BaM - The Original and The Best

I guess im waiting for the Bayern Job to become free. Poor season on my part but I still finished in the European places and have a Spanish cup to my name. :p
LOL! You're switching clubs as often as other people switch their underwear. :p

IF you have only worn 5 pairs of Underwear in 5 years id be getting very worried Andreas :p
Hahaha fair enough! though it has been nice seeing you guys put a stomp on Man City's parade. Hopefully you guys don't slip up completely though.
So close to the title! It said I won 2 cups .. is that with Sheff Utd or did I win something with Spurs?
Woohoo! I got my 1st sacking sorry if i'm behind but did i accept the offer for Greizmann?
Can i have a screenie of Mertens?(I'm assuming He's a regen since i can't find him on my saves)
why wont bobo leave peterborough hes relegated them twice and always ends up 13th in the league
Midseason Update 2017-18:

Jak Katterfield
is sacked by Birmingham.
Ryan Donnelly is sacked by the Ireland FA for failing to achieve World Cup qualification.
Mike Wazowski takes the Swindon Town job.
Chris Keane takes the Ireland job after Donnelly's sacking.
Davros Lombardo is sacked by Coventry City.
Unsuprisingly, James King is sacked by the trigger-happy Middlesborough board. This makes it 6 managers in the 3 years since Phipps was sacked for the Riverside club.
Andreas Dahnert has another shower as he leaves Gladbach for Norwich City.
Joe Williams wins the Serie A Manager of the Year Award.
Midseason Update 2017-18:
Andreas Dahnert has another shower as he leaves Gladbach for Norwich City.

Shower time ! :D

But, where are Norwich? Please say they're in the prem...
Glad i'm at Schalke!
Good work Danny your pumping out the updates!
man i really need to get the balls out of that job at bristol lol, its going nowhere!

Dale Faulkner
retires from football management. The 34 year-old Canadian has left the game after being unemployed for 3 years after a 4 year spell managing 1860 Munich.