.

"Hard working, fast and they pressure relentlessly," he said. "They also suffered just as much as everybody else yesterday. Because of the relentless pressing, I think they'll either have a lot of tired players or they'll put back-ups in."

"Thanks, Tomasso," I said. "So here's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking we ditch the high pressing. I'm thinking we abandon the possession game. We get the ball up to our wingers quickly and slaughter them on the counter."

"I think we'll only get 60 minutes from Kakuta," I continued. "Russotto starts on the other flank. It's time to give Parker another chance. He'll likely have lots of holes in which to drift into and channels to exploit. Defensively, we've got to park the bus and hold them at bay. They'll be throwing everything at us."

"Thoughts?" I said opening up the discussion to the rest of my coaches.

"So Monteleone starts in place of Bernardo?" Stefano Romanin my Defense coach asked. I nodded. "Well, he's been looking rather good in training. I agree and think he deserves his shot."

"Ceccarelli and Migliori replace Garics and Morleo?" my other Defense coach Alessio Frati asked. I nodded again.

"We need Garics and Morleo fresh for Lazio this Sunday," I said. "And time to give Vacca a chance. Also, Casarini only gets 60 minutes otherwise he'll be worthless for Lazio."

"So what this means is there are no late comebacks," I said. "We need to communicate this to the players. We must hold them."

Everyone nodded.

"One last thing," I added. "We train defending free kicks as our pre-match preparation."

And we all stood up to get the week underway.
Serie A: Genoa v. Bologna

View attachment 287644Wednesday, 23 September 2015

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In the build-up to the match, there had been much talk about my birthday. As you all may (or may not) recall, I forgot my birthday one year. Birthday this, birthday that ... **** this birthday bull****. So I'm not particularly happy talking about it. I'd had enough of wouldn't a victory be a great birthday present. There was certainly a chance that Genoa would overrun my back four. Ceccarelli, Boyata, Monteleone, Migliore isn't my first choice back four. There's also the possibility that my attacking trident wouldn't do ****. Or some more **** reffing.

So let me be clear: it's my birthday today. I'm 37 years old today. And I would really like a victory.

Here's the tactics changes that I hope bring us victory:

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"Let's give Enrico a birthday present," Captain for the day Federico Casarini said after I'd finished my team talk. Everyone cheered. Rather vociferously.

View attachment 287641There were a few birthday wishes signs in the away end. Rossoblus were given the upper deck in one end. Not many made the weeknight trip.

We certainly started out positively. Andrea Russotto broke down the right side and won a corner. Boyata got free but his thundering header was too high. Kakuta pressed the central defender on his side, won the ball and raced for the end line. Gaël whipped in a cross that Shawn Parker flicked goalward. Genoa keeper Mattia Perin managed to block it.

In quick succession, Parker and Russotto were both knocked down inside the box as they were controlling the ball. What the **** was it going to take to win a penalty with these refs in this league? Decapitation? Cannibalism? Heresy?

All this inside the first minute.

In the 5th minute, Simone Pasa fouled Andrea Bortolacci about 35 yards out. Jasmin Kurtic chipped the free kick into the box. Mauricio Pinilla out-jumped Monteleone and nodded the ball to Ante Rebic. Rebic slammed his shot from 10 meters past Dejan Stojanovic.

No, wait. Offside. We were lucky. I'm not sure anyone was offside.

Except for occasional bursts across the midfield line, Genoa kept us pinned back. They got two more shots on target in the first 20 minutes and one mad scramble from a corner that we eventually cleared.

In the 21st, we actually passed our way out of our end. In the Genoa half, Pasa chipped a ball out to the left flank for Kakuta. Gaël played Parker in but Perin got a fingertip to the shot. The ball lay there and Russotto was first to it. His sharp angle shot went in, but I could also see the linesman's offside flag raised. No goal.

In the 24th, Parker got called offside when he ran onto a Casarini pass. It was a close call.

In the 30th minute, Riccardo Improta curled in a cross. Monteleone leapt for it and cleared it easily. Referee Antonio Damato immediately pointed to the spot. The only possible thing was that when he leapt, he hit Pinilla's arm with his thigh as he leapt. Pinilla didn't even jump for the cross. So now marginal contact with a player when you clearly win the ball is a foul when it's Bologna defending?

"Toni, Toni, Toni," I said to the fourth official. "Seriously? Who did he foul? And what was the foul?"

"He ran over Pinilla," Fourth official Toni Sentovali said.

