BaP Team Mode - Der Deutschen Panzer


In this new and exiting series I'll be telling you all about the past, present and future of our players. I will be describing them. Some of it may be true, some may not. However it is still unknown when the first one of these will come out, you should stay tuned.


The player we know today as Angry Burrito grew up in the poor part of Leipzig. Burrito isn't even his real name. However Joachim Mexikanisch. He got the name "Angry Burrito" from his friends. He got it because he liked to eat burritos. But when he ate them, he liked to camplain loudly about, how stupid his teachers were and how he were going to become this famous footballer. His friend all laughed at him, specially the last part and named him Angry Burrito, which he quite liked and started to introduce him with (probably explains, why he never got a job). I guess Angry is the one laughing now...

He is a fast german, who could concentrate on anuthing for long lenghts of time. He used to concentrate in school very hard, but he still got kicked out, becase he didn't have anything in his head, only winds whistling. What he did have was amazing workrate and technique. He used to practice for days at a time, sometimes even forgetting to sleep, eat and visit the toilet. But all his hard work paid off when Golgräber (the manager) was taking a vacation in Leipzig and saw a bit chubby kid in an alley football match. The kid had amazing tackling. He tackled people right there on the asphalt. He was bleeding from everywhere.

Burrito is thought to be the next Andreas Brehme. It is thought that he will go on to do wonderful things and "hopefully move to a better club and earn more money so I could get more money for my make-up" as his girlfriend Natascha said.

:D Pretty much my life story right there! Awesome job!!
8 Starts, 2 goals 6 Assists! Del Kempez is starting to perform a bit better now.
woo captaining the u19s Germany squad...sweet!!!
After spending almost the whole season in Champions League spots we slipped up in the end and we'll miss it by just two points...
Well, it's painful (it was almost there... so close dang it) but getting into Europa League in our first season ever in Germany's top flight is terrific.
Also kudos to you for making it into DFB Pokal's semifinal.

.P.S.: My kid seems to be a key player for Germany's U19 side, he usually gives plenty of assists and even managed to score in his last game with them. It's nice to see him progress as an international but it would be nice if he could get the attention of the U21's manager though.

Similarly to Burrito he has a nickname too. And like we all know, you can't choose your own nickname, so I'm going to tell you how his name got to be "Daddy T". Like all teens or should I say kids have "girlfriends" at a very young age, so did Daddy T. At the age of 9, he had his first kiss with Trudy, who at the time was his love of the life. At the age of 11, he saw his first ****** (It was Theresa'). At age 12, he had his first intercourse with Tatjana, who at the time was his love of the life. Atleast that's what he said to all of his special friends. At age 13, he became a father. It was Tatjana' and his child. That's where the "Daddy" part came. At this point it is vital I tell you his name, so I could tell where the T comes from. His real name is Tosin Thorban Theofil Tollpatschig Oyedemy. So now you probably know where the T comes from.

His last name (first last name, his fathers last name*) basically means clumsy and that right there explains another mystery. The mystery is why is Daddy T always injured? and the answer: because he is the clumsiest person you will ever know. One game when he was running he tripped on the grass and was out for a week.

But the man does not cry. He just devotes on becoming well and a better player. The man is a role model for youngsters coming through the youth system.

*His parents really like Spaniards ans Spain so they decided to give their son a spanish-like name with two surnames.

Nice to see that Pedersen plays regularly for the U21's side, cause let's be honest. Neither Naterr nor Pedersen will have a chance on the A side, as long as Neuer is still active...
Is it only because we lost out on CL football that Pedersen is unhappy, or is there another reason?
Nice to see that Pedersen plays regularly for the U21's side, cause let's be honest. Neither Naterr nor Pedersen will have a chance on the A side, as long as Neuer is still active...
Is it only because we lost out on CL football that Pedersen is unhappy, or is there another reason?

Wants to move to a bigger club. like that's happening...
Thunderfoot fans player of the year again!

He would like thank God, his family and Paul Blart Mart Cop for all the support over the year.

Terry loving the role you have given him, top assists and most MOTM awards from defense. I'm so proud :$
Wouldn't be surprised if Pedersen started complaining about his salary, still on the 210 he started on...