An Englishman Abroad.....

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Feb 15, 2009
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An Englishman Abroad.....
(A Streaky25 Story)


I switched the TV on and settled down in front of the fire, hoping the heat would start to warm me up after a morning of coaching outside in the wet and cold.
Football Focus had just started and a reporter was out in Norway interviewing Ex-Leeds and Sheffield United striker Brian Deane. I made myself comfortable and listened intently, as the interviewer started questioning why an Ex-Professional is trying to make his name in Scandinavia.

Deane, who holds the record for scoring the first ever Premier League goal, has recently been appointed Manager of Norwegian First Division side Sarpsborg. He went on to say that despite his playing career at a high level, his pathway into coaching in England has been non-productive, so after being knocked back by a couple of clubs, he was contacted by a Norwegian agent who made him aware of the vacancy at Sarpsborg and it's here where he hopes will be the start of his Managerial career.

After the interview had finished it got me thinking, though I'm currently a full time football coach for a local semi-professional team, I hold equal qualifications as Brian Deane and other managers plying their trade in the professional game and despite not having a glittering playing career, I have built up lots of experience and knowledge of the game over a 12 year period, that maybe I should look into the possibility of coaching abroad.

With an extra buzz inside and after chatting it through with my wife, I decided to send an email to Brian Deane and see if he has any advice or more importantly any contacts, that could provide me with a little help to get my foot on the coaching ladder.

About 2 weeks had passed and I still hadn't heard from Brian Deane. Then one morning as I was sending an email to another coach, a 'New Mail' icon appeared and I clicked on the envelope and started to read...


Dear Andy,

Thank you for your recent email asking for some advice on how to get in to
Unfortunately we don't have any vacancies here at Sarpsborg currently, but I would
like to invite you out for 2 weeks, so you can see what goes on behind the scenes and out
on the coaching field and also build up some vital experience in another country.

It's fantastic that a young coach like yourself has done so well at grassroots level and
am very impressed with what you have achieved despite limited resources.

I look forward to meeting you and sharing some ideas, that can hopefully give you
a helping hand in what you would like to achieve in football.

Yours Sincerely,

Brian Deane.


It was 10 days since I received the invite to Norway and I couldn't believe how quick the time went and before I knew it, I was being driven to meet Brian Deane at Sarpsborg's training facility.
As the car pulled up outside the main entrance of the clubs reception, Brian Deane made his way out to greet me

Brian Deane:
" You must be Andy, nice to meet you. How was the flight?"

Me: " Hello Mr Deane. Yeah the flight was fine thanks, and thank you for inviting me out. "

Brian Deane: " Call me Brian.... That's ok, I hope I can help. So what coaching do you do back in the Uk? "

*** We start to head towards Sarpsborg's training pitches ***

" I'm currently Football Development Manager for a local Semi-Pro team, where I coach 17 teams from Under
8s to Under 18s and I've just started to setup some Academies to help the development of our better players and
also to attract more quality to the club. "

Brian Deane: " That's great Andy, the more experience you can add to your coaching portfolio, the more chance you will
have of making a break through in the game.
Right, this is where our Under 19s train and it's here where you will spend most of your time observing coach Espen Engebretsen. Let me introduce you and then I'll leave you to it, as the 1st team have a game later and I need to prep for it. "

Espen Engebretsen: "Halo Andy, nice to meet you. I'm Espen. If you have any questions, just ask away. I'm very keen
on helping develop young talented coaches.
I will finish setting up, then training will begin in about 15 minutes. "

Me: " Ok, great. I will grab a quick bottle of water and will re-join you shortly. "

After training had finished I got introduced to more of the Sarpsborg coaching team, before being taken to the small rented apartment that I would be using as my base during my time here, then I was driven to the Sarpsborg Stadion, ready to watch Brian Deane's team in action against Bryne FK.

Norwegian 1st Division
Sunday 13th May 2012
Sarpsborg Stadion. Att: 3,136

Sarpsborg (3 - 1) Bryne
Valdimarsson(2), Hoas

It was a very different experience watching a game played outside of England and what was very noticeable was the tempo was much slower, but there was an abundance of technical skill on show, which was pleasing on the eye.
After the game I was invited into the dressing room and was able to listen to Brian speak to his players about their overall performance and also how he dealt with other circumstances, including an unhappy player who was annoyed about not coming on.

Back at my rented appartment I lay on the bed reading through some coaching manuals Espen Engebretsen had loaned me and also let my mind drift back to the game I just watched and made little key points that I had picked up from studying Brian Deane during the game.