"He bumped his arm with his thigh at best," I replied. "As he was jumping and Pinilla was standing. This is an absolute mockery of the rules. This is a refereeing comedy. This is ..."

I felt a pair of large, strong hands grab me and drag me off. I decided to shut up. Vinti and Paradiso plopped me unceremoniously on the bench and stood there to make sure I wouldn't get up.

"Calm down, Enrico," Graziano said. "Don't get yourself kicked out."

Kurtic converted the penalty.


Genoa kept us pinned in our half after the restart.

In the 41st, Improta crossed in again. Monteleone clearly knocked over Pinilla getting to the cross. No call. Clearly this was a make-up call. This one was clearly a penalty.

"Seriously, Toni," I said. "How was that not a penalty? Monteleone ran Pinilla over."

"You're crazy, Enrico," Toni replied. "You just got away with one. You're not doing yourself any favors."

"I'm not asking for favors," I said. "I'm just asking you refs, and yes I'm referring to all Serie A ref crews, to just start calling the game by the roo..."

Three large, strong hands grabbed me while a fourth clamped down over my mouth. Vinti and Paradiso picked me up kicking and twisting and carried me back to the bench.

Genoa had two more gilt-edged chances that we just barely managed to keep out of our net. Then in the 43rd minute, Francesco Migliore made a fabulous tackle to strip the ball from Ze Eduardo. He got up and lasered a pass 40 meters upfield that Kakuta caught perfectly in stride as he ramped up to flat out sprinting down the left. The Genoa central defenders sprinted backwards heedless of Kakuta, Parker and Russotto. Their only hope was to get into the penalty box in time and rely on hope and luck. Russotto was busting a lung to make it to the back post, but Parker was only going at about three-quarters speed.

This was not exactly the attitude or work ethic I was expecting of my German-American striker.

As Kakuta approached the end line I saw what Parker was doing. He was arriving late. Gaël cut the pass back to him as he entered the box. The pass beat the nearest defender. Shawn controlled it perfectly and waited for the Francesco Acerbi to slide past. Once Acerbi slid past, Perin was in no man's land.

Shawn calmly slid a pass into the side netting kissing the far post.


Vinti and Paradiso were behind me on either shoulder as I walked off at half time.

"Wow, that was exciting!" I said to begin my halftime talk. "Listen, all of you guys are doing exactly what we've talked about. You're playing well, keep it up. So we're not getting any positive calls from the refs right now, so what. That penalty was completely and utterly bull****. You defenders are doing a great job out there. Genoa finished fourth last season. They are a tough team to play against. So hold you head's high after that great defensive performance."

"Now you midfielders, you have a thankless task today," I said. "You are merely auxiliary defenders today. Our gameplan bypasses the midfield. If and when you get the ball, get it out to our wingers quicker. Genoa are vulnerable to Gaël and Andrea racing down the flanks. Get the ball out to the flanks and I stick the knife in when you get a chance. Clear?"

We started the half by bringing the ball into the Genoa end. Diego Perotti chopped Vacca down in the box right in front of the ref. No call. The Rossoblu in the upper deck behind the goal went ape****. All one thousand of them.

There was simply no way we were going to get a call today.

In the 53rd, Genoa brought the ball up our right side. Their left midfielder Perotti lasers a 50 meter pass toward the far left corner of our penalty box. Migliore had injured Ze Eduardo a minute or two earlier so it was Iago Falque instead out on our left. The Brazilian's Spanish replacement first touch was perfect. Then he dodged a flying Migliore tackle and entered the box.

He shot for the far corner. Dejan got a hand to it and Ceccarelli put it behind for a corner.

"TIGHTEN UP! TIGHTEN UP!" I yelled. Don't give in now, boys. Not now. We've come too far.

Monteleone cleared the corner. Kakuta picked up the loose ball and zipped a pass up the right side for Russotto. Andrea played the simplest of balls toward the near post. Since Parker is way, way faster than Genoa's Acerbi, there was never any question about who would get there first. As Perin advanced, crouched low and ready to spring in reaction to the shot, Parker first-timed a hard, low shot into the far side netting.


Now they knew the secret. With Gasperini urging his troops forward in attack, we just lumped any clearance in the direction of our wingers. And it worked like magic.

In the 55th minute, Improta clattered into Vacca about 25 meters out. It was so blatantly obvious a call that even Damato had to call it. The wall lined up. Kakuta grabbed the ball. Damato sprayed the disappearing spray for Kakuta and then the wall.

