Telstar was born on 16th June 1990 to a Maria Blanco and Hector Garcia. His full name is Jose Telstar Garcia Blanco. He was named after a football. The football was used in 1974 World Cup in Germany.
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His mother, Maria, was mentally ill. She had all the mental illnesses you can imagine. She had MPD, Alzheimers, Dyslexia, Kleptomania and many others.
His father was an alcoholic, cocaine and meth user. He met Maria during Middle School. They both did suicide when Jose was 5. Maria Jumped off an bridge and Hector followed her.
Telstar had luckily only inherited only 2 'problems' from his parents, one from each. He had MPD and was an alcoholic. Or at least on personality of his was an alcoholic.
At school he was a straight "A" student, a genius. However, sometimes the darker side of him jumped out. And when that happened, he'd talk people into giving him money, and at extreme moments he'd lock them in a cage and treat them as pets. He was actually a good pet owner. He'd feed the excessively and take them out for walks.
At the age of 17, he started taking pills and visiting doctors to get his darker side under control. When he was under a lot of stress, the darker side would break through, but these were rare times.
At 19 he started taking interest in football. More specifically, managing a team. With his brilliance and daring tactics he presented, he got all the licenses with ease.
He applied to all the available managing jobs possible, but even McDonald's didn't want him with his history.
On January 7, 2014, a club was looking for it's first manager. It was a club created by an older man as a gift for his grandchild. The grandchild was only 14 years old and he thought that mental illnesses are fun, so he appointed him, Telstar, as manager.
To his surprise, Telstar was a GENIUS TACTICIAN, who guided the team to adelante and now on the way to Liga BBVA.
Telstar is currently unmarried due to a lack of one important element.
(If you can guess, then I like you)
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NB! All of this is fictional