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The next week I spent in close proximity to Espen Engebretsen, watching his every step and listening to his every word, as I continuously spent time adding more and more key information to my little black book.
At the end of the morning session, Espen approached me and asked if I wanted to put on a session in the afternoon for some of the players who weren't going to be involved in the Under 19s game that evening.
Without hesitation I said 'Yes', so I found an empty table and chair in the clubs restaurant and began scribbling down a session to coach that afternoon.

As the session was coming to an end, I noticed Brian Deane taking a close look at what I was doing and as I started to pack away the equipment I used, he came over to have a chat with me.

Brian Deane: " Andy, that was a very good session, I was most impressed, well done. "

Me: " Cheers, I was happy with how it went and it gives me more of a buzz to do more. "

Brian Deane: " That's good to hear. As you know Espen is currently in charge of the 19s, but also helps me with the 1st team. We have a busy schedule with games coming up and Espen won't be able to give his all to the younger players. So would you be keen on filling in as Under 19s Manager for a month or two? "

Me: " Yes I'd be delighted. Let me sort out a few bits back home, and then I can help straight away. "

Brian Deane: " Brilliant Andy. I'll catch up with you later. "

I made the relevant phone calls back home and organised for some extra clothes to be sent out and set off to find Espen Engebretsen to chat to him more in detail about the Under 19s and the style of play and ethos he currently uses, so I can continue coaching to his plans and training schedule.
With Espen having handed over the reigns to me for the Under 19s next 4 games, I went about the daunting task of preparing myself for my first game in charge.

Under 19s - Group 6
Saturday 9th June 2012
Sarpsborg Stadion

Sarpsborg U19s (1 - 0) Lillestrom U19s

Delighted with my first win in charge of the Under 19s. A very good passing display and excellent defending helped
us on our way to 3 points.


Under 19s - Group 6
Wednesday 13th June 2012

Notodden U19s (1 - 3) Sarpsborg U19s
Jaegar(2), Hedin

Second win on the bounce, as the young players put on another superb display.


Under 19s - Group 6
Saturday 30th June 2012
Sarpsborg Stadion

Sarpsborg U19s (0 - 1) Odd U19s

Our first loss, but one we won't be too disappointed with. Odd's superiority shone through, due to the modern new
youth system they have invested in. We matched them for large periods of the game and can be pleased with our performance.


Under 19s - Group 6
Wednesday 4th July 2012
Sarpsborg Stadion

Sarpsborg U19s (1 - 1) Pors U19s

A very even match tonight, but again the players deserve credit for sticking to the game plan and philosophy that is being
implemented throughout the club.

That evening, after I had just finished the post match reaction with the Under 19s, Sarpsborg Chairman Hans Petter Arnesen entered the changing room and asked me to sit down for a chat......

Hans Petter Arnesen: " Andy.....take a seat, I would like a quick word if I may. Firstly, thanks for
stepping in to help with the Under 19s. I know Brian and Espen have been delighted with what you have done in Espen's
absence. "

Me: " That's very nice to hear. I've loved every minute of it and have been really pleased with the results. "

Hans Petter Arnesen: " The results and performances haven't got un-noticed. My good friend, Ole Bjorn Fausa, who
is Chairman of Follo Fk, has been tracking your progress and is keen to meet you. I have arranged a meeting for you to go and chat with him tomorrow. "

Me: " Sure, I will be happy to meet Mr Fausa. Do you know what it's about? "

Hans Petter Arnesen: " I'm not allowed to say anymore. But good luck Andy. "

The following morning I was picked up by an employee of Follo FK and was driven up the E6 for the 50 minute drive towards Follo FK's stadium, where I would meet Chairman Ole Bjorn Fausa.
As we approached the stadium's main entrance, the driver pulled up next to a grey haired gentleman wearing a dark suit, got out and opened up my door.

Ole Bjorn Fausa: " Good Morning Andy. Im Ole Bjorn Fausa, but please call me Ole. Come follow me to my office. "

*** I followed Ole Bjorn Fausa to his office and sat down in the chair the other side of his desk ***

Ole Bjorn Fausa: " Come, sit down Andy. Would you like a drink? "

Me: " Yes please, a water would be great. "

Ole Bjorn Fausa: " A water!! You English amaze me, HaHa.
Now down to buisness. What I'm about to tell you isvery confidential, so I ask you not to tell anyone yet!
You may not be aware but I'm losing patience with my Manager Hans-Erik Eriksen, especially after we drew with Senja last night, our 2nd draw in a row,
which leaves us in 3rd place in Group 4.
I find this unacceptable and the team aren't on course to meet the aims I set at the start of the season. "

Me: " Yes, I was unaware of your recent results. In fact I don't know too much about the lower leagues here in Norway, Sorry. "

Ole Bjorn Fausa: " Well let me tell you, I will not tolerate what has happened the last 2 weeks. Which is the reason I have asked you here. I've spoken with my friends at Sarpsborg and they tell me you are keen to try your hand in management?
And looking at your recent role with the Under 19s there, I'm very impressed with what I've seen and heard.