Gaël blazed a shot over the wall that curled and dipped past the flailing Perin and into the net.


We nearly immediately won the ball back from the restart and Casarini fed a ball up and out to Kakuta. Gaël turned Antonini and raced up the left channel. Acerbi sprinted back in a desperate and hopeless attempt to cut Gaël off at the pass. The third central defender Di Maio was utterly lost and Parker had all day to line up his volley and blast it past a stranded Perin.


View attachment 287647HAT TRICK FOR PARKER!!!

To add insult to injury, Monteleone thumped home a loose ball after a corner.


In eight crazed minutes, we'd utterly destroyed the team that finished fourth last season. I could hardly believe it. I had hoped to steal two goals on the counter and hold them. I stood on the sideline watching my players in near disbelief.

Genoa fans started heading for the exits. Genoa players looked shell-shocked. Suddenly, we kept possession easily. The fight was out of them. They'd been utterly humiliated by a recently promoted team. Gasperini was going to give them an earful when this was over and training tomorrow was probably going to be brutal.

Regardless, happy motherfunkin' birthday to me!

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View attachment 287237"We're going to switch from Juventus stadium in Torino where Milan have controversially beaten Juve to Genoa. Pierluigi, I understand you have a very happy birthday boy with you?"

Pierluigi: "Yes, Paolo, I do. I'm with Bologna manager Enrico Pucci. It's his birthday. His squad has just unceremoniously swamped Genoa 5-1 on the back of a hat trick by Augsburg loan-signing Shawn Parker. First of all, what a match, Enrico. What are your first thoughts on a splendid birthday gift from your squad?"

Enrico: "Heh, yes, you've got that right. I don't think anybody put a foot wrong all game. We came here with a gameplan and everyone executed it perfectly."

Pierluigi: "You had it all tonight, didn't you. Yet another penalty called on you. You were literally dragged away from the fourth official by your coaches. You also watched a teaching clinic on how to play Catennacio. And, I will point out, that you are typically a manager who espouses the possession game and high pressing far up the pitch."

Enrico: "Well, my Assistant Graziano Vinti and Mario Paradiso are both former goalkeepers and they've appointed themselves to, um, keep me out of trouble."

Pierluigi: "And the perfectly executed catennacio?"

Enrico: "We felt that it's the only option we had to have a chance against Gasperini's onslaught. We'll play the way that gets us points. I think we've proven to ourselves that we can defend and hurt opponents on the counter. This may give us room in the future to express ourselves."

Pierluigi: "Talk to me about Shawn Parker."

Enrico: "He knew he was going to get some chances. I knew he had this sort of performance in him and he was tremendous for us. This will give him exactly the kind of confidence boost a striker needs."

Pierluigi: "Would you talk about the penalty?"

Enrico: "No."

Pierluigi: "Come on, Enrico. I've seen the replay. That wasn't a foul. What did the ref say was the foul."

Enrico: "Listen, I can't be honest. I don't want to hurt my club. I'm still furious ... I'm ... I'm just glad it didn't matter in the end."

Pierluigi: "Fair enough. Talk to me about youngster David Monteleone's debut. That was brave to play someone so young and inexperienced."

Enrico: "He partnered with Dedryck Boyata really well. I signed him because he has a great future. It's clear he does from today's performance what he's capable of. He experienced it all today. I'm sure he'll never forget it."

Pierluigi: "Did you think you could withstand Genoa's onslaught? There were moments in the first half Genoa looked like they were about to crush you."

Enrico: "Gasperini organizes a frightening attack. They come at you from everywhere. It's obvious why they finished fourth last season. But this is how the game goes. We held firm. We defended as a seven man unit. The stats show that they didn't generate that many chances for all the sound and fury."

Pierluigi: "That's all the questions I get to ask, Paolo. As you saw to large men in Rossoblu track suits just dragged Pucci away. He's off to celebrate and it's back to you."

Paolo: "Thank you, Pierluigi."
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It's suppose to be an immersing story, which it is...If you don't like it you don't have to read it. But it's a fantastic thread.

I full agree dont read it if your going o complain, it has the biggest following any story ever made on here! guys a fricking genius!!!
View attachment 286564Saturday, 26 September 2015

We were getting toward the end of some role-specific drills and my manager-sense told me something was wrong. I looked around. The forwards and wingers had stopped their drill and had gathered around someone who was sitting on the turf. I looked at my watch -- 13:22. I excused myself from the drill and jogged over. Was that Gaël Kakuta?

