Arsenal vs Chelsea - Monday 27th December - 20:00

If Chelsea are going to win the league, they have to play alot better than that, and quickly. Lampard seemed rushed back and like JT said, the back-up for the Chelsea squad is pretty much non-existant.

Is Sturridge injured?? Cause I was hoping he was come on.
I still think Chelsea will win it this year. United and Arsenal are definitley going drop about 10 points before the season is over.

and were are arsenal and man utd going to dropping these points?
and were are arsenal and man utd going to dropping these points?

any games this season maybe ?? who knows utd or Arsenal could lose their next game for all we know any team can drop points in any game
Just finished watching the game on ESPN. Chelsea looked half asleep throughout the game. They're hurting at the back for sure. Alex's injury setback really is terrible for their defensive line. That's the real problem. Ivanovic is more suitable for a Right Back role and Ashley Cole had a pretty poor game. Lampard is back but needs a few games to find form, really.

People are saying it's all downhill since RW was sacked but the problem is Chelsea is thin at the back and lack support for Drogba up front. Either Chelsea needs Alex back ASAP or they'll have to go after David Luiz or Cahill in the transfer window if they keep refusing to give opportunities to Bruma.

Walcott needs to play a more key role on the right wing for Arsenal. That's for certain. He's maturing as a player this season and really coming into his own. Had top games so far this season when he's started.
Do you think that Carlo will go to Roman for a transfer budget, hes only talked about possibly getting a defender, but perhaps a quality midfielder is needed too?

to be honest Mike, with that performance finished, we need quality everything