Me: " Yes. I'm very keen to get in to management and have learn't an awful lot from Espen Engebretsen and Brian Deane. Whether I'm ready for a full time position I'm not sure. "

Ole Bjorn Fausa: " Well I'm willing to take the risk on you Andy. I will offer you a 5 month deal, which will take you to the
end of the season and £700 per week. Then we can re-assess you role and see how we move forward. "

Me: " In that case, 'Yes', I will accept your offer. "

I shook hands on the deal with Ole Bjorn Fausa, got back in the car that brought me and headed straight back to Sarpsborg, where I could say my farewells and most importantly to say thank you to Chairman Hans Petter Arnesen, Under 19s Manager Espen Engebretsen and the person who made this all possible, Manager Brian Deane, who without him, I wouldn't have such a wonderful opportunity to start my managerial career.

loving this allready good luck will be reading keep it up
July/August 2012



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That night I hardly slept as everything started to slowly sink in, I had eventually got a break, not in my preferred country, but an opportunity that if worked at in the right ways could lead me to bigger opportunities in the future.
For the second day running I made my way to Follo FK's training facility, but this time it was as First Team Manager
. After arriving at the complex, I was shown my new office and after setting down my bags of belongings, I made myself comfortable at my new desk.

With the welcome formalities out the way, it was time for me to get to know the squad I had at my disposal. Chairman Ole Bjorn Fausa had emailed me a detailed report of the current squad, who are currently sitting 3rd in Group 4 of the Norwegian Second Division with half the season gone and with their next game in 18 days, it would give me ample time to decide on my starting 11 and which players would help me achieve the aim of promotion set by the Chairman.

Goalkeepers - Frode Larsen is the only keeper that is in the 1st team at present. And despite having a younger keeper in the Under 19s, he is nowhere near good enough to offer competition to Frode. With no money available I may have to hope that Frode stays injury clear.

Defence - I'm very excited by my defensive options, as I have very good cover in all areas of the back 4.

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Halvor Stormoen Raddum(above) is the pick of the defenders and someone who is already attracting attention from some of the bigger teams in Norway. I hope he will stay at the club and become a key part of my defence.

Midfield - The midfield, like the defence, is another area that has strength in depth and an array of talented young players.

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Both Stefanos Leivadiotis(above) and Patrik Karoliussen(above) will be key to how my midfield play. Patrik will be my playmaker in the middle of the park and I hope he will set the tempo for how the team will approach every game. As for Stefanos, he is only 16, but will be introduced slowly into the team, in the hope he will be ready for more game time next season.

Forwards - Unlike the other two areas, I have limited options in the final third. Although there are a few promising attackers, I only have 3 players currently at the required level to start, so again like with my keeper, I'm hoping they will stay injury free

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Oystein Vestvatn(above) will play out on the right side of my attack in an Inside Forward role, while Eirik Markegard will spear head my front line in the Complete Forward position.

After I had looked through the playing staff, the next big decision I needed to make was how my backroom team would be structured, so I spent the next hour reading through their thoughts and visions of the squad. Everyone seemed to be very passionate about my appointment, except Assistant Manager Anders Saervold, who decided to hand in his resignation.
With the vacancy of Assistant Manager now available and not wanting to disrupt too much, I approached Under 19s Manager Aksel Bergo and asked him to make the step up and help assist with 1st team duties.
I was delighted Aksel accepted my offer and with Hugo Carlos Pereira and Christian Gjertveit in their coaching roles, I was happy that I had a good group around me, who had a wealth of knowledge not only of the club, but the league itself.
Joining the club as Physio I brought in Jon Birgir Gudmundsson, while Bjorn-Inge Nilsen joined as Scout.
Finally, the Chairman was keen to add a Director of Football to complete a fresh new look Management team, so he handled the negotiations to bring in Ex-Norway striker Ole Martin Arst.

July/August 2012


I spent the next week getting myself settled into the small studio apartment I had recently bought, which is where I was spending most of my time recently, planning and working on the new philosophy and ethos I'm looking to implement on the team.
efore I could start putting my new ideas across in training, I had to be presented at a press conference to the local media, which was being held at the Ski Stadion, where our home games are played.