'Please, no. Please, no ..." I mumbled under my breathe as I jogged over.

****ing ****biscuits!

"What happened?" I asked.

"It's all my fault, boss," Gaël said in English. "I should have let just have the ball. I was really stupid."

"We just went shoulder to shoulder," Shawn Parker said in English. "I heard it pop."

"It's bad, Enrico," Head Physio Gianni Nanni said. "He's most likely got a dislocated shoulder. I don't know how bad yet."

**** me.

We finished training by working on defending free kicks. Without Gaël.
View attachment 286561Kakuta's injury pretty much ruined my evening. Instead of chilling out and watching the evening's matches, I contemplated how to approach Lazio without Gaël. They were good matches, too. Exciting, plenty of goals and everything a neutral could want.

First, who should play the left winger position? Matthias Lepiller or Andrea Russotto? Neither could do much with their left foot, but Andrea could use his pace to set up crosses if he played on the right. Or should I play Modibo Tounkara? Was Mo fit enough?

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And then my mobile jangled. It was a text from Gianni with news about Gaël. It was bad. He would be out about two months.

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Serie A: Bologna v. Lazio

View attachment 286533Sunday, 27 September 2015

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I hate to point a mistake out, but Bernardo was banned for the last match -- the reporter from La Gazzette got it completely wrong. Reporters and facts; what can you do? He's available against Lazio and with Klose's ability in the air, we'll need him.

Stadio Renato Dall'Ara wasn't completely full, but Lazio drew over 30K. Personally, I'm wondering which Biancocelesti team shows up: The one that smoked Genoa 5-1 and Palermo 4-0 or the one that collapsed to Atalanta 6-3 or Inter 3-0. Since those later two scores are their away matches, I'm hoping it's those guys.

I told the players to pick up where they left off. Since Archimede Morleo, Bernardo and Gyorgy Garics didn't play against Genoa and Lepiller came off the bench, I told my defenders that I had faith in them.

View attachment 286531The match got off to a dull thud with both teams unable to maintain possession nor mount any credible threat.

In the 15th minute, we'd finally gotten the ball into the Lazio half and Lepiller passed back and out to Morleo. The Captain looked up, saw Parker and Russotto in promising positions, looked down and attempted to curl a cross in. It went dead straight, right at Lazio keeper Etrit Berisha. It slipped right through his hands.


I'm embarrassed for Berisha. You hate to see this happen to any professional. Sweet Mary Mother of God, I know how Pioli feels. Ferdinando Coppolla did this to Bologna in our second match last season. His first and last match for us.

The players nearby clapped Morleo on the back but there wasn't all that much of a celebration. Here's hoping he's greased his mitts with extra virgin olive oil!

Shawn Parker and Miroslav Klose both took some poorly executed pot shots at the net, but nothing much happened until the 27th minute. Morleo took down their right winger Felipe Anderson. The free kick was near the sideline over 40 meters from goal. We'd just worked on defending free kicks so I felt confident as Ogenyi Onazi lined up the kick.


So much for working so hard on defending free kicks. Angelo Ogbanna shrugged Dedryck Boyata aside, rose and thundered a header past Dejan. Guess what we'll be working on tomorrow?

The match went dormant again until the 40th. Klose had dropped about 25 yards back to get a pass. Bernardo let him turn and he fed a pass behind Morleo for Felipe to run onto. Dejan made a great hockey goalie kick save to deflect the shot wide of the far post for a corner.


I couldn't tell if it was Pasa or Casarini or who that cleared the corner, but Lepiller got to the clearance first and headed upfield. As he neared midfield, he smacked a pass up to Russotto. Andrea controlled it, spun and took off down the right with Lazio left back Miguel Layun backpedaling. Russott burst into the Lazio box and fed a pass back to the trailing Casarini.

Sadly, his shot was blocked and we didn't find out if Berisha's gloves were oiled or not. The ball squibbed out wide of the net but slowed down as it approached the end line. Antonio Vacca got their first and smashed a bad angle shot at the keeper, becuase ... well ... why not? Morleo's shot had gone in. It bounced off Berisha and the post and lay their in the goalmouth until a Lazio player thumped it clear. But the clearance sliced and it went out for a corner.

I position Bernardo to make a near post run. It's not just that he's 192cm (6'3") it's also that he's a great leaper and he's one of the strongest players I've had the pleasure of being associated with. So Bernardo rose and met Lepiller's corner with a textbook header. We didn't find out if Berisha's mitts were greased because he had no chance. This particular thunderbolt was unstoppable.


Pioli will be furious that Tunisian international Aymen Abdennour let Bernardo get free and didn't even jump with him. Well, I would be.

The talk amongst the players at halftime is about the opposing keeper. He's having a howler. They are perfectly aware of the Atalanta and Inter results. I say some words, but I'm not entirely sure anybody really listened. It was just my usual 'keep it up, you're doing great' blather I say when we're doing what I want.

I'm pretty sure I reminded them to make sure they're marking is tight. And just to be sure, I yell at them to tighten up just as the second half gets underway.

Today must be opposites day. Or something. Morleo let's Candreva, who'd come on after the break, beat him and it's always a bad idea to let the Lazio Captain get any kind of opportunity. He may not be anywhere near match fit, yet, but he's a monster. The ball curled perfectly in for Klose to volley.

View attachment 286530I clenched every orifice.

You've all seen Klose clobber a volley. He's not just awesome in the air. He's also really good technically. His hammerblow looked destined to burst the right hand side of Dejan's net, but he got a hand to it and was strong enough to keep it out. Garics cleared the loose ball.

When I exhaled, I nearly had a majorly embarrassing incident in my pants. ****, but Klose is scary ... even if and despite the fact that he's older than me.

A couple minutes later and I'm furious. Stefano Romanin is out screaming at his defenders and central midfielders. Marco Parolo got free and volleyed home a Candreva corner. Stefano and I were angry because where was the fkn marking?


We are definitely working on defending set pieces tomorrow.

From the kick-off we Casarini lugs the ball into the Lazio end. He plays a give-n-go with Russotto. I figure he'll blast away at ol' greased gloves but instead he feeds a return pass into the path of the still-charging Russotto. I figured Andrea would blast away even though he had a defender in decent position to block his shot, but instead he cut a pass back to Casa.

Federico had his first shot blocked but beat Abdennour and Layun to the loose ball with a lunging tackle. I'm not sure if Abdennour/Layun kicked the ball off Casa or he hit in cleanly. Regardless the shot was directly at Berisha's head. The hapless keeper managed to deflect the ball into his own net.


I glance over and Pioli was facepalming.

I feel your pain, man. Better you than me.

I knew the Biancocelesti weren't going to just roll over and die. They kept at it. Klose had a chance from the top of the box in the 58th, but blasted high. Dejan got a fingertip to a Candreva free kick two minutes later to save our bacon.

One of the problems we'd been having this season is that anytime Lepiller had the ball, opponents simply took it off him. It was as if all the guile and ball skills he had last season have evaporated. I was getting tired of losing possession every time he got it so I sent Modiba Tounkara on to replace him in the 62nd minute.

In the 68th, we had a throw deep in their left corner. Morleo threw it in to Tounkara who flicked it back and in to Casarini. Casa didn't think twice, he just put his foot through it. Once again, right at Berisha.


Ol' Greased Gloves palmed it into his own net. Honestly, we should be trailing 1-2 if it wasn't for the comical keeping. Pioli just turned and walked back to his bench and sat down.

Of course, we didn't make it easy on ourselves. We weren't about to win the easy way. No, of course not.

In the 85th minute, Klose posted up on Bernardo just inside the box. When the ball arrived, he pitched over like a sniper had just shot him. Bernardo covered his face with his hands as Andrea Gervasoni pointed to the spot. Fourth time in five matches. Gervasoni was immediately surrounded by Bologna players.

I swear I saw Klose grin as he got helped up. What a con job.


Candreva doesn't miss PKs.

Two minutes later just to keep it interesting, we allow Candreva to get open in the box. Dejan doesn't just stop his shot, he blocks his second shot as well. The ball falls for Parolo and his shot flashes just wide.

I'll be so amazingly angry if they tie this up.View attachment 286529

A minute later, Bernardo chops out Klose's ankles near the sidelines. That payback probably hurt. The yellow card Bernardo received might hurt us later.

We manage to clear the free kick.

The fourth official holds up his board. There will be 4 minutes of extra time.

At 91:30, Bernardo and Boyata let Klose get free at the top of the box. His howitzer of a shot whistles high.

I unclench and nearly mess my pants for a second time that day.

We manage to get the ball into their end and they suddenly seem unable to string any passes together.

Finally, the ref ends my torment and we've bagged all three points against Lazio.

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