Reporter: " You face a difficult task following in the footsteps of legend Hans-Erik Eriksen.
How do you think you will measure up to your predecessor?

Me: "Well..clearly Hans-Erik is an icon at this football club, but the Chairman has trusted me with
the position of Manager, so If I can achieve half of what Hans-Erik has, then I will count myself as a success. "

The fans have been very vocal about the appointment of an unknown Englishman. What do you have
to say in response to some of the negativity surrounding your appointment? "

Me: " I understand their frustration, but if I can get them onside by winning football matches
and playing attractive football, then I'm confident they will buy into what I'm trying to achieve. "

Reporter: " You have only been given a 5 month contract. Is it a concern you haven't been given more security? "

Me: " Not at all, the chairman has his sights set on winning the league. If I achieve that, then we will
sit down and discuss a new deal I'm sure, but for now I just need to focus on the next 5 months. "

Reporter: " Finally, is it an issue you don't speak the language? "

Me: " I will be learning Norwegian, but in the mean time I have a quality backroom team, who, if needed
will be on hand to help. "

With the press conference out the way, it was now time to get out on the training pitches and start to coach the team the style of football I'm looking to play this season and prepare the squad for our next league game in a few days time.


Second Div - Group 4
Saturday 4th August 2012
Ski Stadion. Att: 316

Follo FK (8 -1) Finnsnes
Pape Mendy(2), Karoliussen(3), Vestvatn, Markegard(2)

I don't think I could've wished for a better start. We were excellent from the first to the last minute and without wanting
to rub it in, we should've had double figures.


Second Div - Group 4
Saturday 11th August 2012
Berger Idrettspark. Att: 160

Nesodden (0 - 3) Follo FK
Markegard, Karoliussen, Vestvatn

Another great win and the team are starting to enjoy playing the 433 formation I've introduced. They are playing with
lots of confidence and freedom and if we keep this up, we will have a very good season indeed.


Second Div - Group 4
Saturday 18th August 2012
Ski Stadion. Att: 349

Follo FK (5 - 0) Stabaek 2
Pape Mendy, Markegard(3), Solvang o.g

There is no stopping us at the minute. We are playing some very impressive stuff and dominating every area of the
pitch. The only disappointing note is leading scorer Eirik Markegard came off with an injury.


Second Div - Group 4
Saturday 25th August 2012
Halden Stadion. Att: 604

Kvik Halden (2 - 1) Follo FK
Stormoen Raddum

I guess it was coming and despite us having the majority of play and shots on target, the hosts were more clinical in front
of goal, which lead to my first defeat.


Looking back on my first month in charge and I'm delighted with how the team have responded to my new ideas and also how confidently the team look during games. It's now my job to make sure our performance levels don't drop and use the squad wisely to prevent any injuries.

no need to thank me just a pity your old save died was really geting into it keep up the good work
Very creative writing mate! Keep it up, 8-1 victory to kick things off is a p*** take! haha
This is great! How are you finding the Norwegian football compared to EPL?
Very creative writing mate! Keep it up, 8-1 victory to kick things off is a p*** take! haha

Thanks mate, like to try and make my story as interesting as possible. Couldn't believe it myself, any attack we had, pretty much resulted in a goal.
This is great! How are you finding the Norwegian football compared to EPL?

Cheers mate, glad you are enjoying it. I'm liking it, lots of promising young players, only annoying bit is, when you offer your players new contracts, there value doesn't increase, so the big clubs can still snap them up cheap. Luckily I have managed to keep my talented players, just hope it stays that way. Thx. :D
September 2012


Second Div - Group 4
Saturday 1st September 2012
Ski Stadion. Att: 377

Follo FK (3 - 0) Mjolner
Vestvatn, Karoliussen(2)

Nice to bounce back to winning ways and keep up our title hopes. We were dealt a big blow, when
start striker Eirik Markegard was injured and ruled out for 5 weeks.


Second Div - Group 4
Monday 10th September 2012
Alfheim. Att: 23

Tromso 2 (1 - 3) Follo FK
Engedal o.g, Pape Mendy, Mork

A fine win in front of a very very small crowd. Christian Mork, starting in place of the injured
Eirik Markegard sealed a good performance by scoring the pick of our goals.


I was pleased to announce on the clubs website, that despite bids being accepted on the last day of the transfer window, I was delighted that both Halvor Stormoen Raddum and Stefanos Leivadiotis have signed new contract extensions.
With the futures of 2 key players tied to the club for an extra season, I was now determined to put all the media rumours behind us and now get back to focusing on our promotion push.

Second Div - Group 4
Saturday 15th September 2012
Ski Stadion. Att: 336

Follo FK (0 - 1) Lorenskog

Despite all our domination in this game, we couldn't find a way through a stubborn opposition
defence. Just when I thought at worse we would get a point, we conceded deep into injury time and sent our fans home
very disappointed.


Second Div - Group 4
Saturday 22nd September 2012
Sagbakken Stadion. Att: 831

Mo (1 - 0) Follo FK
Karoliussen sent off

Again we outclassed our hosts, but as in the last game we didn't have that quality in front of goal, and
the absence of Eirik Markegard is starting to worry me.
We were hit on the counter midwaythroughthe first half and despite having just over an hour to get back into the game,
we kept being wasteful in frontof goal.


Second Div - Group 4
Saturday 29th September 2012
Ski Stadion. Att: 322

Follo FK (1 - 0) Frigg

At last we managed to find the back of the net, but although it was enough to win the game, I'm getting
more concerned that we aren't more ruthless in front of goal and we need to start converting
our chances or we will lose distance from the top.


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A disappointing month as we lost top spot to Asker. Luckily we have Eirik Markegard making good progress on his come back from injury and his return will be a welcome boost to hopefully finish of games more comfortably.
We have 4 games to achieve our Chairman's aim of winning the league and looking at our final 4 games and how the current league standings are, the title could go to the last game of the season, when we are away to Asker.

Very interesting story, and a good approach to the game starting in Norway. Keep up the good work.
October 2012


Second Div - Group 4
Saturday 6th October 2012
Ostsiden Stadion. Att: 218

Ostsiden (0 - 2) Follo FK
Stormoen Raddum, Vestvatn

With th is win and Asper drawing their game, it put us top of the league.
We were very good today and the return of Eirik Markegard could have been a factor.


Second Div - Group 4
Saturday 13th October 2012
Ski Stadion. Att: 528

Follo FK (2 - 0) Moss
Andreasson, Pape Mendy

Job done and still top of the league. We looked very nervy in our play
today and maybe the pressure is starting to get to the team.
And with Asker winning, we
went into the final 2 games, knowing there would be even more pressure on us to keep top spot.


Second Div - Group 4
Saturday 20th October 2012
Finnsnes Stadion. Att: 239

Finnsnes (2 - 0) Follo FK

Oh dear, Oh dear Oh dear.
We went into this game knowing if Asker failed to win we would be crowned champions. We knew our hosts would be up
for revengefollowing our demolition of them in my first game in charge and they got their game plan spot on.
We were second best throughout and thought we could just turn up and expect to win.
Having lost, we now had to hope that Asker had slipped up as well, and I was very relieved to hear they had also lost, so
the title would be decided on the last day of the season.


Second Div - Group 4
Saturday 27th October 2012
Foyka Stadion. Att: 1,441

Asker (1 - 1) Follo FK

We got off to the worst possible start, when we conceded after just 5 minutes, when Asker striker Cisse Abshir
latched onto a through ball and slotted home past Frode Larsen.
We huffed and puffed, but couldn't find a goal to get us back in the game.
As we entered the 83rd minute, we were awarded a free kick just inside the oppositions half.
Patrik Karoliussen swung the ball towards the far post and Torstein Mjonner, who was starting due to
Halvor Stormoen Raddum being injured, glanced the ball with his head
and past the outstrecthed keeper and into the back of the net to send our fans delirious.
The last 7 minutes seemed to last an age, but we battled for every ball and kept possession in good areas to run the clock down
and as the referee put the whistle to his mouth, I jumped for joy and celebrated with my backroom team as we had won the league title.


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Delighted to have won the league title and meet our Chairman's expectations.
Though as we entered the last couple of games, it was looking like we had blown our chances and were facing a second season in Group 4, which could've possibly meant my short spell coming to an end.
With the season finished, Chairman Ole Bjorn Fausa offered me a new 1 year deal, worth £1,200 per week, which I was delighted to sign. Along with a new deal, the board also announced plans to improve our stadium by installing under soil heating to apply with league regulations and to make sure our games don't fall foul of the adverse weather conditions they experience in Norway.

After the end of season trophy parade, the players went off on their end of season break and I headed back to England to see my family and to celebrate my success, before returning back for pre-season training in the new year.

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Very interesting story, and a good approach to the game starting in Norway. Keep up the good work.

Cheers mate, appreciate the comments. Yeah, thought I'd start at the bottom in Norway and see where my journey takes me. :)
You have clearly put alot of effort into this , its brilliant! Keep it up :)
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